@Tuanha: Installed it and tried ret right away.
I used the setup what I found on your blog, only change was to decrease the number of targets needed for HotR. Using LazyRaider as a botbase.
In pvp it looks very promising. The rotation is fast, can't see wait time between abilities.
The PvE part is not that great though. Did almost all raids in LFR tonight and it seems that there's some pause between the abilities. I think that the large number of players cause this because after the raids I tried it on the target dummies and there were no pause between the spells. As ret with the healing /support spells turned off I think it shouldn't wait that much. On the first few bosses I had healing on. After turning them off it was a bit better but still had pauses between the abilities.
I, as a player, usually spam the button that is next in my rotation but still on CD/GCD so it'll be cast as soon as it's off CD/GCD. Dunno if it could help.
The rotation is not perfect though.
1, When the target is out of range and the player has the long arm of the law talent judgement should be on higher priority than any other ranged spells to help close the gap faster.
2, In PvE Holy Prism shouldn't be on higher priority than any of the HP generating spells. When both CS and prism are off cooldown it casts prism. In PvP I think it's not that huge problem because it heals and heals are useful. Decreases DPS though.
3, The CC shouldn't use HP generating moves during Holy Avenger if the player already has 3 or more because you can lose 1-2 holy power(s). Neither should use spells like holy prism for attacking because it's not generating 3 holy powers. Just spam HP generating moves(they do +30% dmg and generate 3 HP)+HP consuming moves.
4, I think that in AOE situations it would be better if the CC could cast holy prism or execution sentence on the player, because then these spells do healing on the player and aoe damage on the monsters.
Also I saw exceptions in the log.
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