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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

I am trying to use this combat routine, but when i get to the point that i have to choose between yours and singular i get a problem. I choose yours and honorbuddy gets an error. it instantly shuts down, does anyone know what im doing wrong. I have tried creating a new folder named "Combat routines" and i have also put the file into the current "Routines" folder. None work :(
the best ones!

Glyph of Divinity
Glyph of Beacon of Light
Glyph of Protector of the Innocent (swap this one with Light of Dawn depending on if I use WoL or LoD on the fights)

Pursuit of Justice
Eternal Flame
Unbreakable Spirit
Holy Avenger / Divine Purpose (havnt decided wich one yet.. but atm im using holy avenger for more burst mobility, divine purpose probably gives higher overall healing, not sure)
Light's Hammer

Devotion Aura Below: 0% (using it manually)
Divine Plea Mana Below: 80%
Divine Protection Below: 0% (using it manually)
Hand of Protection: 0%
Hand of Sacrifice: 0%
Lay on Hands Below: 15%
Selfless Healer: glajsdljsajd
Light's Hammer (Enemy Below: 0%) Friend Below: 85%
Cleanse Harmfull Debuffs Immediately!!!!
Auto Beacon of Light
Holy Radiance: 6 ppl below 50%
Light of Dawn: disabled, if enabled, 6 ppl below 60%-70%
Avenging Wrath: 70%
Divine Favor: 45%
Divine Light: 45%
Eternal Flame: 1 HP
Flash of Light: 20%
Guardian of Ancient blaha: 25%
Holy Avenger: 55%
Holy Light: 95%
Word of Glory: 85%

Nice, thanks for sharing.
I'll give them a shot in my raid tonight and see how it goes.
I am trying to use this combat routine, but when i get to the point that i have to choose between yours and singular i get a problem. I choose yours and honorbuddy gets an error. it instantly shuts down, does anyone know what im doing wrong. I have tried creating a new folder named "Combat routines" and i have also put the file into the current "Routines" folder. None work :(
It look likely you name your setup folder wrong.

Please follow the guide carefully.

Public Release is ready.
Just DELETE OLD combat routine, download NEW attachment to folder Honobuddy\Combat Routines\TuanHAPaladin. SVN info also included, you can Right Click => SVN Update. It's the public reposity, no username and password required.
Make sure Folder Structure is Honobuddy\Combat Routines\TuanHAPaladin (wrong folder structure: Honobuddy\Combat Routines\ or Honobuddy\Combat Routines\TuanHAPaladin\TuanHAPaladin will CRASH the combat routine)

Carefull look for the name, upper and lower case, space... if one of it not correct, you will get error message.
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ok awesome :) good to know, is there any way to make him not pop all cds at once? for example in raids, lets say on sha in terrace, when tank gets slammed on 1hit to 40% hp, and i have avengers wrath on 60%, divine favor at 40%, he pops both, it would be more optimized if he only used one per time, to equal out the cds more, if else 80% of the cds is just pure waste, sometimes he just pops all cds in first pull when tank gets hit to 30-40% and then i have all my abilitys on cooldown, including guardian etc.. would rather want him to just use one per time ):
It really hard... because there's no way to tell if some people want to use ALL CD at once and someone else want to use just ONE of them...

Unless we need another check box and our GUI is already complicated :D
Tuanha! Where can I get the Private release to this? All the links in my email have dead end links to your dropbox.
Please forward your donation email to me. I don't know your email to send new special edition.
I think these need to be added to the cleanse list as it is not doing it.

Closed Circuit spell id (117949)

I added these to cleanse list but it still not cleansing any ideas ?

I just closed down honorbuddy to see if it need to be restarted to recognize the new spells but it is not saving them in the cleanse list

JUst went into the THListCleanseASAP and wrote them down, they show up now but it is still not cleansing
I've check and these spell not worth to put into cleanse asap list.

Cleanse Asap list use to clean someone who got lost control in fear, hammer... these debuff are not crititcal and CR auto cleanse it when they reach Cleanse Unit Exceeds Debuff [number]
It really hard... because there's no way to tell if some people want to use ALL CD at once and someone else want to use just ONE of them...

Unless we need another check box and our GUI is already complicated :D

well i dont think anyone wanna use all cds, and if they do, there is burst mode available? u can set it to "friendly health below 50%", because atm tank gets hit to 40% hp, bot slams up guardian, divine favor, avenging wrath, holy avenger, and then he just does 1 heal and tank is full hp, then the rest of the heals is just wasted..
Could do like an advanced timer for Cooldowns for example

Tank is in trouble:
1.) Using Avengers wrath
- 3 seconds have passed, we are still having trouble keeping him alive Lets use Divine favor
Else Reset CD usage
- Used Avengers wrath and Divine favor (as per timer check above) still can not keep Tank up Lets use Guardian.
Tank is now fine, Resetting CD usage
Else Use remaining Cooldowns.

Sorry if hard to understand just a quick idea.

well i dont think anyone wanna use all cds, and if they do, there is burst mode available? u can set it to "friendly health below 50%", because atm tank gets hit to 40% hp, bot slams up guardian, divine favor, avenging wrath, holy avenger, and then he just does 1 heal and tank is full hp, then the rest of the heals is just wasted..
Could do like an advanced timer for Cooldowns for example

Tank is in trouble:
1.) Using Avengers wrath
- 3 seconds have passed, we are still having trouble keeping him alive Lets use Divine favor
Else Reset CD usage
- Used Avengers wrath and Divine favor (as per timer check above) still can not keep Tank up Lets use Guardian.
Tank is now fine, Resetting CD usage
Else Use remaining Cooldowns.

Sorry if hard to understand just a quick idea.

well yeah, just put a timer inbetween the cooldowns, so u use them sequently, just not using all together at once if he drops below 40%, like if i have avenger at 80%, and tank gets 1slammed to 40%, ONLY use the FIRST cooldown (the one set to highest %), and if he goes below % for next cd after 5-6 seconds then u use next one etc etc
well yeah, just put a timer inbetween the cooldowns, so u use them sequently, just not using all together at once if he drops below 40%, like if i have avenger at 80%, and tank gets 1slammed to 40%, ONLY use the FIRST cooldown (the one set to highest %), and if he goes below % for next cd after 5-6 seconds then u use next one etc etc
Ok, im working on a 3 second internal cooldown :D
Ok guys, another update for Holy that affect both PvP and PvE, this time about alaerwen & xsilverdicex suggestion on cooldown usage.

Combat Routine will now have a internal cooldown of 3 seconds on cooldown usage.

What are internal cooldown? It mean when your friend drop below 50% (the default threadhold of Divine Favor), combat routine will use Divine Favor but NOT Holy Avenger - Guardian of Ancient Kings - Avenging Wrath. After 3 second if friend health percent still lower than 50% (the default threadhold of Holy Avenger) combat routine will use Holy Avenger and so on...

The internal cooldown do not appy for burst mode however. If you keybind burst mode to Ctrl + B for example, when you hit these button all cooldown will be used at the same time regardless of internal cooldown.

It's complicated logic and I hope you guy like it and get event more healing done.

Credit: alaerwen - xsilverdicex

Edit: Smarter cooldown usage. The spell sequence is now

Holy Avenger (2 min CD) - Avenging Wrath (3 min CD) - Divine Favor (3 min CD) - Guardian of Ancient Kings (5 min CD)
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Ok guys, another update for Holy that affect both PvP and PvE, this time about alaerwen & xsilverdicex suggestion on cooldown usage.

Combat Routine will now have a internal cooldown of 3 seconds on cooldown usage.

What are internal cooldown? It mean when your friend drop below 50% (the default threadhold of Divine Favor), combat routine will use Divine Favor but NOT Holy Avenger - Guardian of Ancient Kings - Avenging Wrath. After 3 second if friend health percent still lower than 50% (the default threadhold of Holy Avenger) combat routine will use Holy Avenger and so on...

The internal cooldown do not appy for burst mode however. If you keybind burst mode to Ctrl + B for example, when you hit these button all cooldown will be used at the same time regardless of internal cooldown.

It's complicated logic and I hope you guy like it and get event more healing done.

Credit: alaerwen - xsilverdicex

Edit: Smarter cooldown usage. The spell sequence is now

Holy Avenger (2 min CD) - Avenging Wrath (3 min CD) - Divine Favor (3 min CD) - Guardian of Ancient Kings (5 min CD)

<33333333333 you rock! gonna try it out tonight in hcmodes and give feedback,
Just got done raiding with alaerwen's settings that he posted.
The healing output was nothing short of amazing.
Topped the meters by a hefty margin, and absolutely no mana issues or anything else.
Super solid, and I don't regret abandoning my Mistweaver now.
That Eternal Flame blanket healing is crazy with Beacon.
Throw in Light's Hammer and the screen just floods with heals.
Pretty awesome.
Ok guys, another update for Holy that affect both PvP and PvE, this time about alaerwen & xsilverdicex suggestion on cooldown usage.

Combat Routine will now have a internal cooldown of 3 seconds on cooldown usage.

What are internal cooldown? It mean when your friend drop below 50% (the default threadhold of Divine Favor), combat routine will use Divine Favor but NOT Holy Avenger - Guardian of Ancient Kings - Avenging Wrath. After 3 second if friend health percent still lower than 50% (the default threadhold of Holy Avenger) combat routine will use Holy Avenger and so on...

The internal cooldown do not appy for burst mode however. If you keybind burst mode to Ctrl + B for example, when you hit these button all cooldown will be used at the same time regardless of internal cooldown.

It's complicated logic and I hope you guy like it and get event more healing done.

Credit: alaerwen - xsilverdicex

Edit: Smarter cooldown usage. The spell sequence is now

Holy Avenger (2 min CD) - Avenging Wrath (3 min CD) - Divine Favor (3 min CD) - Guardian of Ancient Kings (5 min CD)

Looks very cool. BUT! Could you add timer not as constant but an option. So i can change manualy would it be 3 seconds or 5 sec.
use burst manually then, it doesnt make sense anyway 3or5secs, 2gcd or 3 gcd :P in ez pve environment it doesnt matter, and u can always edit .cs file by urself, imho :D
use burst manually then, it doesnt make sense anyway 3or5secs, 2gcd or 3 gcd :P in ez pve environment it doesnt matter, and u can always edit .cs file by urself, imho :D

i do not paly PVE, 2 sec in PVP it is alot of time!
And using burst will activate all your CD, that also do not needed.Do not use this option either.
Looks very cool. BUT! Could you add timer not as constant but an option. So i can change manualy would it be 3 seconds or 5 sec.
1. Update to lastest svn

2. Delete all xml that contain your character name.

3. Start HB and click Class Config

4. Open xml file that contain your character name.

5. Find <BurstDelay>3000</BurstDelay> change to any value. For example you like a 5 second delay = 5000 milliseconds = <BurstDelay>5000</BurstDelay>
Tuan, delete Your Incoming Messages...
i can't send you my Donation information...
I've check and these spell not worth to put into cleanse asap list.

Cleanse Asap list use to clean someone who got lost control in fear, hammer... these debuff are not crititcal and CR auto cleanse it when they reach Cleanse Unit Exceeds Debuff [number]

Sorry Tuanha but I really disagree, Normal and heroic mode of elegon is a healing intencive fight and with a 25% healing debuff it will make it harder it really needs to be cleansed asap
Sorry Tuanha but I really disagree, Normal and heroic mode of elegon is a healing intencive fight and with a 25% healing debuff it will make it harder it really needs to be cleansed asap
