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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

OH i lied when i said something was wrong, holy shock is being over my eternal flame at recount healing now cuz im using 4set bonus, silly me, nevermind about what i wrote!

testing newest update atm in LFR, this divine plea is overkill lol, 97% mana at end of fight with 55k hps at stone guards,

but it seems he used it too early, i mean hymn of hope was procced but he was still at high mana.. could u add a limit so he doesnt use divine plea if hymn of hope is active and he is above 70%? because with hymn of hope + divine plea he will get around 18% mana or so, and since hes not healing meanwhile (only shocks) he will regain mana also during that time,

so: only use divine plea if mana is BELOW 70% and hymn of hope is active! and is in raid ofc


is it also possible to get a LoS function? so he doesnt try to heal ppl who are not in LoS, would help alot :D
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Alaerwen what kind of settings/talents are you using right now?

the best ones!

Glyph of Divinity
Glyph of Beacon of Light
Glyph of Protector of the Innocent (swap this one with Light of Dawn depending on if I use WoL or LoD on the fights)

Pursuit of Justice
Eternal Flame
Unbreakable Spirit
Holy Avenger / Divine Purpose (havnt decided wich one yet.. but atm im using holy avenger for more burst mobility, divine purpose probably gives higher overall healing, not sure)
Light's Hammer

Devotion Aura Below: 0% (using it manually)
Divine Plea Mana Below: 80%
Divine Protection Below: 0% (using it manually)
Hand of Protection: 0%
Hand of Sacrifice: 0%
Lay on Hands Below: 15%
Selfless Healer: glajsdljsajd
Light's Hammer (Enemy Below: 0%) Friend Below: 85%
Cleanse Harmfull Debuffs Immediately!!!!
Auto Beacon of Light
Holy Radiance: 6 ppl below 50%
Light of Dawn: disabled, if enabled, 6 ppl below 60%-70%
Avenging Wrath: 70%
Divine Favor: 45%
Divine Light: 45%
Eternal Flame: 1 HP
Flash of Light: 20%
Guardian of Ancient blaha: 25%
Holy Avenger: 55%
Holy Light: 95%
Word of Glory: 85%
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Thanks mate? What kind of HPS you getting in LFR's? Just so i can compare really.
Thanks mate? What kind of HPS you getting in LFR's? Just so i can compare really.

u cant rly compare that way, if u end up with disco priests u will have much lower hps, you cannot have higher hps then the damage taken from the raid, so lets say u have 7 noob healers + u, u will have alot higher hps then having 4 good healers and you, but well as i said i was at 55k hps on stone guard (first boss) and 97% mana something at fight end,
I think these need to be added to the cleanse list as it is not doing it.

Closed Circuit spell id (117949)

I added these to cleanse list but it still not cleansing any ideas ?

I just closed down honorbuddy to see if it need to be restarted to recognize the new spells but it is not saving them in the cleanse list

JUst went into the THListCleanseASAP and wrote them down, they show up now but it is still not cleansing
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@ alaerwen : how do you reforge ? full haste or full mastery ?

full mastery, and mostly ignore socket bonuses unless spirit/mastery bonuses, might toss up a screen on my gear or something later, going raid now so will be unavailable for a while,
tuanha is there any limit on sacrifice btw? for example i dont want him to hand of sacrifice anyone if im below 40% hp,

thanks :)
there is a hidden limit, you will not sac someone if you below 70%
Tuanha can you go back a page and take a look at my post as i updated it not sure if you have seen it
I think i have solution for this WITH NO GUI.

I have many hidden variable on the setting file. Just add those there, it don't bother normal user and give power user to config whatever they want.

Please give me full detail on what spell, what percentage, what override... I think I can add to setting file and you are free to tweak it :D

If you can add a config file or class file with all the variables for all the healing spells, then that would be great.
Hey, cc is working great but apparantly for dungeonbuddy it keeps having this error where the bot will not move or do anything? I pressed full afk button and tried running but it did nothing.

Log is here :)

Hmm to be honest i think that's a Dungeonbuddy issue, if you look at the log, Dungeonbuddy throws Compile errors right at the top, but TuanHA is also throwing some errors further down.
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Isnt Dungeonbuddy in beta? Why so many people are complaning about a CC not working there?

Tuanha! Where can I get the Private release to this? All the links in my email have dead end links to your dropbox.
there is a hidden limit, you will not sac someone if you below 70%

ok awesome :) good to know, is there any way to make him not pop all cds at once? for example in raids, lets say on sha in terrace, when tank gets slammed on 1hit to 40% hp, and i have avengers wrath on 60%, divine favor at 40%, he pops both, it would be more optimized if he only used one per time, to equal out the cds more, if else 80% of the cds is just pure waste, sometimes he just pops all cds in first pull when tank gets hit to 30-40% and then i have all my abilitys on cooldown, including guardian etc.. would rather want him to just use one per time ):