Hey Tuan, I have what I think would make an excellent addition to all your routines and should not be difficult to program at all.
The auto target feature is great to use for AFK botbases, but is basically useless for raiding. If we could have a second auto target feature, one that will not override a target we manually select, then we could use it in raiding as well. There are times when we are fighting a bunch of enemies and 1 dies, we have to manually target the next. This is time lost DPSing. There are also times that I've had auto target still enabled (by mistake) and I cannot attack the mob/boss I want because the auto target keeps switching to something I don't wanna attack.
I'd like to see 2 things out of the auto target feature:
1. When our current target dies, it instantly targets the next closest hostile/attackable/in combat enemy.
2. If we select a target, it will not switch targets on us while that target is still alive (unless it becomes immune or something).
This is how the auto target feature works in every other routine. Your routines are the only ones that handle auto target this way.
The auto target feature is great to use for AFK botbases, but is basically useless for raiding. If we could have a second auto target feature, one that will not override a target we manually select, then we could use it in raiding as well. There are times when we are fighting a bunch of enemies and 1 dies, we have to manually target the next. This is time lost DPSing. There are also times that I've had auto target still enabled (by mistake) and I cannot attack the mob/boss I want because the auto target keeps switching to something I don't wanna attack.
I'd like to see 2 things out of the auto target feature:
1. When our current target dies, it instantly targets the next closest hostile/attackable/in combat enemy.
2. If we select a target, it will not switch targets on us while that target is still alive (unless it becomes immune or something).
This is how the auto target feature works in every other routine. Your routines are the only ones that handle auto target this way.