Just so I am clear this means that insight is now the default seal for protection spec. If that is correct is there anyway to manually set Truth as default?
pretty sure seal of truth is.
Just so I am clear this means that insight is now the default seal for protection spec. If that is correct is there anyway to manually set Truth as default?
That is an optional feature, if you don't like it, just disable it in the check box.just to understand. usinig BOP to cear debuff is it option or it is must code. I just think it can be waste of CD, if CR will ALLWAYS BOP my partners while blind/warrior fear coz their CC CD is much shorter.
As for me, i use it for clear crowd control if my partners use some burst CD and cancel it buy myself with Hand of Salvation immideatly (Yes BoP can be canseled by you with HoS). But only if i'm sure that we can kill enemy with that burst. If i'm not sure i will save it for possible future switches in my team mates.
Just switch to the Seal of Truth once, when you fight 8 mobs, it switch to seal of right and after that back to seal of Truth.Just so I am clear this means that insight is now the default seal for protection spec. If that is correct is there anyway to manually set Truth as default?
Why I have frame drop in raid?Hey Iam experiencing some fps slowdowns on the special edition that I didnt do with public version, is it because I use raidbot? Is lazyraider to prefer? ^^
do you think you could add a unit count for that Light's Hammer? mainly for pve raidhealing i was thinking,
love the new update<3
edit: abit more explained, sometimes he throws that hammer at a single alone retard mage standing 200 yards away at 80% hp ):
It is the only thing i can find wrong with the CC / CR at the moment, it keeps casting it at my feet D:
Thanks for the quick answer, Iam mainly running 5mans now since I've yet to get the itemlevel to LFR. I'll set cleanse to manual use in the settings and try another heroic!
Strange thing it wasnt even on in the settings, let me run a heroic and give you the log afterwards. Allright log is big so scroll to the bottom and the recent start and Mogushan Palace-run:
Yep, it was Raidbot who was the culprit. I use Lazyraider now and damn it is so much smoother!
Hmm, it work fine for me, can you give me a log?Still does not interrupt for me. Testing it right now in duels but he wont rebuke (i'm holy) and i tryed 2000ms and 800ms ...
revision 163
FAQ: Why combat routine do nothing when I'm dueling?Thats the lock.
Was a duell against a mage.
He casted frostbolt but no rebuke!
FAQ: Why combat routine do nothing when I'm dueling?
Combat Routine is not designed to fight your party member, leave group before dueling.
Kick the mage out of your party before dueling xD
I think the problem is you use Raid/Dungeon/Any Setting in Holy or ProtI am in need of a bit of assistance. Last i tried my ret paladin with ilvl 468 is only getting 27-32k dps on a training dummy. I am using default settings and have my talents and glyphs set up just as they are on the first page, and i use mrrobot for gear enchant/gemming advice. does anyone have any suggestions? or would someone be willing to post a .jpg of their ret settings while they are achieving adequate dps? Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.