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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

okay i made it to lvl 90. lvlt the pala just because u made this cr :P
but i have a problem when i'm in randoms bgs as holy.

he is casting this Sacred Shield, dismount, cast. mount, when is off, dismount and he's repeating this nonstop.

and i have no idea how to turn it off in the settings :x

add: just changed the talent for now :)
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Ok stupid question but where is avenging wrath in the selection option for Ret spec ? anyone ? did we miss this power ?
You could use the Burst Setting in the General tab first column and set it to your liking until tuanha improves ret :)

I usually just leave it at "on cooldown" since im lazy, but im sure if you use it on manual mode on your keyboar your dps will be higher if you time it right with heroism etc.. is there a option there? Im on monk atm and there is one!
I will tell you about my experience with the CC and about Honorbuddy in general. This CC rocks. Alot. You should have in mind that if you are investing in the SE it will be about a "thank you tuanha" and the advanced logics behind the specs, not moving for you. What i mean is rotations, choosing who to heal and what spell to use, cooldowns, dispels, all covering a wide combination of glyph and talent choices, in many combat situations, moving or not, and add to that PvP and mana management, and the lsit goes on. CC is about the character.

What you are asking is beyong the CC, its about the HB team improving the dungeonbuddy stuff with its own move out of crap. You are asking for other asbects of honorbuddy. With faith it will come. In this topic you will find a damn cool combat logic, in my humble opinion.

Thats the answer i wanted. Lord i hope they add it. I got the donate verson and am loveing it. I should take my pally out in the world and grind with it. My lock would be a god at that point. WHo doesnt want a pocket healer?
Morning guys, I'm really happy every morning when I wake up, I have bug report that mean you guys really care of my CR :D

He does not rebuke for me.
Any other with this problem?
Fixed in new revision, now all interrupt act faster

im having issues with a bugged mob that keeps evading.
it just continues to attack it forever, and it seems to not be blacklisting it.

is evading mobs not supported yet?
Combat Routine INCLUDED evade mob check, not sure why it not working as intended, I'll take a look again at it. Thank for reporting.

Amber-Shaper Un'sok makes a random raidmember into this uglyass monstirautaurry, and when he goes into that form and drop HP the CC pops all cds he can and just spam heals him even tho hes hostile and u cant heal him, so he just heals himself with a whole lot of overhealing, he also heals on the debuffed peoples ): debuff name is Parasitic Growth (Parasitic Growth - Spell - World of Warcraft)

:D cheers for update <3
Added Parasitic Growth to ignore heal list, same as people get Cyclone, Dominating Mind...

Ok stupid question but where is avenging wrath in the selection option for Ret spec ? anyone ? did we miss this power ?
For Ret and Protection, we feel it's not very usefull to use Avenging Wrath ALONE, to get a kill, you need to bundle that with another spell in Burst Mode. Therefore, there's no Single option for Avenging Wrath, there's only option for Burst Mode that call Guardian of Ancient Kings > Avenging Wrath > Hammer/Fist of Justice > Normal Attack.

You can activate burst mode in General Tab, there are 7 option for you to choose. To read more about Burst Mechanic, please take a look at FAQ. I just quote here for you.

Burst Mode seam not working properly? Can you explain more about the mechanic?

Burst mode work different on Retribution/Protection and Holy.

For Retribution:
On Burst Mode: Combat Routine will cast Guardian of Ancient Kings (if not on cooldown) and wait 6 second to gain enough attack power buff > Avenging Wrath (off GCD) > HolyAvenger (off GCD) > Hammer/Fist of Justice (Stun - Only on PvP target, PvE don't need stun) > Normal Attack

For Protection:
On Burst Mode: Combat Routine will cast > Avenging Wrath (off GCD) > HolyAvenger (off GCD) > Hammer/Fist of Justice (Stun - Only on PvP target, PvE don't need stun) > Normal Attack
Guardian of Ancient Kings use as a survive spell instead of bursting logic.

For Holy
On Burst Mode: Combat Routine will cast Ancient Kings (off GCD) > Avenging Wrath (off GCD) > HolyAvenger (off GCD) > Divine Favor (off GCD) > other healing spells
On Holy, all these spell also can call without Burst Mode for example, you set [Burst Mode when Friend Unit below 40%] but set [Divine Favor to 70%] then when someone below 70% Combat Routine will use Divine Favor.

okay i made it to lvl 90. lvlt the pala just because u made this cr :P
but i have a problem when i'm in randoms bgs as holy.

he is casting this Sacred Shield, dismount, cast. mount, when is off, dismount and he's repeating this nonstop.

and i have no idea how to turn it off in the settings :x

add: just changed the talent for now :)
Fixed in the new revision, thank you for reporting :D
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New revision also add an check box allow you to remove Blind/Intimidation Shout on friendly target with Hand of Protection.

Hand of Protection will activate on:

Arena: All spec

Battleground: Healer or Caster only. In battleground, most player have no clue how to PvP and how to right-click the buff to remove it. If you Hand of Protection a Melee or Hunter they will blame you instead. So it better just don't bubble them :D

Everywhere else: This mechanic is disabled.
Hey Tuan, finally made my donation for the Paladin-portion of your routines!
Man, thank you for supporting my CR since forever - back in the day it was totally a mess :)

I just send you another email as a special thank form a friend.

<3 amputations
I'll update Public Release with bugs fix and improvement tonight when I get home.

Keep in touch guys.

Thank you.
Don't know if it is problem maybe just a question

I have greatly enjoyed this CC for a while now and still do although it has a nagging issue. I just don't know it it is a design issue or user error issue. I use it for prot sped and it forces seal of insight even when with large crowds that should trigger seal of righteous and I would prefer it to always use seal of truth personally and go to righteous when large group of mobs. I have tried fooling with the settings but can't figure out if I am just setting it up wrong. I shall also include a log file. I started the lazyraider bot and attacked and when I did the bot switched to insight instead of staying on truth and never switched to righteous.


Morning guys, I'm really happy every morning when I wake up, I have bug report that mean you guys really care of my CR :D

Fixed in new revision, now all interrupt act faster

Combat Routine INCLUDED evade mob check, not sure why it not working as intended, I'll take a look again at it. Thank for reporting.

Added Parasitic Growth to ignore heal list, same as people get Cyclone, Dominating Mind...

For Ret and Protection, we feel it's not very usefull to use Avenging Wrath ALONE, to get a kill, you need to bundle that with another spell in Burst Mode. Therefore, there's no Single option for Avenging Wrath, there's only option for Burst Mode that call Guardian of Ancient Kings > Avenging Wrath > Hammer/Fist of Justice > Normal Attack.

You can activate burst mode in General Tab, there are 7 option for you to choose. To read more about Burst Mechanic, please take a look at FAQ. I just quote here for you.

Fixed in the new revision, thank you for reporting :D

i love you <3

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
		<SpellName>Dominate Mind</SpellName>
		<SpellName>Parasitic Growth</SpellName>
		<SpellName>Symbiosis: Cyclone</SpellName>
		<SpellName>Dissonance Field</SpellName>

added Dissonance Field into "THListHealDoNot.xml", forgot to mention it in previous post, its when a player goes inside the "dissonance field" on last boss in HoF, he doesnt get LoSed, but all heals get "absorbed", so while that buff is active he shall recieve no heals!
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Thank alaerwen,

Newest svn update included "Dissonance Field" to ignore heal list. (credit alaerwen)
There also small update to Protection Seal rotation (shorter code = faster performance :D )

I have greatly enjoyed this CC for a while now and still do although it has a nagging issue. I just don't know it it is a design issue or user error issue. I use it for prot sped and it forces seal of insight even when with large crowds that should trigger seal of righteous and I would prefer it to always use seal of truth personally and go to righteous when large group of mobs. I have tried fooling with the settings but can't figure out if I am just setting it up wrong. I shall also include a log file. I started the lazyraider bot and attacked and when I did the bot switched to insight instead of staying on truth and never switched to righteous.
By looking at your log, I don't know what version are you using, I guess the Public Release. The bug have been fixed in SE and I'll update PR tonight when I get home.

For the Seal of Righteous switch, Combat Routine need Number of Unit to Use Seal of Right [default 8], if you want to switch it to 5 unit for example, change it to 5, if you never want to change seal, change number to 100.
Hi Tuanha,

Have a question - is there a point in using judgment as holy in dungeon and raid mode?
Because I have enabled it, but i doesnt cast it. Actully i've just found out that it doesnt cast hammer of wrath in dungeon and raid mode either.
Hi Tuanha,

Have a question - is there a point in using judgment as holy in dungeon and raid mode?
Because I have enabled it, but i doesnt cast it. Actully i've just found out that it doesnt cast hammer of wrath in dungeon and raid mode either.
In PvE, Holy Paladin have no reason to cast Judgment, it cost mana, do zero heal and waste 1 GCD that can use to heal someone else. However Combat Routine still Judgment if you have talent "Selfless Healer" - the talent make a free FoL every 3 Judgment, BUT the talent also highly NOT recommended for holy.

In Raid and Dungeon mode, Hammer of Wrath are disabled by default, you can enable it with a check box. And event when you enable it, Combat Routine will not use the spell if someone need a heal badly. You are suppose to heal not dps :P.

However, in PvP, combat routine use Hammer of Wrath a lot in Holy spec. It really smart to Hammer of Wrath every enemy around you, not only your current target. I have a (killing blow) 11 - 0 (dead) record in a Warsong as Holy Paladin xD
In PvE, Holy Paladin have no reason to cast Judgment, it cost mana, do zero heal and waste 1 GCD that can use to heal someone else. However Combat Routine still Judgment if you have talent "Selfless Healer" - the talent make a free FoL every 3 Judgment, BUT the talent also highly NOT recommended for holy.

In Raid and Dungeon mode, Hammer of Wrath are disabled by default, you can enable it with a check box. And event when you enable it, Combat Routine will not use the spell if someone need a heal badly. You are suppose to heal not dps :P.

However, in PvP, combat routine use Hammer of Wrath a lot in Holy spec. It really smart to Hammer of Wrath every enemy around you, not only your current target. I have a (killing blow) 11 - 0 (dead) record in a Warsong as Holy Paladin xD

Then your suggestion in PVE is to enable crusader strike only and stay in melee range to generate holy power and regenerate mana? No other DPS spells?
Then your suggestion in PVE is to enable crusader strike only and stay in melee range to generate holy power and regenerate mana? No other DPS spells?
Do not Crusader Strike in PvE as well unless mana is not a concern. Crusader Strike generate 1 Holy Power at a HUGE cost of mana.

Just stay near boss and Auto Attack him to gain mana with Seal of Insight.

Getting my ass kicked by Discipline Priests on the meters right now.
Screenshot or it never happen ^.^
Man, thank you for supporting my CR since forever - back in the day it was totally a mess :)

I just send you another email as a special thank form a friend.

<3 amputations
Hey no problem, I see it's only getting better each day. Your CR was base reason for me to level my pala 85-90! :)

Keep up the great work buddy! <3
Ok another new update:

Combat Routine will now cast Hand of Protection on my partner to remove Blind/Intimidation Shout (in arena)
Combat Routine will now cast Hand of Protection on Caster or Healer to remove Blind/Intimidation Shout (in Battleground)
Combat Routine will NOT cast Hand of Protection on Melee or Hunter to remove Blind/Intimidation Shout (in Battleground noob will QQ why you doing that - they don't know how to right-click buff name to remove it xD)

Credit: haxed (a Gladiator :D )

just to understand. usinig BOP to cear debuff is it option or it is must code. I just think it can be waste of CD, if CR will ALLWAYS BOP my partners while blind/warrior fear coz their CC CD is much shorter.
As for me, i use it for clear crowd control if my partners use some burst CD and cancel it buy myself with Hand of Salvation immideatly (Yes BoP can be canseled by you with HoS :)). But only if i'm sure that we can kill enemy with that burst. If i'm not sure i will save it for possible future switches in my team mates.
Just so I am clear this means that insight is now the default seal for protection spec. If that is correct is there anyway to manually set Truth as default?

Thank alaerwen,

Newest svn update included "Dissonance Field" to ignore heal list. (credit alaerwen)
There also small update to Protection Seal rotation (shorter code = faster performance :D )

By looking at your log, I don't know what version are you using, I guess the Public Release. The bug have been fixed in SE and I'll update PR tonight when I get home.

For the Seal of Righteous switch, Combat Routine need Number of Unit to Use Seal of Right [default 8], if you want to switch it to 5 unit for example, change it to 5, if you never want to change seal, change number to 100.