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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Website is back... I think i need better hosting service :S

Sorry for inconvenience.
Heroic 10m/25m End Game Holy Setup

Sorry but this is a repost as I think my original one just was overlooked.

So I raid heroic SoO with my guild, 25 man. I used to be THE top healer, period. Now a priest kills me at the same ilvl (565 w/4 piece). So I'm not expecting to beat every healer, I'm well aware certain classes are more suited/OP for a given situation but I AM curious as to what settings are best now for 10/25 end game raiding (Heroic 25m specifically)?

I currently still use EF Blanketing, though from what I understand this is no longer optimal since EF no longer triggers Illuminated Healing. It still performs well though. Your Glyph settings on the recommended PVE Holy Spec are completely wrong as well, please let me know other than Beacon what majors you recommend. I use Beacon, the new H of SaC, and Prot of the Innocent.

Not a criticism at all, just saying for any new user they would be seriously confused by starting at the beginning of this Thread and going off the advice there, builds, talents, glyphs would be a mess today:). I completely understand you are swamped with all your CR's, I own them all and love what you bring to HB, I would just like to clarify some current things (Gear, Proc, Stat Priority's) for the current game. A lot has changed since 5.2.

Does the current build support the t16 Bonus for Holy, I saw it was added for ret but how about Holy? Also, does the CR logic take into account the current tricks, like after casting a Flash of Light your next Flash or Divine hit's for 10% more?

Sorry to add more, but any opinion on the current "supposed" BiS Trinkets? Thok's Acid-Grooved Tooth & Prismatic Prison of Pride, they seem lackluster to me, however if the CR saw when they proc'd and used them optimally that would probably make them seem like decent trinkets.

And lastly, here is my build. Does this still seem appropriate to you or should I be dropping the haste and/or EF Blanketing in favor of more mastery? Since I originally posted this I tried going with Mr Robot's "Burst" setting with a cap on the 7170 Haste rating to up my mastery some, really no difference IMO.

ILvl 565 w/T16 4 Set
Stat	Buffed	UnBuffed
Intel	28715	25982
Stamina	37596	34179
Spirit	15000	15000     Hard Capped, otherwise over 21K...
Mastery	38.11%	31.39%
SpellP	45701	38813
Crit	21.11%	15.03%
Haste	45.04%	38.13%     Capped at 10867 for +5 Ticks of EF

And of course the 2 & 4 Piece Tier bonus's for you if you need them:
2 pieces: Infusion of Light also increases the healing done by Holy Light, Divine Light, and Holy Radiance by 25%.
4 pieces: Reduces the cooldown of Divine Favor by 60 sec. While Divine Favor is active, Mastery is increased by 4500.

Thanks for any in site you can provide, Ironically I heal Malkrok just fine, dunno what other folks problem is.

Tried this a couple of weeks now and i really like it!

I still cant get it to use CDs on Cooldown (Burst mode?)
What am i doing wrong? Want to see my nice goldy wings on CD :P

Maybe should have said that im a Prot Pally :P
I Use the Pro Edition,but have one question. Your Routine dont use Judgement on Immerseus. I Edit this Post after the Raid with a Log
Hi Tuahna, ive noticed when using your CCs with Dungeonbuddy for LFR's its not following the tanks, ive tried disabling movement on both the bot and CC then tring one at a time but still nothing.

Theres no log sorry as nothing pops up in the log. Works fine with my druid (superbad) and shammy (yours, S Edition's) just not the pally.
Hi Tuahna, ive noticed when using your CCs with Dungeonbuddy for LFR's its not following the tanks, ive tried disabling movement on both the bot and CC then tring one at a time but still nothing.

Theres no log sorry as nothing pops up in the log. Works fine with my druid (superbad) and shammy (yours, S Edition's) just not the pally.
In raid, I've removed auto move code on holy paladin pve rotation to make it faster in PvE... I may add it back later on. Check new svn update soon.
That would explain it :-) all good, just means I cant do my work while I farm LFR haha. Cheers mate
New Revision - BIG UPDATE:​


1. Introduce a REVOLUTIONARY logic: Add random delay to Interrupt, Break CC and Cleanse.
The main purpose of this new logic is to prevent hacking report. Because I keep optimizing CR, it getting too fast, it interrupt enemy casting spell, use trinket break CC and cleanse CC on friend before you event see it. Well TBH, no one can do it except a really good combat routine and hater may report you.

Now you are really safe using my CR because of the new Random Delay.
  • Everytime enemy casting, CR will wait for a new random milliseconds between [your-minimum-milliseconds] - [your-maximum-milliseconds] before interrupting.
  • Everytime enemy CC you (Kidney Shot, Sheep...), CR will wait for a new random milliseconds between [your-minimum-milliseconds] - [your-maximum-milliseconds] before using PvP Trinket / Human Racial Everyone for Himself.
  • Everytime enemy CC your partner (Kidney Shot, Sheep...), CR will wait for a new random milliseconds between [your-minimum-milliseconds] - [your-maximum-milliseconds] before dispel it.

2. Total rewrite interrupt logic, it now faster, more accurate and more reliable.

3. Improved logic on Denounce, make sure you will not denounce enemy 2 time unless his HP is low.

Please update new revision and enjoy.

This for SE only, if the logic work well, I'll bring it to public release.

Thank you for supporting my work. Love you all <3
Does anyone know if the prot paly spec with the special edition taunts off bosses after recommended number of stacks or does it just constantly try to grab hate from everything and hold it 100% of the time? For instance, several raid bosses stack debuffs on tanks that tanks need to taunt boss off of each other. Will the CC do this?
Wow incredible update! Cr is more intelligent and fast, thanks for your work mighty tuanha!!!!!!
New Revision - BIG UPDATE:​


1. Introduce a REVOLUTIONARY logic: Add random delay to Interrupt, Break CC and Cleanse.
The main purpose of this new logic is to prevent hacking report. Because I keep optimizing CR, it getting too fast, it interrupt enemy casting spell, use trinket break CC and cleanse CC on friend before you event see it. Well TBH, no one can do it except a really good combat routine and hater may report you.

Now you are really safe using my CR because of the new Random Delay.
  • Everytime enemy casting, CR will wait for a new random milliseconds between [your-minimum-milliseconds] - [your-maximum-milliseconds] before interrupting.
  • Everytime enemy CC you (Kidney Shot, Sheep...), CR will wait for a new random milliseconds between [your-minimum-milliseconds] - [your-maximum-milliseconds] before using PvP Trinket / Human Racial Everyone for Himself.
  • Everytime enemy CC your partner (Kidney Shot, Sheep...), CR will wait for a new random milliseconds between [your-minimum-milliseconds] - [your-maximum-milliseconds] before dispel it.

2. Total rewrite interrupt logic, it now faster, more accurate and more reliable.

3. Improved logic on Denounce, make sure you will not denounce enemy 2 time unless his HP is low.

Please update new revision and enjoy.

This for SE only, if the logic work well, I'll bring it to public release.

Thank you for supporting my work. Love you all <3

Just too clarify a few thing Tuanha,

#1 if i set the interupt delay too 500ms - 800ms , Will it interupt 500~800 ms into the enemy cast? or is it like the old system and will interupt there cast with 500~800 ms left on the cast?

#2 The break CC delay, Does this only include Trinket/human racial, or does this also apply too things like Hand of protection on Blinds, Ret Sacrifices on traps?

#3 I treid a BG with the new update, the CR stuttered allot, just stood there while people died, including itself, Im assuming this is todo with the HB problems and your temporary work arround?

And as always, thanks for the brilliant work, its great too see the CR still evolving and you taking in advice from us lazy bastards and implementing it, Bravo sir ^^
Just too clarify a few thing Tuanha,

#1 if i set the interupt delay too 500ms - 800ms , Will it interupt 500~800 ms into the enemy cast? or is it like the old system and will interupt there cast with 500~800 ms left on the cast?
As soon as CR see enemy casting, it will wait randomly between 500-800 before using interrupt. That mean it can interrpt anything cast time longer than 800 and can not interrupt something cast time shorter than 500 (monk 500 ms cast transcendence for example)
#2 The break CC delay, Does this only include Trinket/human racial, or does this also apply too things like Hand of protection on Blinds, Ret Sacrifices on traps?
Delay include PvP Trinket, Human Racial but NOT Hand of Protection, Ret hand of Sac... (I may add but not sure ppl report that part - it's have long cooldown and you don't use it often in arena)

#3 I treid a BG with the new update, the CR stuttered allot, just stood there while people died, including itself, Im assuming this is todo with the HB problems and your temporary work arround?
I'll try to test Paladin tonight to see what wrong, only rogue and dk are fully tested after new HB update.
hey tuanha, i've been using your awesome pala routine (SE) being holy for ages, now im trying retri in pve, is this optimized for pve? just asking :)
As soon as CR see enemy casting, it will wait randomly between 500-800 before using interrupt. That mean it can interrpt anything cast time longer than 800 and can not interrupt something cast time shorter than 500 (monk 500 ms cast transcendence for example)
Delay include PvP Trinket, Human Racial but NOT Hand of Protection, Ret hand of Sac... (I may add but not sure ppl report that part - it's have long cooldown and you don't use it often in arena)

I'll try to test Paladin tonight to see what wrong, only rogue and dk are fully tested after new HB update.

Thanks for going a bit more into depth there ^^

As for the #2 CC break options, You might want too look into addinf Hand of protection and Sacrifice disspell for rets, HoPing a blind might not happen often, But Blind is a massive part of a rogues game, if you instantly remove it before th debuff icon has even shown, the rogue will notice, its too big a part of there Arena game for them not too notice, And Ret Sacrifice isnt that long a CD and they have 2 charges of it, Sacing hunter traps on your healer 000000000000000.1secs into the trap for example, is very very noticable.

Sorry if this seems negative too you, i assure you its meant as constructive critisism, i love the new changes there fantastic, just think while your dealing with Stuff looking too botish, why not add those two things, they are more noticable than you think ^^
Adding a delay to Hand of Sac ret remove CC and Hand of Prot remove Blind/Indimidation Shout very very soon :D
Rev: 89

Add delay to Hand of Protection remove Blind/Intimidation Shout
Add delay to Retribution Hand of Sacrifice remove CC