Heroic 10m/25m End Game Holy Setup
Sorry but this is a repost as I think my original one just was overlooked.
So I raid heroic SoO with my guild, 25 man. I used to be THE top healer, period. Now a priest kills me at the same ilvl (565 w/4 piece). So I'm not expecting to beat every healer, I'm well aware certain classes are more suited/OP for a given situation but I AM curious as to what settings are best now for 10/25 end game raiding (Heroic 25m specifically)?
I currently still use EF Blanketing, though from what I understand this is no longer optimal since
EF no longer triggers Illuminated Healing. It still performs well though. Your Glyph settings on the recommended PVE Holy Spec are completely wrong as well, please let me know other than Beacon what majors you recommend. I use Beacon, the new H of SaC, and Prot of the Innocent.
Not a criticism at all, just saying for any new user they would be seriously confused by starting at the beginning of this Thread and going off the advice there, builds, talents, glyphs would be a mess today

. I completely understand you are swamped with all your CR's, I own them all and love what you bring to HB, I would just like to clarify some current things (Gear, Proc, Stat Priority's) for the current game. A lot has changed since 5.2.
Does the current build support the t16 Bonus for Holy, I saw it was added for ret but how about Holy? Also, does the CR logic take into account the current tricks, like after casting a Flash of Light your next Flash or Divine hit's for 10% more?
Sorry to add more, but any opinion on the current "supposed" BiS Trinkets?
Thok's Acid-Grooved Tooth &
Prismatic Prison of Pride, they seem lackluster to me, however if the CR saw when they proc'd and used them optimally that would probably make them seem like decent trinkets.
And lastly, here is my build. Does this still seem appropriate to you or should I be dropping the haste and/or EF Blanketing in favor of more mastery? Since I originally posted this I tried going with Mr Robot's "Burst" setting with a cap on the 7170 Haste rating to up my mastery some, really no difference IMO.
ILvl 565 w/T16 4 Set
Stat Buffed UnBuffed
Intel 28715 25982
Stamina 37596 34179
Spirit 15000 15000 Hard Capped, otherwise over 21K...
Mastery 38.11% 31.39%
SpellP 45701 38813
Crit 21.11% 15.03%
Haste 45.04% 38.13% Capped at 10867 for +5 Ticks of EF
And of course the 2 & 4 Piece Tier bonus's for you if you need them:
2 pieces: Infusion of Light also increases the healing done by Holy Light, Divine Light, and Holy Radiance by 25%.
4 pieces: Reduces the cooldown of Divine Favor by 60 sec. While Divine Favor is active, Mastery is increased by 4500.
Thanks for any in site you can provide, Ironically I heal Malkrok just fine, dunno what other folks problem is.