What are the best comps as a holy pala in 2s and 3s?
For 3s, I enjoy kfc...tsg (war/dk) is also a fun mongoloid comp.
For 2s, it's way too obvious that EVERYONE runs honorbuddy now, specifically these CR's lol...and it's rather annoying at times. I'd say *at least* 5/8 of the teams I face 2000+ are using a tuanha/richie cr. I can't even get mad anymore tho when I see someone get instantly dispelled 1ms after I fear/HoJ them, instant pet kicks, because I'm doing it too. (Hi other Hpals, lets not report each others? kthx.) Playing 3s kinda deters this, for me at least.
is there anyway we can add cc the heal class pets such as hunters etc ?
Click the pet when it needs heals, or put it on focus.
Hi Tuanha!
I don't know if you saw my post. I Know you are busy trying to fix and improve all your CR, but if possible, can you check this?
Thank you!
Many people have responded to this, it's a HB bug, happens on almost every CR available. As for Mal, YOUR settings are off - not the CR itself. I rank on this fight every week. Also, you're using beta, which means it's a not stable version. When I notice the bot doing this single healing crap, not using holy power, etc - I simply start manually healing using the same rotation the bot would. Stop the bot when its safe to tab over to it, close it, reopen, start it again. Manually healing in between this while things load.
If people are having issues, it's most definitely them wrongly using their personal heal numbers in the CR.
PvP at high rating still requires a certain skill-set unobtainable by some people completely dependent on only the bot, things a cr cannot provide.
Tuanha, the next step to this CR*should* be putting "immediate dispells" on a ms timer of our preference, exactly how interrupt is - for instance "Cleanse Important Debuff Immedately after [ 1000 ] ms." Instant dispelling is just as noticeable as instant interrupts.