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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

I have been lookin around, and I cant find it so I figured I would ask. Is there an area within the Paladin CC (Special Edition, latest version) where I can toggle on or off righteous fury as a healer? I keep trying to apply it, but the routine just keeps taking it back off. I cant find a check box to allow it or use it on its own =\

Edit: I found under the control options Auto Righteous Fury, I imagine if I tick that off it should do what I am tryin to do. I am just blind.
There's option disable Righteous Fury in general setting. But it highly recommended to keep it up in BG/Arena... because it's good vs team with dispeller.


@Drizzt1990: thank for positive review, you better blur out all other char xD.

PS: 7 killing blow was a Holy Paladin is very good lol
There's option disable Righteous Fury in general setting. But it highly recommended to keep it up in BG/Arena... because it's good vs team with dispeller.


@Drizzt1990: thank for positive review, you better blur out all other char xD.

PS: 7 killing blow was a Holy Paladin is very good lol

Last i checked they stopped Righteuse fury being disspellable, so it doesnt work as disspell fodder anymore.

On a more srs not, i use this for Ret, ive tried too play with this bug for now and have brought it up before, but its makign Ret un usable with the CR, Only heals i have active are the instants, yet the CR is still stopping in the middle of the arena too hard cast heals, its stopp me landing kills and stopping me in the open and getting me killed, same when i bubble, sometimes i bubble offensivly and its just stand like a tard casting till its 100% , can we stop this behaviour id rather have the choice to hard cast manualy when its safe todo so. please please please xD
Also when you use Devotion aura, i tend too use it so my healer can freecast, the CR also Stops me from moving stand still casting heals while its up, its not really ideal, Could we see some high end arean love for the ret side of the CR pretty please 8)
I've started to have stutters every 2 secs with the latest version. Shaman cr is also much slower. Anyone else having the same issue?

edit1: It seems to happen when there are many hostile npcs around.
Hi Taunaha, plz add to stop cast spell Deafening Screech - Spell - World of Warcraft

Please do NOT do this, or at least make it an option if you do decide to. Devotion Aura rotations are just fine for me. L2 strafe or /stopcasting macro. Please never allow my CR to ever stop casting, Thanks.

PS: Played all day and night, rbgs, arena, raid with this CR - not once did it screw up :) Didn't change anything though, so not sure what the difference is.
Please do NOT do this, or at least make it an option if you do decide to. Devotion Aura rotations are just fine for me. L2 strafe or /stopcasting macro. Please never allow my CR to ever stop casting, Thanks.

PS: Played all day and night, rbgs, arena, raid with this CR - not once did it screw up :) Didn't change anything though, so not sure what the difference is.
in heroics is very important, cr should monitor the presence http://www.wowhead.com/spell=31821, http://www.wowhead.com/spell=642, http://www.wowhead.com/spell = 1022 continue to heal.
in heroics is very important, cr should monitor the presence Devotion Aura - Spell - World of Warcraft, Divine Shield - Spell - World of Warcraft, http://www.wowhead.com/spell = 1022 continue to heal.
CR already check Devotion Aura, Divine Shield to priority Cast Heal (Flash of Light, Divine Light... over instant heal Word of Glory, Eternal Flame...)

You must abuse the short time window when you are immune to interrupt to cast big heal anyway. Just like Monk Thunder Focus Tea, Shaman Spritwalker, Priest Inner Focus.
tuanha, m8 can you fix the stop healing bug pls, its annoying... some fights its stops healing have to start hb againg to continue..!!!!
CR already check Devotion Aura, Divine Shield to priority Cast Heal (Flash of Light, Divine Light... over instant heal Word of Glory, Eternal Flame...)

You must abuse the short time window when you are immune to interrupt to cast big heal anyway. Just like Monk Thunder Focus Tea, Shaman Spritwalker, Priest Inner Focus.
Much more important, at this boss, cast a spell Holy Radiance - Spell - World of Warcraft as the raid takes a lot of AoE damage, it may add to the CR?
So Tuanha, Got any plans in mind for the Rets among us, if you do wouldnt mind a preview of the To do list ^^ Show me some Ret love bro 8D
Tuan, I did not mean to be able to disable Righteous Fury. I meant to be able to have it on all the time. I have yet to start raiding SoO normal, so I cannot say if it is a factor in this raid but in older content and in some activities I do I would prefer to tank than have the various DPS trading threat off. I would like to be able to toggle something on (or off) to allow me to have righteous fury active while in holy spec and outside of a BG/Arena. Currently, it immediately toggles it off if I try to turn it on. I have not really tried if I toggle it off under the Control settings if it will still auto-cancel it or not - it isnt a game breaking thing just a nice feature I would personally enjoy having.
I just updated on your new page with routine dll login. But there is a problem. I can't login with my "login". Homepage is no Problem. SVN also no problem. But Routine sais 401 Unauthorized.
I just updated on your new page with routine dll login. But there is a problem. I can't login with my "login". Homepage is no Problem. SVN also no problem. But Routine sais 401 Unauthorized.
Please setup pr0xy as in my installation guide.
Tuan, I did not mean to be able to disable Righteous Fury. I meant to be able to have it on all the time. I have yet to start raiding SoO normal, so I cannot say if it is a factor in this raid but in older content and in some activities I do I would prefer to tank than have the various DPS trading threat off. I would like to be able to toggle something on (or off) to allow me to have righteous fury active while in holy spec and outside of a BG/Arena. Currently, it immediately toggles it off if I try to turn it on. I have not really tried if I toggle it off under the Control settings if it will still auto-cancel it or not - it isnt a game breaking thing just a nice feature I would personally enjoy having.
Ah, I understand you.

Problem is there are many people QQ complain about that and I made CR auto disable Righteous Fury in Dungeon/Raid in Retribution or Holy spec.
Thanks. That did it. What about a German Version, which would not need a ***** at all? Did not find that "_DE.dll" in that zip-file. Want to use both... german and english bot.

I'd recommend to make a separate GERMAN HB installation (get it via BOT DOWNLOADS) and just putting a copy of TuanHAs paladin CR into that specific routines folder. Should do the trick.
