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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

I open HB this morning and login to use my Pally special edition but it gave me the error: "unhandled exception has occured in a component in your application. If you click Continue the application will ignore this error and atempt to continue". The details of error is: ""
i'll got the same error on weekends. Download Dr. Web CureIt, check ALL your devices (PC, notebook, mobile phone and tablet with android), then reload PC with CR and your modem.
I still get the 'Heal freeze' others have reported.

Well I say freeze, it does not completly stop, it wait till people get super low and then starts spamming the big heals (No HS on CD, or EF to use HP etc.)

No log i'm afraid as not on my pc, but I belive others have posted them, so just posting to confirm I am seeing this too.

i have the same on special edition to when you get frozen by a mage or what ever the cc react slow in arena
The chinese guys always can't Connect to your website!
So we always can't use your routines!
Could you do something for this!?
Did flex last night before bed on malkorok pulled around 120k hps 518 ilvl. More sometimes just depended. Looked like it was working pretty well to me thanks tuanha. :)

And I was using special edition.
just came back to wow after 6 months ... install bot , install Special edtion of this Routine and rock :D the whole time rank 1 in Recount with my bad itemlevel 510 ... the other where ~ 530 itenlevel
after raid some guy wisper me if i want to raid next time with his guild .. haha ... love u tuanha
this is sooooo awesome !
Did flex last night before bed on malkorok pulled around 120k hps 518 ilvl. More sometimes just depended. Looked like it was working pretty well to me thanks tuanha. :)

And I was using special edition.

I just did malkorok using the special edition as well. While my HP/S was pretty good it looked like the bot wasn't even aware of the shields and didn't do anything to top them off, it just waited until people were low health and spammed single target heals on them and holy radiance until I was OOM. Immersius support was pretty bad too. At 520 ilvl it was lucky to get 1 blob healed to full before it reached the center. Pretty disappointing.
I did some 3's arenas last night with the latest version of the special edition (last night's latest). I'm still tuning some settings and trying different things since 5.4.

Group was Holy Pally, Arms Warrior, Unholy DK (and pet).

I had a lot of moments where the CC just sticks in a loop and it's trying to cast Holy Prism or Holy Shock... and then I have to manually target or just pause the routine. By the time this happens, it's hard to recover.

Attached is a log of a 15 second Holy Prism loop. I manually healed a couple times and then just paused the CC. Based on the log, I don't think I even had the Holy Prism talent for this game.

Any help from Tuanha (or anyone else with some helpful feedback) would be appreciated, thanks.

Edit: Added a second log with CC initialization and settings


I just did malkorok using the special edition as well. While my HP/S was pretty good it looked like the bot wasn't even aware of the shields and didn't do anything to top them off, it just waited until people were low health and spammed single target heals on them and holy radiance until I was OOM. Immersius support was pretty bad too. At 520 ilvl it was lucky to get 1 blob healed to full before it reached the center. Pretty disappointing.

I would suggest starting to tune the settings in fr/flex then, because you're not doing something right. I'm oom every single fight and that's actually a good thing. Make sure your HL, DL, FL, and HR spells are at *reasonable* values, and adjust them multiple times to perfect it.
The Malkorok fight itself is a tricky one for any pally - it's all about shields. Personally, if my CR is spamming anything besides HR I know somethings wrong, because thats how 5.4 hpals should be healing. You could actually be running into an issue with HB itself as well...if you notice the CR stopping the use of HP, i'd suggest closing it and reloading it, manually healing while it reloads.

I did some 3's arenas last night with the latest version of the special edition (last night's latest). I'm still tuning some settings and trying different things since 5.4.

Group was Holy Pally, Arms Warrior, Unholy DK (and pet).

I had a lot of moments where the CC just sticks in a loop and it's trying to cast Holy Prism or Holy Shock... and then I have to manually target or just pause the routine. By the time this happens, it's hard to recover.

Attached is a log of a 15 second Holy Prism loop. I manually healed a couple times and then just paused the CC. Based on the log, I don't think I even had the Holy Prism talent for this game.

Any help from Tuanha (or anyone else with some helpful feedback) would be appreciated, thanks.

I too have had this issue...I've began to just restart HB over after pulls to clear all the errors out and what not, fresh starts, but here's a log with Holy Shock doing the same thing during a heroic thok fight. This is specced as Selfless Healer. I've also edited out about 1000 lines of errors previous to this.

View attachment shock.txt
I too have had this issue...I've began to just restart HB over after pulls to clear all the errors out and what not, fresh starts, but here's a log with Holy Shock doing the same thing during a heroic thok fight. This is specced as Selfless Healer. I've also edited out about 1000 lines of errors previous to this.

Oh good... I'm not going crazy. I wish I had more information than this to add to the conversation. I guess I'll have to be mindful of which talents are checked ON/OFF in my settings and hope for the best.
There's something wrong with spell cooldown... I have that problem too and only error on Holy Shock and Holy Prism, all other spell work fine.

I'm not sure it's HB Bug but same function all other work fine then there must be something wrong with HB.

I'll test more and tell Raphus the potential bug.

Thank for the log guys.
Oh good... I'm not going crazy. I wish I had more information than this to add to the conversation. I guess I'll have to be mindful of which talents are checked ON/OFF in my settings and hope for the best.

I'd suggest swapping your holy prism values around, hit friendly at a lower health (40-50?) and enemy at higher (90+)...it'll prevent the breaking of cc's from aoe off of your teammate, help with dps, and still heal the team. I also noticed you're running combat bot, does this ever spam out errors in your log / start screwing up the heal rotation completely?

Tuanha, pls take out the immediate dispel of "frozen" targets. e.g. when a mage hits you with frost nova freezing you in place and you can freedom out of it. I find it dispelling this, and then being on cd for Deep Freeze's, etc. Also PLEASE look into coding a timer for the dispels (and also Nimble Brew). Immediate dispels of Hammer of Justice's, etc look really bad. A timer where we could choose to "immediate dispel after [400]ms" would be legit, no human could ever dispel as fast as this thing.
... when a mage hits you with frost nova freezing you in place and you can freedom out of it ... Immediate dispels of Hammer of Justice's, etc look really bad

I've felt the same way for a while. It's scary fast. I love it and fear it at the same time.
I have been lookin around, and I cant find it so I figured I would ask. Is there an area within the Paladin CC (Special Edition, latest version) where I can toggle on or off righteous fury as a healer? I keep trying to apply it, but the routine just keeps taking it back off. I cant find a check box to allow it or use it on its own =\

Edit: I found under the control options Auto Righteous Fury, I imagine if I tick that off it should do what I am tryin to do. I am just blind.
I would suggest starting to tune the settings in fr/flex then, because you're not doing something right. I'm oom every single fight and that's actually a good thing. Make sure your HL, DL, FL, and HR spells are at *reasonable* values, and adjust them multiple times to perfect it.
The Malkorok fight itself is a tricky one for any pally - it's all about shields. Personally, if my CR is spamming anything besides HR I know somethings wrong, because thats how 5.4 hpals should be healing. You could actually be running into an issue with HB itself as well...if you notice the CR stopping the use of HP, i'd suggest closing it and reloading it, manually healing while it reloads.

Not sure how any of this would make the routine shield aware. If all players are at full health with red shields the routine just stands there, it waits until a player is low and then starts spamming on them. If there are multiple people with low health it will spam HR on the lowest of them even if they may already have a full shield.