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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Hello, TuanHA.
I playing Retri-Paladin. In raid i use your special edition CR :rolleyes:
Today i tested on maneken new (for me) talent - "Sanctified Wrath" (reduces the cooldown of "Hammer of Wrath" by 50%). But your CR does not use Hammer of Wrath so often, how it can be used.
For test i turned ON burst on cooldown and leave bot for 40 min with maneken.
For example - middle-damage (from skada) by my general skills (my gear level is 530):

  1. Templar's Verdict - 123 k
  2. Hammer of Wrath - 105 k
  3. Judgment - 71 k
  4. Crusader Strike - 53 k
  5. Exorcism - 42 k

I'm VERY SORRY if i fooled myself somewhere in test, but looks like "Hammer of Wrath" should be used everytime when it possible.
Please, comment this situation, maybe i overlook something ?
Ok, let's me try some raid lol.

Only test on PvP and Dummy so far xD

What your talent btw, there maybe a bug when you select T4 talent that lower cooldown of Hammer of Wrath, let's me inspect that.
I have a issue with gatherbuddy and TuanHAPaladinSpecialEdition if not I pick up the first plant manually the bot afk, but if I pick up the first plant manually after it's working.

Sorry for my bad english
I have a issue with gatherbuddy and TuanHAPaladinSpecialEdition if not I pick up the first plant manually the bot afk, but if I pick up the first plant manually after it's working.

Sorry for my bad english
I think it fixed with update just now.
Did normal 10m soo last night, first 4 bosses in 526 ilvl holy

Was helping a rlf guild out - ABSOLUTELY SPANKED their 2 main healers and i mean SPANKED - no mana issues no nothing, GM /w me after raid "OMG Insane Healing, Come Raid For Us !!"

Did normal 10m soo last night, first 4 bosses in 526 ilvl holy

Was helping a rlf guild out - ABSOLUTELY SPANKED their 2 main healers and i mean SPANKED - no mana issues no nothing, GM /w me after raid "OMG Insane Healing, Come Raid For Us !!"


On a 14/14 25m clear I'm pretty much always top heals, and I rank on at least half of them every week. This is specced as either Selfless Healer or EF...they both rape the meters apart.

However, here's a garrosh kill where i had to stop the bot completely and just manually heal the rest of the fight. This is just the end of the log. At the end of a 3000kb log there as only 3 instances of these errors happening.

The errors come, then it spams divine light over and over, won't use holy shock, and doesn't use holy power.

You'll also still notice the cr using "Save Mana Divine Light" with my target at 64%, but I'm at 100% mana (at the end of garrosh doing 140-170k hps lolol). I'm beginning to think that Save mana isn't just for mana, but a stop casting implementation? These errors are definitely the issue.


Hi, I just bought the special edition and it just crashes Honorbuddy every time, but the public release works fine? Is there anyway to sort this out.
Hi, I just bought the special edition and it just crashes Honorbuddy every time, but the public release works fine? Is there anyway to sort this out.

Yeah same issue here, folders are correctly aligned etc. Not sure whats going on but it sucks!
I'll send a log later but does anyone else have their auto swing stop sometimes in combat? It will stop then restart auto swing. Kind of hard to explain

Screenshot of the error.
Hi, I was interested in purchasing the program for Ret. When I run the public "free" version with lazy raider it seems like it takes longer than it should to use an ability. Is the response time any faster with premium? I run Tuana's rogue cc and it works great and feels way faster than the ret version. Maybe I just do not have something setup right, thanks for any advice you guys can give!
Ok, let's me try some raid lol.

Only test on PvP and Dummy so far xD

What your talent btw, there maybe a bug when you select T4 talent that lower cooldown of Hammer of Wrath, let's me inspect that.
Thx for answer, but u can try some maneken without raid.

And how i said before, i have talent "Sanctified Wrath", that "Reduces the cooldown of "Hammer of Wrath" by 50%" for Retri-paladins.
Also i have trinket Evil Eye of Galakras, that "Increases the cooldown recovery rate of six of your major abilities by 39%...".

So my Hammer of Wrath's cooldown without burst is 4,43 sec - with burst is 2,22 sec.
Now i playing with Divine Purpose instead Sanctified Wrath, cause CR use finisher properly =)

I started mt paladin as draenei it's right now lvl 12 but as i'm watching it's never use [Crusader Strike] to stock HOly Power it's only spam [Judgment] so far nothing els maybe coz lowbie, please tell me how to fix
it isnt fun anymore to play healer in arena on a high pop pvpserver as outland eu ally u get cc chained all times and almost impossible to heal that makes mesometimes go back to dpser.

PALADIN HOLY 3V3 HIGH RATING Actually 2nd best on my realm/server


PalaHoly/ Elem/Lock
PalaHoly/Hunter/Monk WW


Speed of Light
Fist of Justice
Eternal Flame
Divine Purpose
Holy Prism


Major Glyph

Beacon of Light
Flash of Light
Blessed life


a) Set Target with left button of Mouse
b) Set focus with right button of Mouse

GladiatorLOSA (english version for me)


1) Critic
2) Spirit

Blue Slot gems Intellect + Spirit
Yellow Slot gems Intellect + Critic


TARGET PLAYER (Shift + Wheel mouse Down)
/target [target=player]

TARGET PARTY 1 (Wheel mouse Up)
/target [target=party1]

TARGET PARTY 2 (Wheel mouse Down)
/target [target=party2]

Flash Heal (1)

Divine Light (Shift + 1 only with Proc)

Divine Favor (Shift + F)

Speed of Light (R)

Divine Shield (2)

Divine Protection (Shift + R)

B.O.P. (Ctrl "Left" +2)

Stun (c)

Avenging Wrath (B5 Button Mouse)

Guardian of Ancients Kings ( Alt left + B5)

Devotion Aura (Shift Left + B5)

Sacrifice (B4 Button Mouse only with Hunter/Mago/Monk or Mitigate Damage)


Turn OFF
Auto Target
All Fist of Fury and all CC Mode
All Burst mode
B.O.P automatically
Divine Shield
Divine Protection
Sacrifice Automatically
Flash of Light
Divine Light
Holy Light
Guardian of Ancient Kings
Avenger Wrath
Devotion Aura
Divine Favor
Speed of Light
Freedom automatically only on Melee if you play with Caster then only you


  • If you see a Hunter moving towards you you should use Hand of Sacrifice to possibly break the Scatter Trap, this is quite easy to predict once you learn it.
  • Blessing of Protection can be used both offensively and defensively , it can for example break blinds or Warrior Fears on yourself.
  • If you're being trained by a Rogue or Warrior and need to get away you should use Hand of Freedom the last second of the stun so you can quickly use Speed of Light to get away.
  • Rather use plea early at 80% then at 10%.
  • Freedom is our best defensive ability against casters as well as melees, use it wisely as you now have 2
  • Always try and keep a reasonable distance to a pillar, you should always have a way to avoid CC either by outraging it or Line of Sighting it.
it isnt fun anymore to play healer in arena on a high pop pvpserver as outland eu ally u get cc chained all times and almost impossible to heal that makes mesometimes go back to dpser.

Doesnt matter what server you are, the match making system is for the whole of the EU, So if your healing at high rating in arena, ull get CC chained regardless of what server you are on.
Doesnt matter what server you are, the match making system is for the whole of the EU, So if your healing at high rating in arena, ull get CC chained regardless of what server you are on.

ye but they always chain cc me when im burst healing to get my guadian heals out of it etc and no other helps me
A newer version just uploaded to SVN server!

The update include:
Fix the annoying bug do nothing in Arena for a few seconds
Improved Logic
SVN update reminder (if you use old svn and there's a newer version, CR will tell you to update)

To Update please open folder Honorbuddy/Routines

Right Click Folder [Combat Routine Name]
> SVN Update working copy. (If you see that option)
> SVN Update

Thank you.
Still having some issues with the Ret module not auto attacking and very slow on the ability usage. Not wanting to use hammer of wrath either.