You're reforging into haste with not so good that item level you should only be going spirit/mastery and *possibly* reaching the lowest 3506 haste cap, but I wouldn't put much effort into it yet. If you're not going oom with under 10k mana, you're doing something way wrong with the CR (unless you are SH specced.) My ilvl is 560+ and I'm still only shooting 3506 haste cap, at around 16000 mana this CR will completely rape every healer in my raid on most fights. It blows lfr away, I can probably solo heal it. I'm completely oom at the end of every fight if I want it to be, the only way I avoid this is by making myself stop casting when needed. I'm only going to suggest is that people start figuring out what their actual rotation is as a holy paladin and adjusting the CR to do exactly that. This will be different for 10m raids, 25m raids, or arena. Start running LFR for one boss and adjusting the CR to heal it like crazy, then save those settings for that boss. Don't just use a preset setting on the CR and expect it to do good, because the presets are just a baseline that needs heavy adjustment in most cases. The current paladin raid rotation should be hs>hr>hr>ef>hp(on cd). I have a feeling a lot of people here are using 1hp EF's, which is no longer viable in 5.4.
Most helpful link online
Holy Paladin 5.4