Tested TuanHa pally vs PQR default ret, did multiple tests on target dummies over a period of 6 minutes. PQR on average scoring 2k dps higher.
What did happen ?
I am not yielding any result that is even worth to mention. I am getting outhealed by people with 20 ilvls lower than me in LFR?! Running the raid default settings in the new lfr. I am adding some photos from skada damage meter and a log if anyone can take a look. I am currently Ilvl 498 and shouldn't be outhealed by 3 other palas with 10-20 ilvls lower than me?
View attachment 84487View attachment 84488
I am number 4 on healing done and the second paladin on overhealing done..
Anyone that can help me ?
Update do not heal list with these two new debuff
Beast of Nightmares
Corrupted Healing
Thank Sk1vvy
Why are there some ''greyed'' areas on some buttons which i can't configure, do I need to edit through the dokuments or Do I need a ''elite'' version of this CC?
I Have a quick question. (i have the Special Edition)
I like to quest as a prot pally and it works very well.. except for two small things i have noticed:
1: It doesn't matter if i pause LazyRaider or if i set the CR to Pause Mode or both, it constantly attacks every mob thats in range no matter if its my tag or not. Any way to just pause the CR completely without stopping the bot?
2: The CR doesn't seem to support Glyph of Consecration?
Thank you for a great CR!
RBG PVP needs to use Faster Heal logic like Dungeons. There's no time to conserve mana. We can drink after intense battle.
It heals good but HPS is always low when using PVP spec. When I click Dungeon for faster heal logic, I heal like crazy.
Anyone else has opinion?
There maybe a hold switch on Prot that broken, I need to check.Bumping this.
Well, good new is I've improve the CR work flow on my hunter, it run 100fps on Tyrael (nVidia 660 vga)Hey tuanha i know you're doing a great job but i have a dual core at 2.4ghz and when running your CR my wow laggs, i solved that by getting a higher priority in task manager but i was healing in rbg's and your CR would just simply stop casting spells till he was "feeling like healing" again. We need a minimalistic lightweigth code please!!! or a guide of what to turn off and on for a faster response from the CR or else this should be considered as unusable instead of extreme PvP