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TuanHA Paladin - The Ultimate Experience

Can anyone confirm that the CR is using the best rotation for PVE ret? My logs seem much different than the top Rets on WOL
For all who are getting the [299] errors. Make sure you are setting it as an exception in your firewall, as well as windows defender. Forgot windows had both. Seemed to clear
Up the errors for me with all tuanha cc. However, when you stop the bot you will have an error on logs
Update do not heal list with these two new debuff
Beast of Nightmares
Corrupted Healing

Thank Sk1vvy
Update do not heal list with these two new debuff
Beast of Nightmares
Corrupted Healing

Thank Sk1vvy

I don't see this file "THListHealDoNot.xml" in the folder that is listed in the THSettings.cs file. How do we add those two new debuffs to it?

Thanks for the help.
Hey tuanha, I mentioned before where it seems that it isn't casting, well I ended up jumping into the middle of a horridon, and I ended up fixing my bot settings during the fight. It was healing fine until I was adjusting the settings (divine protection off, hand of protection off, lay on hands 15, divine shield 20, devotion aura 0, and turning on cleanse and eternal flame 1.) this was after I set it to raid. I also ended up turning off auto beacon when I saw it wasn't casting. Most of this log was 2nd phase of horridon (lfr) where half the raid was taking damage.

Add: I noticed at times, it spams talents in the log, is that normal?

Add2: Which is better for overall healing? eternal flame or not? Not sure.

Add3: I am not sure why but it's still delaying when it should be casting direct heals. I deleted the settings and didn't even turn eternal flame on and theres people who need direct healing and it doesn't heal.

Add4: Seems to fluctuate, sometimes it's spot on when people get hurt, it heals, other times like the raid was at 50% or less, and the bot wasn't raid healing when I have it set to 3 < 90%

Add5: Seems to be working in an actual raid. *shrug*

Final add: I changed my settings (upped divine light, flash of light, turned off divine protection, hand of protection, and cleanse) and now it almost seems like it's lagging a little.


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So I've noticed a huge DPS drop just recently. While in a raid using LazyRaider (yes, the settings are correct), my pally will stand there and do nothing. Then it'll cast a few spells... then sit there. Looking through the log, I see a lot of

System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 2815B4DC [299]!

I installed a fresh copy of Honorbuddy, lazy raider, and the Special Edition of this routine.

Attached is the log

View attachment 6056 2013-03-12 22.27.txt
So ive started doing some healing on my paladin :).. is the guides on the front page still up to date? Or have i missed some somewhere?

Looking for what settings is best for LFR and 10 mans normal

Edit: Tryed Clubwar Holy HM Complete settings, just stood still for some reason so used default raid settings for holy
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I'd really love a cleanse function but its not available in the public version. Where can i find the premium edition?
What did happen ?

I am not yielding any result that is even worth to mention. I am getting outhealed by people with 20 ilvls lower than me in LFR?! Running the raid default settings in the new lfr. I am adding some photos from skada damage meter and a log if anyone can take a look. I am currently Ilvl 498 and shouldn't be outhealed by 3 other palas with 10-20 ilvls lower than me?

lol.webp View attachment 4000 2013-03-13 15.09.txt

I am number 4 on healing done and the second paladin on overhealing done..

Anyone that can help me ?
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In my opinion, this CR is too big and gets too many errors. There needs to be a PVE DPS routine and a PVE Holy/healing routine and then a PVP DPS and a PVP Holy/healing instead of one big one. He keeps adding more stuff to the Hunter routine and it is starting to do the same thing. The Monk routine is like that as well. Slow and low dps. :/
What did happen ?

I am not yielding any result that is even worth to mention. I am getting outhealed by people with 20 ilvls lower than me in LFR?! Running the raid default settings in the new lfr. I am adding some photos from skada damage meter and a log if anyone can take a look. I am currently Ilvl 498 and shouldn't be outhealed by 3 other palas with 10-20 ilvls lower than me?

View attachment 84487View attachment 84488

I am number 4 on healing done and the second paladin on overhealing done..

Anyone that can help me ?

You are getting same error as me. System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 2ACC34DC [299]!
Tested TuanHa pally vs PQR default ret, did multiple tests on target dummies over a period of 6 minutes. PQR on average scoring 2k dps higher.
There's light weight version design for raid, it faster and auto activated upon entering raid.
There's light weight version design for raid, it faster and auto activated upon entering raid.

Where can I get the Light Weight version that will not give me System.AccessViolationException: Could not read bytes from 2A6B9610 [299]! errors??