Hey tuanha, I mentioned before where it seems that it isn't casting, well I ended up jumping into the middle of a horridon, and I ended up fixing my bot settings during the fight. It was healing fine until I was adjusting the settings (divine protection off, hand of protection off, lay on hands 15, divine shield 20, devotion aura 0, and turning on cleanse and eternal flame 1.) this was after I set it to raid. I also ended up turning off auto beacon when I saw it wasn't casting. Most of this log was 2nd phase of horridon (lfr) where half the raid was taking damage.
Add: I noticed at times, it spams talents in the log, is that normal?
Add2: Which is better for overall healing? eternal flame or not? Not sure.
Add3: I am not sure why but it's still delaying when it should be casting direct heals. I deleted the settings and didn't even turn eternal flame on and theres people who need direct healing and it doesn't heal.
Add4: Seems to fluctuate, sometimes it's spot on when people get hurt, it heals, other times like the raid was at 50% or less, and the bot wasn't raid healing when I have it set to 3 < 90%
Add5: Seems to be working in an actual raid. *shrug*
Final add: I changed my settings (upped divine light, flash of light, turned off divine protection, hand of protection, and cleanse) and now it almost seems like it's lagging a little.