Hi tuanHA,
the problem with "my" bug in your CR, history read here:
I tested now for hours and found the problem, it's definitly in your CR! I tested revision for revision, downgrading, upgrading, downgrading, etc., at the end rev. 1 to 53 works great, without any problems, with rev. 54 to now it is broken for me, i don't know why, it's my german client or something else, but i found the code lines in your CR that breaks the whole BGBuddy thing.
I search for the diffs from rev. 53 to 54, 3 files was modified, I wrote down the changes, line for line and tested evertime with HB/BGBuddy. This is the Problem, rev. 54, THCommon.cs, line 656 and 657:
old rev. 53 (works!):
!SpellManager.HasSpell("Avenger's Shield") &&
[B](Me.CurrentMap.IsDungeon || Me.CurrentMap.IsRaid) &&[/B]
new rev. 54 (broken!):
!SpellManager.HasSpell("Avenger's Shield") &&
[B]!Me.CurrentMap.IsArena &&[/B]
[B]!Me.CurrentMap.IsBattleground &&[/B]
I put the rev.53 lines in the rev.54 THCommon.cs and now IT WORKS GREAT, perfect! For the Final check i switch to the newest revision (rev. 63), change in the THCommon.cs file the two new lines to the old "
(Me.CurrentMap.IsDungeon || Me.CurrentMap.IsRaid) &&" and now rev. 63 works nice, too. Please think about it, what can going wrong with these little codelines, or I must change these lines on every svn update.