This also the balance of Combat Routine:
1. do more thing + slow frame rate
2. do less thing + fast frame rate
I'll keep tweaking for faster frame rate but tbh, If you want the combat do many thing in a very fast frame rate is... mission impossible xD
Well, how do you mean "Do Less or More Things" the Bot is casting the same speed as always, switching Beacon and stuff like Dungeon. Has the bot troubles with the Scanning of 25 man and Causes lags?
The Problem isn't lowfps. My problem is FPS drops. The Drops start when i get into the Fight obv.
Still, i have a very good PC, i run 150+ FPS when the bot isn't running, and dropping from 120 to 20 when the Bot is running. This sir, is the only weakness about the CR. You should write it in the FAQ, that it may cause FPS Drops in LFR 25 for example. If i'd know that for example, i think i wouldn't have donated in the first place.
If the FPS go down a bit, it wouldn't be a problem. But it Drops so hard that it causes so much lagg :[
I can't imagine im the first to complain about this, because the Community is up to bugs like flies to ........ its a Huge Lagg. Maybe i have something wrong in my HB or WoW Folder?
Other Donors, please tell me: Do you have the same problem?
How can you even Enjoy raiding LFR with this? It stutters so much i cant really enjoy playing it.It's LFR 25 man...![]()
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