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Tuanha Paladin Holy PvP

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can you get alot of rating with this class my paladin needs a few more piece then i start arena rbg
can you get alot of rating with this class my paladin needs a few more piece then i start arena rbg

I don't do hardcore arena, I just do 2v2 to get points capped and depending how good your partner is, I usually win 70%-80% of my games.
(10-3 or 10-2)
I don't do hardcore arena, I just do 2v2 to get points capped and depending how good your partner is, I usually win 70%-80% of my games.
(10-3 or 10-2)

im going to do arena with friends im going to do crowd control self i just wanted to know is this cc installed with spells like the gladiators would heal on paladin? i was wondering if i could get 2k with it or more
im going to do arena with friends im going to do crowd control self i just wanted to know is this cc installed with spells like the gladiators would heal on paladin? i was wondering if i could get 2k with it or more

my partner is good we play 6 years togetter he is also dutch like me he have like 51 chars and ye im going to heal and they are going to dps.
Curse of Elements F**ks up the cc it spam Cleanse him self.. and sometimes when i did rbgs i only healed myself
I got no chance to get into a Rated Battleground but I test couples of arena and the new version that fix bug and improved logic work perfect.

Please try new version 1.9 and let me know your suggestion.

Thank you.
dude ur fucking cc rocks im top healing in evrything can i donate u? also is there a way to donate u via Ideal Internet banking? because i stil dont have my cc card yet needs to come soon
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could u add something like Fake casting to lol XD:)
I'm testing the fake cast feature when there nothing urgent to do or melee class on me. The fake cast not work perfect yet. If I track Rogue Kick, dk Mind Freeze, Warrior Pummel... the bot slow down considerably.

I think I will include in next major release if ONLY the feature worth a 500ms delay of the bot.

Thank Mario for your suggestion. For now, just get ready to Jump/Move to fake cast interrupt. When you have less than 3 holy power you know the bot is about to cast heal don't you :P
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I'm testing the fake cast feature when there nothing urgent to do or melee class on me. The fake cast not work perfect yet. If I track Rogue Kick, dk Mind Freeze, Warrior Pummel... the bot slow down considerably.

I think I will include in next major release if ONLY the feature worth a 500ms delay of the bot.

Thank Mario for your suggestion. For now, just get ready to Jump/Move to fake cast interrupt. When you have less than 3 holy power you know the bot is about to cast heal don't you :P

would be great i was top healing in bg with ruthles set im going to outland to friends of mine and then arena with them i hope u can add fake casting to:P hey is there a way to donate u via Ideal Internet Banking? because im stil waiting on my cc card:)

i could helpu with fake casting testing i have a strong 120mb internet connection?
i think this could work for pveing to tuanha u just move ur self and it uses spells same as pvp? right i love ur cc u should make abit for pve to but i think all spells that are used in pvp can be done for pve to flash light holy light dispelling etc right?

also when u get stunned wil it use Devine favor it move faster with devine favor and also hand of freedom hand of freedom is used also in class but it would be nice that it only use devine favor when you need to run away:)
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i think this could work for pveing to tuanha u just move ur self and it uses spells same as pvp? right i love ur cc u should make abit for pve to but i think all spells that are used in pvp can be done for pve to flash light holy light dispelling etc right?

also when u get stunned wil it use Devine favor it move faster with devine favor and also hand of freedom hand of freedom is used also in class but it would be nice that it only use devine favor when you need to run away:)
The PvE option is not hard (it's easier in my opinion) because you don't have to search for enemy to keep them in combat/hammer of wrath... you don't have to search for pet to fear... no one ask a holy paladin to rebuke interrupt... all the offensive abilities GONE.

But if I include the PvE into this CC it will SLOW DOWN the performance and so one want it.

The other option is to make another CC for PvE which use PvE skill and rotation but it take time and I have no clue how to PvE

TLDR: Sorry, I can't :D
The PvE option is not hard (it's easier in my opinion) because you don't have to search for enemy to keep them in combat/hammer of wrath... you don't have to search for pet to fear... no one ask a holy paladin to rebuke interrupt... all the offensive abilities GONE.

But if I include the PvE into this CC it will SLOW DOWN the performance and so one want it.

The other option is to make another CC for PvE which use PvE skill and rotation but it take time and I have no clue how to PvE

TLDR: Sorry, I can't :D

awsome ur the best holy class maker i wil donate pls make pve class also:)
One thing that I noticed is that sometimes it will use Divine Shield and then Wings or GoAK (sometimes both, if they are off CD)
I don't think is really needed since they can't even damage me for 8 sec and it wastes Wings or GoAK for when I need CD's again.
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One thing that I noticed is that sometimes it will use Divine Shield and then Wings or GoAK (sometimes both, if they are off CD)
I don't think is really needed since they can't even damage me for 8 sec and it wastes Wings or GoAK for when I need CD's again.
Thank xLegendx, I'll improve the logic next release.

Thanks !


You can just up the health percentage of when it uses it (or just cast it yourself)
I dont know if this i posible but the LoS Check is "bugged" it sometimes thinks targets are LoS but they arent, but this is no problem in arenas but in Bgs i need to heal manualy thru Cliffs most of the times.
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