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Tuanha Paladin Holy PvP

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Very nice Holy cc .... Will be great if user can use by himself Trinquet .... my team are at 1.9 with ur cc well i want to use my trinquet by myself ..

Again great job

Well, I'm so happy that my CC still help at 1900 rating (At this level, player skill are VERY HIGH already)

I just upload version 1.6 for more awesomeness!

If you want use trinket by yourself, find the TrinketPvPComp(), (line 1287 on file TuanHA BT Paladin Holy.1.6.cs) and replace with //TrinketPvPComp(),
Seems like you've done a great job and spent a lot of hours working on it tuanha!
I look forward to testing this CC shortly(:
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in v1.5 it wastes many mana by healing players at a high level of healthpercentage (100%)
out of arena (in town for example) it trys to heal / buff npcs and non-party-members
I added in version 1.6 stop healing when HP above 95%

Thank for your comment.

PS: I'm a big fan of your Ultimate Paladin Healing. Thank you for all that amazing CC, I learn a lot from it Stormchasing.
still healing non-party-members :)

HolyRadiance not very usefull -> casttime too long

tested with v1.6

the CC is for BGs and rBG atm pretty useless (i do not want to attack u, i'll try to give some feedback, hopefully usefull^^)

First of all u should change your NearbyFriendlyPlayers
for example
        public IEnumerable<WoWPlayer> NearbyFriendlyPlayers
              ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWPlayer>(true, true).Where(p => p.IsAlive && p.DistanceSqr <= 40 * 40 && p.IsFriendly && p.IsInMyPartyOrRaid).ToList();
All players should be in your raid or party, it shouldn't be necessary to heal pets
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Thank Stormchasing.

I tested in a lot battleground and only find 1-2 situation that worth casting Holy Radiance. The usability too low comparing it slow CC a lot. I'm will remove Holy Radiance in next release.

The code "IEnumerable<WoWPlayer>" mean the CC will find only player and never heal pet. Correct me if I'm wrong. "IEnumerable<WoWUnit>" will find pet however.

I want the bot heal Non-Party member outside battleground - arena. Auto heal lowbies on leveling it's ok for me so I don't want to add "p.IsInMyPartyOrRaid".

Again, thank for your suggestion and UltimatePaladinHealerBT code :D
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that's right WoWPlayer should only heal players, but as a PVP/Arena CC it shouldn't (in my opinion) Players /NPCs not in my party, but your argument is also correct if u wanna use it for leveling purposes too

so i'll modify it a little bit for myself :)
Cause i don't like the dpsing part (only hammering and rebuke is prefered most of the time, the rest of the fight it is mana wasting with dpsing^^ but that's only my opinion).
Sometimes it is a little bit slow on detecting whom to heal, but this could be an issue with current target (i played a little bit of pvp on a RP realm so ... results could be garbage caused by DPS-Players of my own faction^^) but i'll check again in the next few days.

I'll test it in some 2v2 and 3v3, maybe results are much better in a known area with known mates, "normal" PVP isn't comparable to rBGs and Arena (but haven't had the time yesterday to test it)

Still good work from you, but i think mana-effiecence could be a little bit better
I was oom after 2 minutes of combat, where my toon should have more than 70% (played 2v2, the enemies haven't had this much damage output, so your dpsing part could be the reason... but again ... these are personal impressions, i for myself would like to disable the dpsing).
All in all the CC did well and the healing output was nearly the same as the output from ours oponents, so i didn't need to explain anything :)
Is there anyway to use this without the offensive spells/spec?
Or maybe a different version?

Not a big deal though,
Other than that its a great CC for my personal use :P
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that's right WoWPlayer should only heal players, but as a PVP/Arena CC it shouldn't (in my opinion) Players /NPCs not in my party, but your argument is also correct if u wanna use it for leveling purposes too
No, I do check if player in arena/rbg is in my team to heal. (You can see in the IsEnemy(wowunit Target) function.

so i'll modify it a little bit for myself :)
Cause i don't like the dpsing part (only hammering and rebuke is prefered most of the time, the rest of the fight it is mana wasting with dpsing^^ but that's only my opinion).
The mana waste is mostly due to the Exorcism. I recommend Exorcism ONLY when you spent 2 point in [denounce] that reduce 70% mana on Exorcism cast. I really want to automatically switch if off if people dont spec for that but now I don't know how. :D

Sometimes it is a little bit slow on detecting whom to heal, but this could be an issue with current target (i played a little bit of pvp on a RP realm so ... results could be garbage caused by DPS-Players of my own faction^^) but i'll check again in the next few days.
Sometime, due to the unit lowest HP is NOT on Line of Sign or Cyclone... so you may have impression the CC slow on detect whom to heal. I need to test more about this, correct me if I'm wrong.

Also the the heal priority is Me > My Focus > My Target > Other guys... that good for PvP situation. In battleground, you have to watch someone going to die and heal you, your teammate instead.

I'll test it in some 2v2 and 3v3, maybe results are much better in a known area with known mates, "normal" PVP isn't comparable to rBGs and Arena (but haven't had the time yesterday to test it)
Currently, IsFriendly bugged in arena / rbg when you face your same faction team (Horde vs. Horde || Alliance vs. Alliance). But I made the IsEnemy() function to fix it.

Still good work from you, but i think mana-effiecence could be a little bit better
I was oom after 2 minutes of combat, where my toon should have more than 70% (played 2v2, the enemies haven't had this much damage output, so your dpsing part could be the reason... but again ... these are personal impressions, i for myself would like to disable the dpsing).
All in all the CC did well and the healing output was nearly the same as the output from ours oponents, so i didn't need to explain anything :)
Thank you, I'll look closely on the mana issue. I'm thinking about making a Mana Saving Mode so the bot will not waste Mana on Exorcism, Judgement and only cleanse important debuffs.
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Is there anyway to use this without the offensive spells/spec?
Or maybe a different version?

Not a big deal though,
Other than that its a great CC for my personal use :P
Next version, I'll try to let people enable/disable Exorcism, Judgement... to save mana.
i can't get the cc to show up when i start the bot, no option to select it, its in the right folder nad newest update, whats possible i do wrong?

i do try to start it with lazyraider, got ur map in custom classes in a folder named as said.

someone help me plz?
i can't get the cc to show up when i start the bot, no option to select it, its in the right folder nad newest update, whats possible i do wrong?

i do try to start it with lazyraider, got ur map in custom classes in a folder named as said.

someone help me plz?

attach a log this could help us to help u
this cc is just awesome !
play with my feral cat friend in 2on2 arena ... we played yesterday 11-2 ...

i love u soooo much ! thank u for code and sharing this !
i hope u will update this all the time ...

do a donate button :) ich would pay some euros for your awesome cc

sry for bad english and greetz from germany
i don't think i can get a proper log as there is no fault or error. I created the folder with the new 1.7 in costum classes like i did with ultimate palahealerBT. Now, when i launch the game and honorbuddy it attaches properly, i select lazyraider and push start. Screen pops up select custom class, thats where the singular v2 and UltimatepallyhealerBT shows up and normally there should be a third, the new 1.7 cs wich doesn't show up.

Did i make an installation fault? is this cs supposed to be installed differently than ultimatepallyhealer?

sorry, i'm not so good in all this stuff, just want it to work cause i'm sure its aaaaaaawsoooooome :)
i don't think i can get a proper log as there is no fault or error. I created the folder with the new 1.7 in costum classes like i did with ultimate palahealerBT. Now, when i launch the game and honorbuddy it attaches properly, i select lazyraider and push start. Screen pops up select custom class, thats where the singular v2 and UltimatepallyhealerBT shows up and normally there should be a third, the new 1.7 cs wich doesn't show up.

Did i make an installation fault? is this cs supposed to be installed differently than ultimatepallyhealer?

sorry, i'm not so good in all this stuff, just want it to work cause i'm sure its aaaaaaawsoooooome :)

Please provide a log! this is no joke - we can't see if it is installed correct, if there's a compilation error or something different, we need a log to make sure u did no fault
All hints someone could give are speculation.

Maybe u double installed the cc?
Maybe u've choosen the wrong directory?
Maybe there's an error within the last release?
Maybe u missed one file?

All these questions could be answered by a log!
Start HB
Start Lazyraider
attach the log here

I think i know the reason ... but it is speculation ...
u've installed the current version AND (in another subdirectory or maybe in the same since Tuanha decided to rename the files while changing the versions and provide version info in the filename) an older version?
If this is the fact, than u have to delete the old version (i could explain u the reason why it is not working .. but i think i've not enough space to do that ... so ... old AND new version is not working, only ONE version can be installed at the same time per HB installation)
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