Tuan, I have today 30minutes time to test your cc in arena. That cc is still very slow for me. I think that cc can carry people to get 1700 max but no more.
* Dispel ok. I did not meet warlock to check, how smart is the dispel.
- Interrupt ok, but that bot tried sometimes to interrupt mage' pet.
Bot never interrupt pet, sometimes it run to pet to crusader strike to gain Holy Power only (will fix to Crusader Strike when facing unit only, don't need to turn back and CS)
- The heal is basically ok but still very slow most critical situation. Sometimes my partner was at 30% hp or less and i got 3 holy power, but the bot tried to run for interrupt or cast heal.
Thank, I'll make interrupt only when people not critically low.
- The bot did not cast Hand of Sacrifice while sheep casting.
Polymorph cast is about 1.3 sec, paladin GCD is about 1.45 sec, Only when Paladin NOT on GCD and a friendly target in LoS, bot will Hand of Sac. The "Hand of Sac to prevent Polymorph" just a matter of luck because when you are on GCD, you know mage sheeping but nothing you can really do.
+ You have to add a condition to cast Hand of Salvation when you buff Wing. I always have to cast this spell manual when the bot pop Wing.
I will add Hand of Salvation when you have Hand of Freedom/Avenging Wrath/Divine Plea next release
+ You have to add Hand of Reckoning for pet taunt, when the mage cast sheep.
Bot already Hand of Reckonging / Righteous Defense every cooldown.
I have sent you the log text in skype.