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Tuanha Paladin Holy PvP

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Tuan, I have today 30minutes time to test your cc in arena. That cc is still very slow for me. I think that cc can carry people to get 1700 max but no more.
* Dispel ok. I did not meet warlock to check, how smart is the dispel.
- Interrupt ok, but that bot tried sometimes to interrupt mage' pet.
- The heal is basically ok but still very slow most critical situation. Sometimes my partner was at 30% hp or less and i got 3 holy power, but the bot tried to run for interrupt or cast heal.
- The bot did not cast Hand of Sacrifice while sheep casting.
+ You have to add a condition to cast Hand of Salvation when you buff Wing. I always have to cast this spell manual when the bot pop Wing.
+ You have to add Hand of Reckoning for pet taunt, when the mage cast sheep.
I have sent you the log text in skype.
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Tuan, I have today 30minutes time to test your cc in arena. That cc is still very slow for me. I think that cc can carry people to get 1700 max but no more.
* Dispel ok. I did not meet warlock to check, how smart is the dispel.
- Interrupt ok, but that bot tried sometimes to interrupt mage' pet.
Bot never interrupt pet, sometimes it run to pet to crusader strike to gain Holy Power only (will fix to Crusader Strike when facing unit only, don't need to turn back and CS)

- The heal is basically ok but still very slow most critical situation. Sometimes my partner was at 30% hp or less and i got 3 holy power, but the bot tried to run for interrupt or cast heal.
Thank, I'll make interrupt only when people not critically low.

- The bot did not cast Hand of Sacrifice while sheep casting.
Polymorph cast is about 1.3 sec, paladin GCD is about 1.45 sec, Only when Paladin NOT on GCD and a friendly target in LoS, bot will Hand of Sac. The "Hand of Sac to prevent Polymorph" just a matter of luck because when you are on GCD, you know mage sheeping but nothing you can really do.

+ You have to add a condition to cast Hand of Salvation when you buff Wing. I always have to cast this spell manual when the bot pop Wing.
I will add Hand of Salvation when you have Hand of Freedom/Avenging Wrath/Divine Plea next release

+ You have to add Hand of Reckoning for pet taunt, when the mage cast sheep.
Bot already Hand of Reckonging / Righteous Defense every cooldown.

I have sent you the log text in skype.
I was using this cc today and seemed slower. Just curious did you make it slower? Maybe it was just me. But i felt it different then your previous versions.
I was using this cc today and seemed slower. Just curious did you make it slower? Maybe it was just me. But i felt it different then your previous versions.

you have to wait for his 5.0 im already testing its so fucking fast man even the own movement rocks no hiccups with that version just wait til he release it with the new gui.
I will add Hand of Salvation when you have Hand of Freedom/Avenging Wrath/Divine Plea next release
You can only use 1 Hand on you or your partner. ;) Do not count that Hand of Freedom.
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Hey guys,

Just let you know that Version 5.0 is up with tone of features and a NICE GUI.

Hey Tuanha!

Loving the new GUI it'll make things a lot easier! Just a note though, you might want it to not print the character's name since if users post logs others will be able to see the character's name.

Cheers, Megs
few things iv noticed in last update it seems to dispell UA alot.... never did this before.

Also can you make it so it does not heal people not in your party/raid. trying to test this about before each update out the front of stromwind and looks so stupid when im healing other people while im in a duel.

Last thing i noticed when in arena if im rooted in place the cc will try cast holy light and there is no way to juke because im rooted and i get inturrpted. any chance you could make it so when your rooted it only cast intant heals or some kinda of work around so it dosnt try casting holy light while being tunneled by melee and no way to juke.
public static string SafeName(this WoWObject obj)
            if (obj.IsMe)
                return "Myself";

            string name;
            if (obj is WoWPlayer)
                if (RaFHelper.Leader == obj)
                    return "Tank";

                name = ((WoWPlayer) obj).Class.ToString();
            else if (obj is WoWUnit && obj.ToUnit().IsPet)
                name = "Pet";
                name = obj.Name;

            return name;

Taken from Singular. I use it too, pretty complete.
Just replace ...CurrentTarget.Name with ...CurrentTarget.SafeName()


few things iv noticed in last update it seems to dispell UA alot.... never did this before.

Also can you make it so it does not heal people not in your party/raid. trying to test this about before each update out the front of stromwind and looks so stupid when im healing other people while im in a duel.

Last thing i noticed when in arena if im rooted in place the cc will try cast holy light and there is no way to juke because im rooted and i get inturrpted. any chance you could make it so when your rooted it only cast intant heals or some kinda of work around so it dosnt try casting holy light while being tunneled by melee and no way to juke.
Thank Brentus, I forgot to check UA when cleansing myself. Fix it next release. My bad.

For the root casting, thank for the idea, I didn't think about that. I'll make it fake cast / cast instant / cleanse spell when rooted.
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Any chance we could have any option to turn off all healing when not in a party or raid?
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As a follow-up to my previous post, I just managed 8.5 million heals and 200k damage in a non-RBG WSG. I'd say it works pretty well. :)
This might have to be done manually but sometimes if my partner is getting bursted, it wont use Aura Mastery so I won't be CC chained or Divine Shield to break CC's when my partner is at low HP and in these critically situations.
I personally use a HoP macro when I just see them burst all CD's on my partner.

I don't how that can be implemented like i said it might have to be done manually.
Hey guys,

Just want to let you know that version 5.1 is completed and can be download at the #1 page.

Version 5.1 includes:
+ Many bugs and slow performance fix,
+ PVE healing
+ Unique fake casting feature.

Thank you for choosing my CC.
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