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Tuanha Paladin Holy PvP

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in arena my partner ( a warior ) said 'ur bop fucked me), so that refers to hand of protection, what does he mean by that? is it smarter to get bop turned off? and how?
Have your friend make macro /cancelaura Hand of Protection to remove bubble on him.
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hey mate, thx for the quick reply. But why didn't he like the bubble? he was almost dieing so ...how could that been the fault? it saved someone right?
Bubble make target immune to ALL PHYSICAL damage but he CAN NOT ATTACK :D
hey mate, thx for the quick reply. But why didn't he like the bubble? he was almost dieing so ...how could that been the fault? it saved someone right?

Maybe he didnt liked it because you cant attack or do anything with it, because it's preventing you from doing any damage or physical abilities :)
- So put it on him, heal him fully up, and let him have a macro to remove it :)
the rebuke is verry low in 3.4 in 3.3 u had

public WoWUnit InterruptRebuke;
public WoWUnit InterruptHoJ;
public double InterruptBefore = 2000;

now its all changed

how do i get it like this?
interupting does work better when you put dispelling on false and not true for only important dispels
i didnt knew that if you put dispelling on false it wil rebuke faster lol D now its rebukingfine because i have dispell on false
sometimes when i wanna get hand of freedom on my arenapartner it automaticly switches to an enemy so when i click hof it sets it on me, not my partner i intended too, how can i prevent this? thx
sometimes when i wanna get hand of freedom on my arenapartner it automaticly switches to an enemy so when i click hof it sets it on me, not my partner i intended too, how can i prevent this? thx

set your mate as your focus and use a macro like
/cast [@focus,exists,nodead,help]Hand of Freedom
or use a mouseovermacro :)
/cast [@mouseover,exists,nodead,help]Hand of Freedom
sometimes when i wanna get hand of freedom on my arenapartner it automaticly switches to an enemy so when i click hof it sets it on me, not my partner i intended too, how can i prevent this? thx
Please read the guide at page 1 to turn off auto hand of freedom
i think i understand what he trying to say ... exemple ... ur set focus ur warrior then u click him then u put freedom on him ... well in the time u put freedom the bot target another player by himself so freedom go on u .... happened me soo often. I know about the focus target maccro well i want to keep my target i choose.. until 2.0 i dont know if is the lazyraider trouble .. well both targeting by himself with everything off .Before i was able to target my focus the whole game now i cant do it anymore.Now this is a major trouble for me. This is so obvious we botting right now:P coz if im trying to clean my target coz poison ect and the bot target ennemy back to me for i dont know why so my pal make a 360 spin for facing the target..

Btw english are not my first language sooo just trying to explain the best i can :P
Eeuuh I noticed that it stopped using Crusader Strike to build up HP, how can I turn this back on? Cause it's nice that he does it :)
Hey guys,

Just let you know that version 4.0 is up.

- Completely rewrite structure
- Add Divine Plea when it safe from dispeller
- Smarter trinket logic
- Smarter Hand of Protection logic
- Smarter interrupt logic
- Smarter Turn Evil and Holy Wrath priority
- Intensively tested and working as intended.
ty for awesome plugin
Suggestion:1-can you add hotkey for Pause Rotation (when hold hot key pause and when release hot key run)
-this is not like Lazyraider pause-
2-can u add option for higher ping (250+)
this should fix delay on cast with pre casting or something like
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it Tries to remove Jinx: Curse of elements with Cleanse and you spam it all the time when no healing is needed and i go oom
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