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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Is the spec from page 1 still up to date? Dont see the must have glyph in the calculator (windwalker) for questing
Please update new rev.

I still don't know what make CR crash more since Tuesday :D just tried to fix.

Still getting crashes. It is happening on both this CR and the Pally CR. At what point did you add the unit search time to the CR's? These crash issues never happened prior to about two weeks ago.
Try to set search unit time to 500ms or more.

CR didn't crash on mine so it hard to fix, I need more time to find out why.
I have a problem, outside of battle bot constantly spam Renewing Mist, and in General how to disable a hill outside of battle? Only putting a pause?
New update bring ability to drop healing sphere on friend for WindWalker.

This ability disabled in Raid/Dungeon because it not your job to heal there, but in arena/bg, it really needed to help a friend with a few healing sphere.

Thank Miragi for suggestion.

@megabbyte: Tyrael fully supported. Please disable framelock.
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well, then there is no way to disable the use of outside of battle Renewing Mist??
well, then there is no way to disable the use of outside of battle Renewing Mist??
I'll revise that Bravegi.

As now Renewing Mist code is combine many condition in one spell cast and that act weird some time... I'll fix it then.
Any Brewmaster whit good settings for high dps?? 2 ToT in HM and my raid leader change me, because my dps is too low whit 510 item gear, and others tanks can get easy 100k, i only get 55k :(, whit better gear level
Any Brewmaster whit good settings for high dps?? 2 ToT in HM and my raid leader change me, because my dps is too low whit 510 item gear, and others tanks can get easy 100k, i only get 55k :(, whit better gear level
My design on tank focus on Survivability not doing more dps... you better make your own or find a better one.

Sorry there's no way I redesign tank to do more dps, BrewMaster intended to tank.

Klassas did more than 100k dps on his BrewMaster because he understand how BrewMaster work and tweak the setting to fit his char.

It always better to understand class, tweak setting for each fight than asking for someone else setting that never fully fit yours.
My design on tank focus on Survivability not doing more dps... you better make your own or find a better one.

Sorry there's no way I redesign tank to do more dps, BrewMaster intended to tank.

Klassas did more than 100k dps on his BrewMaster because he understand how BrewMaster work and tweak the setting to fit his char.

It always better to understand class, tweak setting for each fight than asking for someone else setting that never fully fit yours.

Klassas use too many abilitys manually no play whit full bot. No its a good example
Currently there's no CR that do everything and you get top dps as tank, may be make your own then :D
The whole mechanic of Brewmaster Monk is to gain chi through Keg Smash and Jab then spend Chi on wheather DPS or Defense.

If you disable all defensive spell, all chi will spend on dps and you get more damage done.

I hope you already know what defensive spell that use Chi and disable it, CR already allow you to do that in GUI.

Few defensive spell that consume chi are Guard, Purifying Brew.

Disable defensive spell also mean you get hit very hard by boss AND your vengeance also high, that produce high dps too.

Only down side is you get 1 shot by boss and only very good healer can keep tank up that way.
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Currently there's no CR that do everything and you get top dps as tank, may be make your own then :D

No need cr?ate new, alwax add me to change purerotation for make testing and developed a good tank for hard mode. This is a good support, no say " make own" and yes, they are free and atm they make mor? dps that you whit auto

Does this CC include support for Tuslong healing and other things like dispels in ToT?

Tsulong you need to focus/target him

All spell need to dispell in ToT included.
New Update bring more dps for BrewMaster :D

I understand that some fight BrewMaster do not need survive but dps (low level dungeon, few raid boss) then there are setting for you to get max dps.

Monk BrewMaster Mechanic is all about building Chi with Keg Smash, Jab, Expel Harm and spend it on Attacking spells or Defending spells.

If you disable all Defending Spells, all available Chi will use to attack there for you get more damage done. Also disable Defending Spell let you take a lot of damage and the tank Vengeance buff will hit harder.

To disable Defending Spells, just uncheck 3 Spells: Guard, Purifying Brew, Shuff Buff Min Duration. Please be advice Disable these Defending Spells will make you more vulnerable for boss and not recommended for most fights.

Please update and enjoy.

PS: Also add interrupt back to WindWalker raid rotation.