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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Please update new rev.

I still don't know what make CR crash more since Tuesday :D just tried to fix.

I've just spent a few hours in BG's using Monk, Mistweaver with Tyrel & LazyRaider and had a few annoying little issues.

When I'm capping an objective, it would sometimes intrupt the action to do a heal, which is really annoying specially if so close to compleating the cast.

The other issue is when I'm mounting up it would often stopcasting mountup. There are 2 main instances which I found fustrating. First is after a fight I quickly want to move on to reinforce another objective
I would mount up (idealy before going into combat again) but every time I try to mount and it keeps stopcasting so I can heal people around me, so I just have to spam mountup till it casts it (often dismount 2-3 times)

The other instance is where right after I res at a graveyard, If if I mountup to quickly rejoin the fight, it would stopcasting to buff up, then I try to remount, then it would stopcasting again to deploy "Jade Serpent Statue",
which is rather pointless at the graveyard and put's it on CD also.

The best solution is to add Mounting up and Capturing to the list of "do not intrupt casting"?

It's still doing it, the fix you did with Renewing Mist doesn't seem to work, still intrupts me when im mounting up and it's not exclusive to that HoT, it's even casted soothing mist while I was in the middle or mounting. It's pretty much any apell it feels it needs to cast at the time.

It's getting Very irrtating trying to mount in a BG, usally if anyone in range (or myself) doesnt have Renewing Mist on on him/her, the CC will cast it on them due to the setting "Renewing Mist On all when above mana x" trouble it is keeps intrupting everything, Capturing a objective or mounting up.
It's still doing it, the fix you did with Renewing Mist doesn't seem to work, still intrupts me when im mounting up and it's not exclusive to that HoT, it's even casted soothing mist while I was in the middle or mounting. It's pretty much any apell it feels it needs to cast at the time.

It's getting Very irrtating trying to mount in a BG, usally if anyone in range (or myself) doesnt have Renewing Mist on on him/her, the CC will cast it on them due to the setting "Renewing Mist On all when above mana x" trouble it is keeps intrupting everything, Capturing a objective or mounting up.
I don't PvP at all, but if you're using Lazy Raider or Tyrael, just use the pause feature to stop the routine from doing anything. I do it all the time when in raids and dungeons. When I don't need to heal, I just pause the routine.
I don't PvP at all, but if you're using Lazy Raider or Tyrael, just use the pause feature to stop the routine from doing anything. I do it all the time when in raids and dungeons. When I don't need to heal, I just pause the routine.

That would be very, and I mean very annoying.
Fair point, but you'd think if you were casting "Capture Flag" it would not intrupt that, than having to scramble for the stop bot then start bot in the middle of a hectic battle.

also, usally im spamming mount real fast after a fight to run to another location to aid someone, before I get put back into combat again (then I cant mount) so yes it would be very annoying having to stop and start the bot via a pause key.
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Well like he said, he doesn't PvP. We would constantly have to stop/start the routine for every little thing.
I actually had the same problem in raid today, in Forgotten Depths, I wanted to mount to to quickly reach the tank who'd already run ahead to the next pull, and it cancelled my cast to mount up twice dropping Renewing Mist on near by raid members.
Hey. I had a problem in the arena. Mistweaver throws cocoon on pet Unholy DK.
I actually had the same problem in raid today, in Forgotten Depths, I wanted to mount to to quickly reach the tank who'd already run ahead to the next pull, and it cancelled my cast to mount up twice dropping Renewing Mist on near by raid members.

I find this situation do not like.
The wow client still laggs like a mad man tho :/ I am third on the healing charts with not so good healing gear(still got greens) in MGV LFR. so the CDC does not seem to be affected by the lag.
I have a Hexa-core i7 3.6 CPU and the 6990 GPU from ATI. so I should not be suffering from this kind of lagg tho :/ I think.

Edit: THis is while using Dungeonbuddy btw. Tyrel is just fine. It has just heppened with this CC.
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sad panda face =(, i'm losing almost 20k dps because of frame lock my pc cant handle it, there is nothing to help with that?:confused:

especial edition here
Is Tuanha in the midst of creating anymore CC for other classes? His are by far the best I've ever used. I'm always top 2 in heals in raids, even with PVP gear as a holy pally.
sad panda face =(, i'm losing almost 20k dps because of frame lock my pc cant handle it, there is nothing to help with that?:confused:

especial edition here

This CC (Monk) doesn't support Framelock (see the 3rd Post for this thread), I've tried Framelock doesn't work (huge lag and I have a high end PC), disable it and works fine, myself usally 1st or 2nd in healing most times.
This CC (Monk) doesn't support Framelock (see the 3rd Post for this thread), I've tried Framelock doesn't work (huge lag and I have a high end PC), disable it and works fine, myself usally 1st or 2nd in healing most times.

That is correct. The proper configuration for Tyreal is 100TPS and framelock DISABLED
i'm losing because he is turned off get it?

Honestly no, your posts are not especially clear. Grammar for the win. Are you trying to say that when you turn frame lock off you drop 20k dps, but when frame lock is on you have 20k more dps but your FPS drops to unplayable? If that's the case, you're doing something else wrong. There's no way frame lock vs. no frame lock is a 20k dps difference.