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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Added new FAQ:

I level as BrewMaster and I do not need survivability, just dps, what the settings?
Monk BrewMaster Mechanic is all about building Chi with Keg Smash, Jab, Expel Harm and spend it on Attacking spells or Defending spells.
If you disable all Defending Spells, all available Chi will use to attack therefore you get more damage done. Also disable Defending Spell let you take a lot of damage and the tank Vengeance buff will hit harder.
To disable Defending Spells, just uncheck 3 Spells: Guard, Purifying Brew, Shuff Buff Min Duration. Please be advice Disable these Defending Spells will make you more vulnerable for boss and not recommended for most fights.

This is typical of Tank only use Attacking Spells mode.

Test run a few Dungeon on ilevel 469 but still doing 75k dps

I die a few time if healer are bad but everything have it price :D

Sorry forgot to ask - If I set my focus target will if heal that only. Sometimes I get asked to heal the tank. Can we have that option like your paladin CC ?

It's amazing at how "nit-picky" people can be. This routine, overall, is great. So is PR. They're both good routines for what they are. So many people come here stating, "PR is better than this routine because as tank it does more DPS." If that's the case, go use PR. Stop filling this thread with complaints about your DPS as a tank. End-game tanking is about survivability. A dead tank is a worthless tank. If your raid leader can't comprehend this, then they need to go play another game. Sure, some fights don't really need a lot of survivability, but as a tank you should NOT be getting top DPS in fights. That's what your DPS classes are for. Again, if you don't like the way this routine works, go use something else. It's as easy as that. TuanHA spends countless hours trying to tweak, code, maneuver, and customize his routines to fit every single user's demands. It's not going to happen. I, for one, find that the routine works very well for brewmaster, windwalker, and mistweaver.
Is it possible there is a limit that you are passing on how many time you can ask HB to read memory? Maybe a HB bug that is causing this possible limit?

I have posed this same question to the HB devs.


TuanHA you may want to followup with the HB devs. See my support post:


Changing the Search Unit Interval to 1000ms did not stop the crashing.
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Klassas use too many abilitys manually no play whit full bot. No its a good example

I didn't use any manual abilities last night and ranked in the top 30 on Lei Shen. You have to have crap gear or have no idea what you are doing. That is all I have to say on the matter.

I recommend stop catering your CC to people who don't have a clue what they are talking about.

If you disable all defensive abilities you might as well be playing Windwalker.

Trust me if PureRotation was better I would be using it. If it actually was better then YOU WOULDN'T keep coming in here unless you are stealing from TuanHA since you are "helping" them develop it, which isn't saying much since you have a lack of knowledge of the class.
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All revisions of the CR starting with 246 have a new throttling feature. If you are a Mistweaver and are having issues with WOW crashing with memory errors, revert back to CR revision 245 to stop the issue until TuanHA has a chance to find the root cause of the issue.

The WOW crashing issue seems to only be happening when in healing spec. I have confirmed this behavior on this CR and the Pally CR. Users who are in dps or tank spec seem to be unaffected by the issue (also confirmed on both CR's).
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Can someone explain to me what's going on with "Search Unit Interval" what ammout better for example 50ms or 500ms?
Clubwar, your log show doing 35k dps as BrewMaster on ilevel 510... that I can't believe.

Mine crappy monk in blue ilevel 469 but still doing 75k dps on dungeon (total dps recount)

So I believe are you wearing MistWeaver set on tanking or something :D
@TuanHA --
That's what he's been complaining about. He says he does very low DPS for his gear level. Krasas has already told him that even without using manual abilities he still ranked, so either Clubwar is doing something wrong or his computer isn't working right; I have no idea because on my brewmaster I get more DPS than he does running with a full bot and no manual assistance. It's just strange that he's the only one getting low DPS.
@TuanHA --
That's what he's been complaining about. He says he does very low DPS for his gear level. Krasas has already told him that even without using manual abilities he still ranked, so either Clubwar is doing something wrong or his computer isn't working right; I have no idea because on my brewmaster I get more DPS than he does running with a full bot and no manual assistance. It's just strange that he's the only one getting low DPS.

I am not understanding this new philosophy of allowing the Tank to get wrecked for the sole purpose of stacking vengence to do high er DPS. Why not let the tank, TANK and survive without stressing out the healers. Let the DPS, DPS stuff and let the healers, HEAL stuff without having to go OOM healing a TANK that is trying to be a DPS.
5.3 MW Monk get Nimble Brew ! That good news :)

P.S So no1 explain me what this "search unit ms" mean?
@bp423 --
That's exactly what I'm saying. I much prefer to tank and NOT get #1 dps on recount/skada. That means my DPS units aren't doing their job. I've always felt that tanks should not be able to do ungodly dps, but instead should do ungodly threat (tps) so they can hold aggro, even if they suck at holding aggro. But, I guess that all wrecks Blizzard's point of view of making the tank be a tank. In my opinion healers heal, tanks take the damage and hold the attention (threat), and dps beat the crap out of stuff while the tank holds the attention and the healers heal. Pardon me if my line of thinking is bizarre or outlandish.
@cahe --
'Search Unit MS' is for PvP. That's the amount of time the routine will scan for enemy units. The lower the number the more times the routine scans for enemies (opposing faction members). It's useless for PvE, I think, but I could be wrong.
I am not understanding this new philosophy of allowing the Tank to get wrecked for the sole purpose of stacking vengence to do high er DPS. Why not let the tank, TANK and survive without stressing out the healers. Let the DPS, DPS stuff and let the healers, HEAL stuff without having to go OOM healing a TANK that is trying to be a DPS.

Vengeance is gained before mitigation. So even if you dodge/absorb/parry/block a 200k hit you still gain the same vengeance from it as if it had still hit you. So there is no reason not to use mitigation abilities as a TANK.

@bp423 --
That's exactly what I'm saying. I much prefer to tank and NOT get #1 dps on recount/skada. That means my DPS units aren't doing their job. I've always felt that tanks should not be able to do ungodly dps, but instead should do ungodly threat (tps) so they can hold aggro, even if they suck at holding aggro. But, I guess that all wrecks Blizzard's point of view of making the tank be a tank. In my opinion healers heal, tanks take the damage and hold the attention (threat), and dps beat the crap out of stuff while the tank holds the attention and the healers heal. Pardon me if my line of thinking is bizarre or outlandish.

The funny thing is, that 10 man almost requires a Brewmaster tank in order to get through some of the DPS checks in lower Ilvl gear. I have close to the same survivability as plate tanks and put out almost double the amount of damage a protection warrior could.

Ignored people that only flame others users 

Here is a great question for you just to see if you even know anything.

What haste rating should you aim for as a Brewmaster?
Once you get your haste to that rating what is the next stat you should be stacking?

If you cannot tell me those simple things correct I believe my views about you were right all along.
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do mistweaver find it hard to eat/drink after a combat end? the monk will drink for a while and stand up to start healing those players HP which is not full. Kinda hard to eat a feast. :(
do mistweaver find it hard to eat/drink after a combat end? the monk will drink for a while and stand up to start healing those players HP which is not full. Kinda hard to eat a feast. :(

Yes I normally pause the CR while eating.
@cahe --
'Search Unit MS' is for PvP. That's the amount of time the routine will scan for enemy units. The lower the number the more times the routine scans for enemies (opposing faction members). It's useless for PvE, I think, but I could be wrong.

Thx m8 :)