I've got a couple quick questions about things I've noticed in the past couple days. There's nothing to point at in the log to show that something is "wrong" per se, so unfortunately it may not be as easy a fix.
First question is for TuanHA specifically: I've noticed that there were several times an encounter that the CR would wait 1-3 seconds to cast RM after the cooldown was finished, even if I was standing away from the boss, not moving, and nothing else was being cast. I have the RM set to cast on unit below 100, and RM all when mana above 0. As I said, there's nothing wrong with the log, so I'm assuming that the delay is simply caused by the CR running through its logic to see what should be cast next, but the way monk healing works now, that delay will cause a SEVERE detriment to healing for progression over the course of a fight. Is there any way to hard code it or anything to give RM first priority outside of the rest of the CR logic to guarantee that it is cast more quickly? I'm further led to believe that the delay is caused by running the logic since there were also several times that a unit was at 50% health or lower, and the CR did not cast SM (or anything) on them for the same period of time. SM is set to unit below 94.
The second question is more general. I recently switched to 25m, and am now running with 2 disc priests and 2 holy paladins. With all those absorbs, unless there is HEAVY raid damage, there's not much for me to do healing-wise, so I've been fistweaving quite a bit to try to ninja a few heals with eminence. There's lots of posts on the wow forums and mmo about fistweavers pulling 70k+ dps on non-gimmick fights, but the highest I've seen is about 40k. My ilvl is 500, so that shouldn't be an issue. Are any of you getting better results? If so, what settings are you using? It may be a result of the slow CR logic again and it's just not spamming jab>tp>jab>tp quick enough, but I'm not sure. Any tips would be appreciated.