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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Tuanha hello! Tried to make Russian translation for combat routine, sent you an email
^^ Yes if you check one page back you can read Tuanha saying he is working on a sollution for the Blackout Kick-problem.

i´m not think its an blackout kick problem. its another thing but i can´t figure it out.

i´m heard about to hold chiwave on cd and expel harm because of the chigeneration and the dps.

and yes i know that we got an nerf. but i cant understand whats the reason is for the bot everytime i start do something other and my dps so variable is. (50k-75k) :P thats the answer i look for
@TuanHa Hi, I`m using LazyRaider and profile TuanHA Monk, and so after today's updates on RBG / BG in, a wild battle begins slideshow, did not exist before. PC is not weak, i7, nvidia gts450, 8GB DDR3 win 7 x64, and the FPS drops wildly, from 100 to 3.2 frames per second, when the fight is not all ok, tried to put everything on the set min., Cut off all addons, updated HB , lazy and profile TuanHA Monk - all the same ...
Has anyone come across this before with?
When you press "stop" on HB, lags stops..

Forgive me for the bad english, I translated using Google Translator =)
I am the unique Brewmaster that see that dps tank are very low?? 505 item gear level and always are the last in dps, no more that 40k...and DK and Pala Tank have more that 70 whit same equip..

What fights are we talking about specifically?
What are you reforging and gemming for?
Are you talking about raids? Or Heroics?


The problem with Brewmaster DPS may not be coming necessarily from the CC itself. Your DPS is also based on your knowledge of the class.

I personally still have not tried the updated version to see how it compares to the revision I am on at the moment. I have no idea how to check my revision I am using, but I know I have not updated it since the beginning of February. In normal modes on bosses I am EASILY pulling 80-120k (if not more) depending on the fight.
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TBH I don't personally think theres too much change in BM overall, it seems slightly longer because mobs seem to have more health for the most part than what we're used-to. I think BM is fine @ilvl 499

Auto face and Auto Move dont working.
Does anyone know why it's happening?
Im using the quest bot, both, movement and facing are actives on general tab of class config.
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I've having an issue on a pve server with the bot trying to attack non flagged horde players while I'm questing. (I'm alliance)

I'm using the newest public version as a brewmaster. I've done some testing and this seems to only occur when I have "Keg Smash for Debuff or on units" checked off in the brewmaster settings.

As I've noticed it keeps spamming "Keg Smash (KegSmashDebuff)" on enemy players even when they are not flagged for pvp.

Disabling "auto target" or "auto move" etc doesn't appear to stop this behavior only unchecking the "Keg Smash for Debuff or on units" box does.

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My WW has been getting much worst as the last week or so has gone on. Just curious if there is an idea of time or is it unknown at this point?
My WW has been getting much worst as the last week or so has gone on. Just curious if there is an idea of time or is it unknown at this point?

WW dooing great in my opinion....i have 87k dps on training dummy. I find out that if im using Tigerseye Brew manualy on 5 stack my dps rise to 95k (tigerseye buff is up nearly all the time). Unfortunately i cant set 5 stcsk in TuanHa Monk settings...minimum is 10 (im talking about Special edition). Tuanha i will be so greatfull if You will be able to fix this.....thankyou
btw i like that Chi Wave is used on coldown when i set setings on 100% in special edition, its just great...Thankyou Tuanha
Im having problems with chi wave, setting it at 100% its not firing all the time. Had to go back a few revisions to get it to work
Im having problems with chi wave, setting it at 100% its not firing all the time. Had to go back a few revisions to get it to work

this is very strange becouse i uptade tunaha to a last revision tooday...and chi wave firing on cooldown
Also any chance to get ring of peace to be cast on yourself as windwalker in raiding. Maybe when theres like 4+ mobs next to you or something. Like how spinning crane kick is, you can turn it on/off and set the number of mobs.
just a quick suggestion: can someone please rename all of the presettings submitted by our beloved pro healers to indicate if they are LFR? 10 man? 25 man? heroic.. or just generally work for all??
I've got a couple quick questions about things I've noticed in the past couple days. There's nothing to point at in the log to show that something is "wrong" per se, so unfortunately it may not be as easy a fix.

First question is for TuanHA specifically: I've noticed that there were several times an encounter that the CR would wait 1-3 seconds to cast RM after the cooldown was finished, even if I was standing away from the boss, not moving, and nothing else was being cast. I have the RM set to cast on unit below 100, and RM all when mana above 0. As I said, there's nothing wrong with the log, so I'm assuming that the delay is simply caused by the CR running through its logic to see what should be cast next, but the way monk healing works now, that delay will cause a SEVERE detriment to healing for progression over the course of a fight. Is there any way to hard code it or anything to give RM first priority outside of the rest of the CR logic to guarantee that it is cast more quickly? I'm further led to believe that the delay is caused by running the logic since there were also several times that a unit was at 50% health or lower, and the CR did not cast SM (or anything) on them for the same period of time. SM is set to unit below 94.

The second question is more general. I recently switched to 25m, and am now running with 2 disc priests and 2 holy paladins. With all those absorbs, unless there is HEAVY raid damage, there's not much for me to do healing-wise, so I've been fistweaving quite a bit to try to ninja a few heals with eminence. There's lots of posts on the wow forums and mmo about fistweavers pulling 70k+ dps on non-gimmick fights, but the highest I've seen is about 40k. My ilvl is 500, so that shouldn't be an issue. Are any of you getting better results? If so, what settings are you using? It may be a result of the slow CR logic again and it's just not spamming jab>tp>jab>tp quick enough, but I'm not sure. Any tips would be appreciated.
Heres a question, mistweaver monk goes oom super fast and spams *****ling jade
WW dooing great in my opinion....i have 87k dps on training dummy. I find out that if im using Tigerseye Brew manualy on 5 stack my dps rise to 95k (tigerseye buff is up nearly all the time). Unfortunately i cant set 5 stcsk in TuanHa Monk settings...minimum is 10 (im talking about Special edition). Tuanha i will be so greatfull if You will be able to fix this.....thankyou

I can confirm it was working wonderfully on target dummy. About to run 2nd half HoF LFR to test it there. This is my log with ambershaper and queen. Was having small pauses between abilities.. probably about .5 sec. DPS was still ok with me overriding some spells (sometimes wasn't spinning Crane Kick.) just trying to help optimize everything as best as possible. Thank you for your hard work Tuanha.


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