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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

I really dont know what's going on but :

The Monk (ww) v1 was bug-free.

With the Monk (ww) v2 , it's IMPOSSIBLE to run the bot with framelock ACTIVATED (tyrael or Lazy Raider), it's apparently a known bug, Tuhan says that's a Bot issue, and HB devs says it's a CR issue... (wtf?) The thing is, other CR does not have this issue.

So, i turn off the framelock, and when i turn off the framelock, the bot stop the offensive rotation at random times by itself for few sec (~10sec), and then it fight back. It's extremly anoying, and because of that, it's IMPOSSIBLE to play.

ps: this issue happens ALOT in pvp, and happens few times in pve.

This is exactly what i'm experiencing but also with the pally cc. Tuan, any way you could take a look at this?
Rushing Jade Wind isn't even used with the bot. It should be prioritized ahead of blackout kick on Multiple mobs, but it flat out isn't being used.
Hey buddies,

Thank you for the error report, suggestion...

I was unable to access forum last few day but I know the problem and trying to fix.

Please give me more time, I'm still working on it.

Hey buddies,

Thank you for the error report, suggestion...

I was unable to access forum last few day but I know the problem and trying to fix.

Please give me more time, I'm still working on it.


hey man,

Did you see my message, and will you work on this ?

Thank you for your time.
hey man,

Did you see my message, and will you work on this ?

Thank you for your time.
I pvp a lot as MistWeaver and I never 2nd on healing, MistWeaver PvP is so OP because of the class AoE heal and I don't have any problem on lagging issue with LazyRaider + Disable Pluggin + Framelock.

However there a few moment when CR didn't react fast enough on low HP friend, I'm trying to findout why and fix it.

Just add few cast override and mana saving logic to PvP healing on newest svn update, Fix for lag I'm still working on.

- - - Updated - - -

hey man,

Did you see my message, and will you work on this ?

Thank you for your time.
I pvp a lot as MistWeaver and I never 2nd on healing, MistWeaver PvP is so OP because of the class AoE heal and I don't have any problem on lagging issue with LazyRaider + Disable Pluggin + Framelock.

However there a few moment when CR didn't react fast enough on low HP friend, I'm trying to findout why and fix it.

Just add few cast override and mana saving logic to PvP healing on newest svn update, Fix for lag I'm still working on.
I have been using this for MW at 90 for the past two days and I am doing my first LFR and suddenly the CC is kind of being "slow" it will do a renewing mist every now and then but that's about it. It doesn't even drink mana tea anymore? It's being really weird.. I am just curious how people are top in raids when mine is refusing to heal with LFR because there is so much healing going around.

I have been using Tuan since I found HB with my monk at 50ish, and I just don't see what options I can change that I haven't already to drastically change the HPS. I am having full mana at end of fights unless I force it to fistweave manually, I don't have great either.
Last edited:
I have been using this for MW at 90 for the past two days and I am doing my first LFR and suddenly the CC is kind of being "slow" it will do a renewing mist every now and then but that's about it. It doesn't even drink mana tea anymore? It's being really weird.. I am just curious how people are top in raids when mine is refusing to heal with LFR because there is so much healing going around.

I have been using Tuan since I found HB with my monk at 50ish, and I just don't see what options I can change that I haven't already to drastically change the HPS. I am having full mana at end of fights unless I force it to fistweave manually, I don't have great either.

The best settings I have is the preset Raid settings with the button you click. That one always works best for me. I am having issues with the user settings that mosuri gives for 25 man hc ,10man tsulong ect. I always get lowest healing done even if I am on the boss the whole time using mosuris settings. Am I doing anything wrong? Other than that, The Raid preset gives me best healing except on tsulong
Hi TuanHA!!

I have a prooblem, i use the donated version of your routine.
I deleted the hole routine because i've read that this will bring a dps push.

But now the Link which i got from your email doesn`t work anymore ( i?ve used the routine befor 2.0)

Can you tell me, where i can download the routine now?

The best settings I have is the preset Raid settings with the button you click. That one always works best for me. I am having issues with the user settings that mosuri gives for 25 man hc ,10man tsulong ect. I always get lowest healing done even if I am on the boss the whole time using mosuris settings. Am I doing anything wrong? Other than that, The Raid preset gives me best healing except on tsulong

if you use the settings from User Settings folder from LFR, it can always be that you are lowest in healing.. there is a simple reason for it: in LFR there is everything about direct heal.
the settings in the folder are for the "best" mix of healing output and mana saving over a whole boss fight in nhc or hc raids, where you can't be pushing out everything you have from the beginning to the end.

and i just want to remember: provided settings are just suggestions and they can't work for everyone from the start, so you always have to look yourself what you may need to decrease or increase ;).

that said:

i'll update the FistWeaver test settings later today, did some tests yesterday and maybe i found a good mix of melee + channeling, we'll see.
Hi m8

Gets all kinda of errors loading tuanha monk speciel edition. like this

Compiler Error: c:\Users\patrik\Desktop\Honorbuddy Blinda\Routines\TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition\THForm.cs(2289,13) : error CS0103: Namnet THWindwalker finns inte i den aktuella kontexten
Compiler Error: c:\Users\patrik\Desktop\Honorbuddy Blinda\Routines\TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition\THForm.cs(2294,13) : error CS0103: Namnet THWindwalker finns inte i den aktuella kontexten

OK ran some heroics just to test it out. Seems fine so far just 1 question:

1. Is their any reason the default settings do not have "Keep Tiger Power" ticked ? I think this should increase healing and DPS a little if you "Keep Vital Mists" then thats also a good buff. Maybe set this to 15 same as blackout kick?

Mana is excellent it's nice to get healing for Jab's etc, keeps up 2 stacks of Serpant's Zeal with no problems at all to increase melee healing.

Great stuff so far.

Just a random posting to this thread, related to this thread, but nothing about bugs or anything.

That being said, I honestly can't wait for MW Lite to come out. The Holy Paladin Lite you have on your other thread is kicked some serious healing ass. Nobody ever dies unless they're just completely stupid. Healing is through the roof. Mana rarely ever dips below 100k (I'm level 87, so I only have 150k(?) mana right now). It's making me like my paladin again. Not really fond of paladin tanking, and ret dps is sort of boring, but healing is bringing it back for me. Good job.

Hopefully MW Lite will be just as awesome and make me like my monk again, because right now Blizzard has shoved their puppet hand up the Monk's ass, without lube. I loved healing when they first came out, but since that nerf they took back in 5.0 or 5.1, they've just upset me. The only reason I play it now is because they're ghetto DPS is so high. All I have to do is SCK a group of mobs and I'm already doing 120k dps, lol.
if you use the settings from User Settings folder from LFR, it can always be that you are lowest in healing.. there is a simple reason for it: in LFR there is everything about direct heal.
the settings in the folder are for the "best" mix of healing output and mana saving over a whole boss fight in nhc or hc raids, where you can't be pushing out everything you have from the beginning to the end.

and i just want to remember: provided settings are just suggestions and they can't work for everyone from the start, so you always have to look yourself what you may need to decrease or increase ;).

that said:

i'll update the FistWeaver test settings later today, did some tests yesterday and maybe i found a good mix of melee + channeling, we'll see.

I was doing it on raids and there is a huge difference in healing done with the preset and yours. I really doubt its your code because I see a lot of people using it and it seems to be working fine for them. I think it might be just the 25 man guild runs we are having honestly and those settings work best and I compete better with other healers. Please let me know if there is a certain gear requirement or certain method of reforging when using your 25 HC or 10 man HC. I understand that yours is focused more on fistweaving and the default I would say more "mistweaving" which seems to be working fine for me at the moment. I REALLY want to use your settings because fistweaving is more effective in raid. (BTW I am not running LFRs, I am doing normal and heroic content. I understand the healing required between both, you can pretty much 2 heal any 25 man lfr.)
Mosuri, I tested your fistweaving settings on 10m normal Empress tonight and it worked quite well, 60k hps average over the course of the fight, 2nd only to the disc priest, but that's not that surprising. I'm running a low haste/spirit setup in favor of int and crit at 490 ilvl, if that helps.

This isn't so much a question with settings but a CR question in general: I've noticed that it's hit or miss whether the CR uses mana tea or not. I have it set to use below 85% mana, but several times I've noticed myself at 30% mana or less with 10-15 stacks of mana tea and the CR doesn't use the ability. I have tea glyphed, so it's not a matter of a lack of channel time. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't, even within one encounter. Don't have a good log due to that fact, but it might be something to look into if others are having this problem as well. I'm just using it manually when the CR doesn't and it's not a huge problem, at least not for me.

tiger palm was used manually by me thats why it's unchecked. But you can let the cr do it autom.


the only real fistweave settings are the current test ones .
All others are for ranged and melee ..mixed style
if you have problems pm me with stats of ur char ilvl and current hps on bosses

mana tea has a lower rotation priority than healing spells except u r under 15%.
With fistweaving i usually have at least 10stacks all over the fight which is a huge mana backup.
This is easy explained..you get faster chi with fistweaving and there for u use more chi in shorter time for spells like uplift bok palm etc and for every 4 chi used you get 1 stack ..
Tl;dr you cant use stacks fast enough compared on how fast u get stacks with fistweaving . If tuanha would set the exception for mana tea to 35% mana then maybe it would go a bit better for u