If you're using this in LFR then you won't do much healing anyway. I learned this the hard way by running lots of LFRs and always ending up being the last, or second to last, in HPS. It's simply because the routine has nothing to do unless there's lots of spike damage that people are taking. The other five healers in LFR are overhealing and blowing mana and CDs trying to top meters, which essentially is causing you to have nothing to do. The routine wasn't built to automatically try to top meters. It was built to heal efficiently, which in LFR is nothing something that's done.Hey.
well I have already gotten the "Special Edition" but my bot goes oom like Faaack fast.. and its always like nr 5-6 on the list..? I got 460 equipped?
most of the time it forget to use the "mana" buffs?? I use either Tyrael or Raid Bot with ALMOST the same output?
Ok im going to end a few debates here reference to Windwalker. My gear is ilvl 495 to make things clearer.
Test on Raiders dummy.
Tuan V1 - 93960 - Spiked at 110K
Tuan V2 - 88758 - Spiked at 95k (Tested with FoF Set at 100 Energy)
PQR - 82396 - Spiked at 90k
Tuan V2.1 - 97210 - Spiked at 122k (Tested with FoF Set at 100 Energy)
Tuan V2.1 - 80940 - Spiked at 90k (Tested with FoF Set at 40 Energy)
Thank,Just updated the specialedition (rev 162) and CC does not complile correct.
Updated on a fresh HB install
View attachment 80732
my log from MW run
1- Didnt healed Tsulong
2- Rotine didnt pause using key comb settings
when i saw that it wasnt healing tsulong i try to pause it but using the ctrl+7(like it came on default on profile) bot didnt stop, had to stop using pause on Tyrael, after Tyrael was paused he didnt cast anything BUT all my casts was beein interrupted for some reason(dont know if profile or tyrael)
ex: casting soothing mists on tsulong and always interrupted, standing still
Now, i am using the Public Version
and i got some problems
1-Healing people on "sphere" on empress (you mention on a couple pages ago that you fixed that, dunno if those fix came to public version)
2 - does not heal tsulong as mention above
3- didnt tested but does it heal the Parasitic Growth on Amber-Shaper Un'sok?
4 -and is the bot BGbuddy friendly? my bg buddy mostly follows and takes 3 seconds to cast a skill
all this on public version
Can any post me a pic with a Good setup FOR pve holy paladin ? 10man + lfr?
Hey Scoofz,Well been testing intensively vers 1.0 2.0 rev 130 and rev 142 (latest one) and i'm pulling 5k more DPS on raid dummy with 1.0...
Will stick to 1.0 for now. It's really faster with no downtime and as my haste has been upgraded with my gear the results are better with no downtime.
I think that you get better results with 2.0 with lower gear (so lower haste and energy regen)
Been testing PQR but DPS is overall lower than TH 1.0
long ass quote, saving space
mosuri like i said in the post i use the public version because i am a stupid poor person, but the v1 rev59 that you are talking is the public? and if is how did i get back to it? and other questions but
it was my understanding a few posts back that tuanha put Tsulong on a special heal list(or something), so i thought it was weird that it didnt healed it.
about the ambershaper
i cant confirm it to you that he healed the parasitc growth, it was just a question since he didnt healed tsulong and healed players on the sphere on emperess
(last 2 weeks i am using the bot to heal normal raid since i got to fill for a priest that is busy with RL stuff)
and in those 2 fights (tsulong and emperess) was kinda fucked up because of those problems
ps: tuanha if you read this dont forget about my other stuff