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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Tuanha and Mosuri,
you guys might hate me, but I've been watching some of the best mist Weavers on YouTube And have found that they are all fistweaving and are topping the charts. We might want to take a look at how everything is or could bewritten and start to do what mistweavers were designed to do. I know we can't always fistweave, but when we do I've noticed that I can stay above 60 K HPS and have as much mana as I can dream of never going under half and if I do, I can always bring it up. That Being Said, maybe we can get together and talk about what I'm seeing and what we could be doing. Right now if anyone wants to fistweave I'm making my channel heal down to about 40%. This way it will not interrupt my DPS/healing. Also keep in mind you different buffs that you need to keep up and how much mana it can save you. Also make sure you are glyph so you will not need to target a person to heal them. It will automatically go to the lowest person( healing and staying on the boss). I also notice that you will need to do a lot of the dps, but when mist is up, stop hitting buttons so it can cast it.

Any way just food for thought.

Just to add something to this, i really like old, v1, fistweave toggle option, so it would look cool if you added fistweave option which follows config set for it in mistweaver options.
All that being said, Monks fistweavers are getting even more promoted in 5.2 with some major changes to basic rotation spells for that build.
Hi Guys, how can i buy this as a european (german) ? I obviously cant pay with dollars so how can i buy this CC?

Tuanha and Mosuri,
you guys might hate me, but I've been watching some of the best mist Weavers on YouTube And have found that they are all fistweaving and are topping the charts. We might want to take a look at how everything is or could bewritten and start to do what mistweavers were designed to do. I know we can't always fistweave, but when we do I've noticed that I can stay above 60 K HPS and have as much mana as I can dream of never going under half and if I do, I can always bring it up. That Being Said, maybe we can get together and talk about what I'm seeing and what we could be doing. Right now if anyone wants to fistweave I'm making my channel heal down to about 40%. This way it will not interrupt my DPS/healing. Also keep in mind you different buffs that you need to keep up and how much mana it can save you. Also make sure you are glyph so you will not need to target a person to heal them. It will automatically go to the lowest person( healing and staying on the boss). I also notice that you will need to do a lot of the dps, but when mist is up, stop hitting buttons so it can cast it.

Any way just food for thought.

Lol 60k hps isn't going to keep a raid up in hm raiding, I don't fistweave and can solo heal hm dogs @ 90-120k hps and have mana to play with.

Chi torpedo uplift and renewal is all u need
Something has changed - Help requested.

Had been using the donator version of the Monk CC with Questing. Worked like a charm for about 2 weeks now.

Updated HB and the Monk CC from the SVN this morning. Began the questing once again.

The character will auto select and roll to the target and stand facing but will not attack the target.

I have to right click the target for it to attack and when it does, it only uses a couple of his attacks.

I have cleared the HB and Both wow Caches.

I have Deleted the CC and re-downloaded it from the SVN again.

Same problems.

Log Attached.

Assistance would be very much appreciated.


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I am confused because if one of the top monk in the world and the top guild is doing 75 HPS I think his Ilvl is 513, I am not sure if I believe you if you can do 90-120hps and hold it through out a fight. If so, I would love to know what your stats are (picture please) and I can compare it to mine, but I am not even close and I am ilvl 500
Cipro you really der up tyreal Luke descriped
when iam using Mads without framelock I won't drop blow 80% mana With iam oom in 2 minutes and twice hps
Lol 60k hps isn't going to keep a raid up in hm raiding, I don't fistweave and can solo heal hm dogs @ 90-120k hps and have mana to play with.

Chi torpedo uplift and renewal is all u need

I am confused because if one of the top monk in the world and the top guild is doing 75 HPS I think his Ilvl is 513, I am not sure if I believe you if you can do 90-120hps and hold it through out a fight. If so, I would love to know what your stats are (picture please) and I can compare it to mine, but I am not even close and I am ilvl 500
I really dont know what's going on but :

The Monk (ww) v1 was bug-free.

With the Monk (ww) v2 , it's IMPOSSIBLE to run the bot with framelock ACTIVATED (tyrael or Lazy Raider), it's apparently a known bug, Tuhan says that's a Bot issue, and HB devs says it's a CR issue... (wtf?) The thing is, other CR does not have this issue.

So, i turn off the framelock, and when i turn off the framelock, the bot stop the offensive rotation at random times by itself for few sec (~10sec), and then it fight back. It's extremly anoying, and because of that, it's IMPOSSIBLE to play.

ps: this issue happens ALOT in pvp, and happens few times in pve.
I'm having problem with running any of your combat routines Tuan since the recent Honorbuddy update. I hit start using Lazy Raider and now when it recognizes my talents and glyphs to start running the routine, Honorbuddy just closes itself with no error warning or pop up.
I have a question and it may have to do with the settings, I dont know for sure. But I must ask here for clarification.

Sometimes if there is an opposing faction (as I am horde), my character will run circles around that alliance character. It will continue to do so until I stop the bot and then I have to wait until that other character leaves.

Is there a setting I may have selected that I could turn off to prevent this?

Thank you in advance for your answers.
I have the special edition and playing Mistweaver.
In LFR, I run out of mana mostly after 30 Percent of the boss fight, so my question is, is there any special preset or options that I could use to save more mana during the boss fights? Actually I use the raid option.
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I am confused because if one of the top monk in the world and the top guild is doing 75 HPS I think his Ilvl is 513, I am not sure if I believe you if you can do 90-120hps and hold it through out a fight. If so, I would love to know what your stats are (picture please) and I can compare it to mine, but I am not even close and I am ilvl 500

he said "solo-heal". this should answer your question about the high hps. even so 90-100k hps is the min hps for tsulong night phase for a mistweaver .. dunno why you are confused. and on heroic stoneguards you get fkking loads of mana reg through the activated fields, so it's not surprising me he doesn't really got oom.
Also i don't know why you sound like you think the CR and the settings are just made for ranged healing? (at least your first post about fistweave sounds like that)
It was many times said that you can use the CR for firstweave and range healing.
Even so i think mistweavers are made as melee heals, yeah, BUT.. in my opinion they have the most potential when the styles of melee and ranged healing are mixed together.
You watched top guild mistweavers, yeah i do that too. and they are not even close to 90% of time fistweaving. (to give you some names: Kinszi, Affinichi, Apku, Swonomonk, and a few more)

to give you a bit more input, i made a lvl 1 char on Auchindoun 2 days ago after i watched celebrations stream on twitch where they were doing sha of fear hc farming.
i whispered Kinszi and she/he answered me asap. i got a lot of good idea's from that talk, starting with: why alchemy falls of end game against jewelcrafting, why panda seems to be a good race for starting coz of the food buff, but later in content other races like troll or orc could be better choice and stuff like that.

but this is not the subject right now, it's just for my e-penis, hi @ ^_^

if you wanna do 100% fistweave, then you of course can do that. but you won't have to re-write the whole CR, you just need to give your spells other prioritations in your settings, like you started to do in lowering channeling spells etc.
if you feel like doing better with that, ok that's your personal feeling.
i did few tries on heroic shek'zeer progress... 95% fistweaving+5% range healing (5% were in add phase while kiting an add), 99% range healing+1%melee healing (Xuen, lvl90talent), and mixing both going nearly full fist/melee-healing in shek phase and going full range in add phase..
and i didn't felt like fully fistweaving helped me. i did better with mixing both styles.
i placed #2 with ~70-75k hps behind a disc priest (ilvl 499), and in front of a disc priest (ilvl 497) and a druid (ilvl 495, like me) nearly everytime, but the feeling in mixing was a big difference. (even so for my mana)

one last words:
CrazyJosh (former co-developer of tuanha in monk v1) is one of the top mistweavers in the world with LEGIT play, and i did never heard him saying "#yolo 100% fistweave".. even so the v1, in time when crazyjosh was co-developing, was more made for range-healing
you said mistweavers get a boost in melee healing through the new passive in 5.2. yeah the melee spells like tiger palm, blackout kick doing more dmg, but i can remember that there was something written down that with the buff the melee healing will also be reduced by 25% or 50%, so it will stand by the value's it is like now.

just my 2 cents.
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he said "solo-heal". this should answer your question about the high hps. even so 90-100k hps is the min hps for tsulong night phase for a mistweaver .. dunno why you are confused. and on heroic stoneguards you get fkking loads of mana reg through the activated fields, so it's not surprising me he doesn't really got oom.
Also i don't know why you sound like you think the CR and the settings are just made for ranged healing? (at least your first post about fistweave sounds like that)
It was many times said that you can use the CR for firstweave and range healing.
Even so i think mistweavers are made as melee heals, yeah, BUT.. in my opinion they have the most potential when the styles of melee and ranged healing are mixed together.
You watched top guild mistweavers, yeah i do that too. and they are not even close to 90% of time fistweaving. (to give you some names: Kinszi, Affinichi, Apku, Swonomonk, and a few more)

to give you a bit more input, i made a lvl 1 char on Auchindoun 2 days ago after i watched celebrations stream on twitch where they were doing sha of fear hc farming.
i whispered Kinszi and she/he answered me asap. i got a lot of good idea's from that talk, starting with: why alchemy falls of end game against jewelcrafting, why panda seems to be a good race for starting coz of the food buff, but later in content other races like troll or orc could be better choice and stuff like that.

but this is not the subject right now, it's just for my e-penis, hi @ ^_^

if you wanna do 100% fistweave, then you of course can do that. but you won't have to re-write the whole CR, you just need to give your spells other prioritations in your settings, like you started to do in lowering channeling spells etc.
if you feel like doing better with that, ok that's your personal feeling.
i did few tries on heroic shek'zeer progress... 95% fistweaving+5% range healing (5% were in add phase while kiting an add), 99% range healing+1%melee healing (Xuen, lvl90talent), and mixing both going nearly full fist/melee-healing in shek phase and going full range in add phase..
and i didn't felt like fully fistweaving helped me. i did better with mixing both styles.
i placed #2 with ~70-75k hps behind a disc priest (ilvl 499), and in front of a disc priest (ilvl 497) and a druid (ilvl 495, like me) nearly everytime, but the feeling in mixing was a big difference. (even so for my mana)

one last words:
CrazyJosh (former co-developer of tuanha in monk v1) is one of the top mistweavers in the world with LEGIT play, and i did never heard him saying "#yolo 100% fistweave".. even so the v1, in time when crazyjosh was co-developing, was more made for range-healing
you said mistweavers get a boost in melee healing through the new passive in 5.2. yeah the melee spells like tiger palm, blackout kick doing more dmg, but i can remember that there was something written down that with the buff the melee healing will also be reduced by 25% or 50%, so it will stand by the value's it is like now.

just my 2 cents.

I total get what you are saying. I have been watching Affinichi and most of the time ( if he can) he is fist weaving, but you are correct about there are just times where you can dps all the time. To me, it looks like he is fistweaving for the most part and only channeling when some gets low? Also I didn't mean rewrite the whole thing, maybe just take a look at adding a button that would but fistweaving first. After writing the post I started to look at lowering channel and you are correct that it works for the most part.

As always I love your guys work and didn't mean to set anyone off. As for the 90-120 hps, I didn't see what boss you were on, sorry about that.

If you guys are running 10 mans normal or hard mode, what are your hps at the end of the fights? I feel like mine is lower with a higher ilvl but that might be the other healers that I am running with. All are above 500 and those dam priest :) don't help. Also just the other day I copied Affinichi reforging and went 7% haste the rest crit. Is that what you guys are doing ?

Anyway sorry if this is hard to read, got to love typing on the iPad :)
7.5% haste cap
then everything into crit.

the thing with lower hps with higher ilvl is.. if you run raids that you are overgeared for, and your whole raid is overgeared for, you will have usually lesser stuff to heal and the priest absorbs can really be annoying in this situations ;)
i'm shining when raid healing is needed, but i get derped when lesser raid dmg is incoming and a disc priest is healing, too.
7.5% haste cap
then everything into crit.

the thing with lower hps with higher ilvl is.. if you run raids that you are overgeared for, and your whole raid is overgeared for, you will have usually lesser stuff to heal and the priest absorbs can really be annoying in this situations ;)
i'm shining when raid healing is needed, but i get derped when lesser raid dmg is incoming and a disc priest is healing, too.

Glad to hear I am doing something right! Don't get me wrong, I love priest absorbs but just not for my hps :). I guess for next patch it will be a good and bad thing. Better hps for us but missing all those absorbs will suck.
Is a "Lightweight" MW version coming in any near future?
The holy paladin version really kicks this CR's ass when it comes to faster reaction.
The CR feels really sluggish, no offence!
I'm pretty sure there's several things that could be taken away in order to make it more pure PvE.

Other then that, absolutly nothing to complain about!
An amazing CC, that's what it is :)