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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Hi guys..i have a question with regards to the paid version....i'm using free version atm and i use a mouse over target macro for Storm,Earth,Fire ability as free doesn't use it. I notice that there is a range option in the paid version, so my question is does the paid version use the ability automatically and if so what is the mob count for it popping it.
My new MW monk, once I was able to get MW spec, is not agroing anything. It seems to try, but it doesn't move into melee range, instead pouting "you are too far away" or "out of range".

I have this same issue even with the latest update.
Edit: Fixxed this, Whoever decided too add a "use Elusive brew at 100 hp" thing is a moron lol, It spams elusive brew and is on by default

This combat routine is suddently buggy for me, It's not using Elusive brew at 10-15 stacks or whatever I set it too, instead it uses it straght off cool down. I've tried readjusting the settings and rebooting HB and all the other good stuff, However its still doing it.

Anyone know whats going on here?
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The healing on this seems legit, took a brand new char - no enchants...just some timeless pieces and not abilities on hotbar into BG's and beasted healing. lolz
was working fine with WW but switched to MW and this happens and bot wont start. any idea?
"The class profile currently loaded is Monk - Windwalker, but the current toon is Monk - Mistweaver. Please respec the toon, or select a proper class profile under settings before starting the bot."
Healing works well, how is the DPS portion of this? Any arena success stories using the dps version?
Can anyone tell me what burst does for healers? I see an option for burst, what does it do when mistweaver spec?
Tuanha is it possible to look into this ?

1) At the Chi Brew Setting, its only casting Chi Brew when our Chi is = the number we input, can you switch it to <= ? Ex. So if we set it to 4, it would cast the brew on CD, and not only when we have 4 Chi.

2) Could you add an option that would use Zen Meditation to eat traps, polis and Etc, for our Healers ? (PvP)

And as always tyvm for this CR, i really like it.

Cant wait to test the new Rogue Sub you released, I will be doing it this weekend
The MW CC seems to always oom my monk in the arena match while I see other monks healing for more and also never using as much mana as I am. I am questioning as to how efficient this CC is for MW monks in the arena, doesn't seem to be very well thought out.
The MW CC seems to always oom my monk in the arena match while I see other monks healing for more and also never using as much mana as I am. I am questioning as to how efficient this CC is for MW monks in the arena, doesn't seem to be very well thought out.
The major monk mana issue come from talent.

Use Chi Brew and do not use Glyph of Mana tea, you will not have major problem with mana.

My donor (ethanjeel in this forum) did 60 million healing in a rbg at 2k1 rating so I think mana is not the problem. It's all about setting, talent.

I can't post his screenshot without his permission, but the next best healer only heal for 30 million and they are gladiator.
theres any way 2 add a important debuff i want dispelled?
Sorry not with this version, all debuff are hard coded.

I'll add it as option in next patch (it require a lot working time on that feature so I don't think I can add it in this patch/arena season)
I do use Chi Brew and I do NOT use glyph of mana tea...however in 3s and 5s my guy still goes OOM even with the healing set at +2. My gear is optimized as well. I would like to see his setup if the info could be blanked out maybe in a PM?
The MW CC seems to always oom my monk in the arena match while I see other monks healing for more and also never using as much mana as I am. I am questioning as to how efficient this CC is for MW monks in the arena, doesn't seem to be very well thought out.

Hey mate. There are some possible improvements for cr atm but its completely efficient.I am playing 2k+ mmr in all brackets except 5s and never have any mana problems in arena.There are ofc times that u go out of mana in rbg as all healers do simply roll away get regen or drink. If you are having mana issues play with chi brew lower your surging mist and healing sphere health setting don't use mana tea glyph and u should be good.
Sorry I was referring to 5s last night i kept going oom fast. Ill try to lower the surging mist and sphere settings, everything else I have done it seems.
for 5s use surging mist like 30 percent with thunder focus tea and healing spheres like 67 68 hp and u should be good. I am not doing 5s at all only 1800 rated atm was doing for fun so i might not have the best settings for it but it was doing pretty decent.Keep in mind u need to have different routine setups agains different comps in arena if u want to push some serious rating.