One adjustment tip, if not implemented yet(?!):
Before using Mana Tea, cast RJW (if talent enabled) and use Mana Tea for the duration of RJW... this is going to ensure that some healing is happening while channeling Mana Tea.
And a question, is there a fistweave toggle? If yes, where to find? If no, there are certain fights or certain situations especially in heroic content which would be awesome to fistweave through. I know fistweaving is expensive and jab,jab,uplift is not working any longer... but still it remains a thing. Having said that, I personally feel that fistweaving is a little weak right now, depending on encounter/situation of course... but a keybound toggle would be awesome (if it is implemented already... forgive me).
One more question is the routine aware of meta gem? Because, while the gem is proced you can technically push 2 surges + 1 RJW for free...