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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Yo im using tuan war edition its fuckin amazing... and if anyone wants to collaborate and hit up some 3s or even 5s im 2.2k exp with 1900 cr in 3s and 2100 cr in 5s i got toons on both ally and horde hit me up (i also have a shammy with tuan along with hunter.)
I'm absolutely amazed at how well this CR works for all Monk specs. It out heals and dps's everyone in arena and rated bgs. My damage and crowd control is amazing. With a little tweaking of the settings to my liking, it owns all. I wouldn't use another CR. TuanHA CRs are the best!

PS- I'm using the premium version

You wrote the same comment At the hunter cr thread.
Who are you? And what do you want?
Yo im using tuan war edition its fuckin amazing... and if anyone wants to collaborate and hit up some 3s or even 5s im 2.2k exp with 1900 cr in 3s and 2100 cr in 5s i got toons on both ally and horde hit me up (i also have a shammy with tuan along with hunter.)
i have a dk thats 1800cr atm just do to lack of people willing to push rating its unholy when i get paid illl have all the tuanha premium routines but i think a few of my problems is a lack of experience trying to set it up so i just accept que and it does the rest is that possible?
You wrote the same comment At the hunter cr thread.
Who are you? And what do you want?

he's just amazed by tuanha's perfections i am amazed also my dk can out play 2.6k glad's all day long and dance circles around them and they can't even tell because ive relaxed the reaction times so its less obvious and it doesnt' act like a bot its so smooth
No you will still need to have some macros and know about positioning and you will need to tweak some settings if you want some detailed information i been 2.2k+ on my dk and im willin to help you if you want.. just pm me ur skype and ill walk you through everything.
tuanha, im currently leveling a brewmaster monk and i have a problem when i go up the mountain for zen pelgimage the CR isn't attaacking the training masters there, like Master Cheng, Master Kistane, Master Yoon, etc
it sees them as a pet ....
i know it used to work, when i leveled my first monk a way long time ago

its at the end of the log, starting @[16:12:13.148 N]


What number should we use Storm, Earth and fire on lets say protectors?

I don't understand your question but I would recommend 100% uptime (on both SEF adds) unless your raid is having an issue with a particular phase.
Use RJW focus Sun and use this macro:
/cast [target=mouseover] Storm, Earth, and Fire
to keep uptime on SEF without ever switching targets.
If you focus Sun be a nice guy and interupt "Sha Shear" at about 50% of it's cast it just saves on raid damage taken.
Wont auto face target when running gather-buddy as mist weaver. Only attacks what gets in the way. he heals fine but no turn and face while gathering. getting beat on with back turned looks terrible to passerby.
!! Dont run MW gathering until this is updated !!
Mmmm on last time the reactivity on MW monk is DROP down, I have tried Oracle and he is very reactively and the ReM is cast on CD whit HIGHLY priority ( when is off cd stop all for cast it). Uplift is cast with delay.... CR make ALL time to channel SM :( :( :( !!!
WTF tuanha, PLEASE take time for FIX Monk CR because NOW in very shitty......and add pure fistweaver healing

(sorry for my expression but is explain my "soul state". I not want change this cr with oracle...)
Mmmm on last time the reactivity on MW monk is DROP down, I have tried Oracle and he is very reactively and the ReM is cast on CD whit HIGHLY priority ( when is off cd stop all for cast it). Uplift is cast with delay.... CR make ALL time to channel SM :( :( :( !!!
WTF tuanha, PLEASE take time for FIX Monk CR because NOW in very shitty......and add pure fistweaver healing

(sorry for my expression but is explain my "soul state". I not want change this cr with oracle...)

Hes got too many CR's to give time to one specific is the only issue. He used to run fewer and updates were quicker. With one coder and that many CR's its a very time consuming ordeal. Stop taking on more classes or bring aboard another CR writer to help.
Tuanha, then WW would be ready? WW dps still crappy today :(

+1. Easily reproducible. The WW routine has multi-second pauses between attacks. I originally thought this was my high-end gaming PC not in sync with Tyrel's framelock but I don't have any other issues/pauses with my other CC routines (mage - atillo's kingwow).
I have Tuan's paid routine.
+1. Easily reproducible. The WW routine has multi-second pauses between attacks. I originally thought this was my high-end gaming PC not in sync with Tyrel's framelock but I don't have any other issues/pauses with my other CC routines (mage - atillo's kingwow).
I have Tuan's paid routine.
This ^ having same issue. Also, @ endgame gear 568ilvl dps isnt great at all, cant use it like i was for raiding anymore. Paid version.
This ^ having same issue. Also, @ endgame gear 568ilvl dps isnt great at all, cant use it like i was for raiding anymore. Paid version.
Need a log Myriddan.

Test and my dps WW is really fine, nothing changed a couple of weeks in term of PvE rotation, if it suddenly drop there must something wrong and only a log can help.