I'd love to see a hot key that calls for orb spam in my target. Other bots have perfected this as an oh shiT button to save someone
Thats why it would be better HealingSpheres can also be selftimed like that what i linked to you.
Why are you using such an old version?
There will be a hot key to spam healing sphere on You/Target/Focus for all 3 spec.I'd love to see a hot key that calls for orb spam in my target. Other bots have perfected this as an oh shiT button to save someone
There will be a hot key to spam healing sphere on You/Target/Focus for all 3 spec.
I'm already coding on it because it's really needed, I just need a few more day to finish testing...
Hey TuanHa, I may have missed something in my search, but are there any plans to implement more advanced logic for Storm Earth and Fire? It's meant to be used for WW monks to be able to cleave for council fights (Fallen Protectors are a prime example).
tuanha i have 1 question/ problem about a spell priority. I have set to 100 ReM and the logic call ReM on Cd but when channel SM CR no stop him and cast ReM. Surging Mist is set to 90. For me is a priority problem ReM > SM.
Is important on Mist-rotation.
and is possible improve the cr, other healer in my guild (shammy) give me shit![]()
Please give me a logHas there been some changes with WW or honorbuddy in just the past few days i have suddenly having issues with the bot canceling my spell.
I normally run in tyreal i have tried lazy raider aswell and getting the same issue as i run in tyreal i just use it as an aide and during trash i will cast spinning spell for aoe damage i have it setup on my mouse (steel series wow mouse) anyways i never had issues tell past few days something changed now when i hit the spinning spell it starts to spin and then it cancels i look at honorbuddy it has the text for spinning spell but says HOLD right after that.
My question has something changed and causing this to happen?? how do i fix it? i see you can do overwrite buy hitting a key yet hitting a mouse botton doesnt show on HB as hitting a key Please help me fix this it is killing my dps in raids hence i hit the spell it sping like 2 turns HOLD shows up i hit again it does again normaly not even enough to show damage done after 3rd time im out of energy..
I'm absolutely amazed at how well this CR works for all Monk specs. It out heals and dps's everyone in arena and rated bgs. My damage and crowd control is amazing. With a little tweaking of the settings to my liking, it owns all. I wouldn't use another CR. TuanHA CRs are the best!
PS- I'm using the premium version