Hi guys,
Big update for Monk today:
First: A revolutionary hot profile changer IN GAME. The first of it kind on any Combat Routine of Honorbuddy.
The main purpose is to served in very high end PvP and PvE content where you can change your setting on the fly. (Without Click Class Config and Load Setting)
The feature response to Prolifk request here http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorb...monk-ultimate-experience-605.html#post1332008 (you can read it quoted at the end of this post)
There are many cleaver usages of this feature for example:
WindWalker PvP: Make 3 setting Normal Rotation, Defensive Rotation (heal more, disable few offensive cooldown), Offensive Rotation (dps more, disable all heal spell) then keybind it to Alt-1, Alt-2, Alt-3 (or whatever keybind you want). So whenever you want to play more defensive just Alt-2, more offensive just Alt-3 or go to Normal Rotation with Alt-1
You can see the sample in User Setting/TuanHA Monk 5.4 WindWalker PvP.xml. NOTICE: My setting located in D:\Dropbox\Honorbuddy\HB\Routines\TuanHAMonkSpecialEdition\User Settings\ you NEED to change to suit YOUR folder structure. Make sure all 3 hot key profile setting file locaton are identical in all 3 setting.
MistWeaver PvE: Make 2 profile Normal Rotation and Boss Bursting Rotation (in Boss Bursting Rotation, set Heal Balancing to +10, uplift when 1 unit below 99% for example...) then keybind it to Alt-1, Alt-2. So whenever you see heavy AoE coming, just Alt-2 if the burst phrase is over, go back to Normal Rotation with Alt-1.
A lot more clever use of this up to imagination. Please be advice it's a bit complicated and better only use it when you fully understand how setting work.
Second: Fix and Improve Life Cocoon, it will never cast on Invunerable unit (Divine Shield...), Invunerable Spell unit (Anti-Magic Shell...) or unit have been covered by Pain Supression.
Third: Improve Grapple Weapon logic: Now you can Grapple weapon to help your friend low HP, when you get disarmed or enemy bursting (Rogue use Shadow Blade for example)
For now this update for SE only, please update to revision 71 or later and let me know. I'll update public release when people feel the new feature working well.
Thank you.
Thanks, sounds really good! testing!