Hey TuanHA, just bought your Special Edition... but I have a doubt and a complain...
Doubt: in your site you tell to use it with Tyrael, but in this threat and in the routine, you say it's better used with LazyRaider... Which one will gimme a smooth play?
Complain: Dunno what is happening, I've used to play wow in 5.2 and have your monk public release, it was all ok that time... Then I regressed now in 5.4 and with your special edition I'm having trouble with BoK... In some fights in SoO it works right, but then he just stops, and I have to restart game and HB all again... I don't have a clear log o post, coz when it stops working during the fight I have to use BoK myself...
BoK only works when Combo Breaker triggers... During the fight, my toon gets all 5 chi, and keeps in the auto-attack till FoF or RSK CD finishes...