
So i have a couple of ideas that would be perfect for the people who want to achieve your precious gladiator titles and so on with this CR ( few things need to be done)
As a WW monk you usually play with a lock/sp + rdruid/rsham/hpally. And specially if you play sp ww rdruid you play the comp similar like god comp got played last season. The trick is to push in with legsweep, 3 orb dp into silence follow up with some fears on the other into clones. Then you force the trinkets/def cooldowns and you reset the game. Fall back and wait for legsweep and silence + letting the priest get his 3 orbs. And then you push back in. This is is the most effective way + safe to guarantee you minimal of losses.
I will now tell what needs to be done to make this Combat routine be playable with this kind of team setups.
We need a hotkey to changeprofiles while playing. 1 profile that use all energy on damage, while one profile use the most energy on healing spheres, expel harm etc and one that have "normal" settings on the healing spheres.
So if i have one profile he dont use any healing and one profile he use almost everything on healing, and can bind it to some hotkeys this would be the key to success as a WW monk.
For example:
Ctrl + left arrow = Activate energy on only damaging abilities etc ( values on healing disabled/set to 0)
Ctrl + right arrow = Activate energy almost only healing abilities ( values on healing spheres set to 95 %)
CTRL + up arrow = Activate a balanced profile with values on healing spere set to 35-40%)
CTRL + down arrow = stop/start bot
If this get done, i will explain to the people who wonder on how you play different setups. You ask me how to play the comps and i will explain. Will only talk about viable comps of course. ( and if you get the right people to play with i will guarantee you gladiator )
The same thing should be done with the shaman combat routine.
ONE LAST THING. Do you think it is time to seperate the pvp/pve tuanha? Make one CR that is only for pve, and one that is only for pvp? To make the combat routine alot more fast.
Sincerly Prolifik