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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

thanks for great support, Tuanha..
somehow, Iam not logged my arena play today, but we made 13 games with my teammater and 3-4 of games, cr stops heal and do anything. =(
tested on dung, challenge run and bg - everything seems ok. Framelock in pve nice, not laggy, but in pvp too laggy..
Thanks once more.
thanks for great support, Tuanha..
somehow, Iam not logged my arena play today, but we made 13 games with my teammater and 3-4 of games, cr stops heal and do anything. =(
tested on dung, challenge run and bg - everything seems ok. Framelock in pve nice, not laggy, but in pvp too laggy..
Thanks once more.

are u on the special edition dont use framelock it lags even on my good pc.
If we were to use framelock with this CC do we have to turn it on in "Tyrael" and in the routine itself or just the routine or just in "Tyrael"? Is there an optimum setup for Tyrael? right now I have 45 ticks selected, and Healing mode enabled and it seems to have a slight "pause", not lag, it seems to stop for a second or so before it heals my arena partner. I didn't have that problem with LazyRaider. Should I set the ticks back to 30? or 50? 60? 200? Y'all get the idea. Currently running an i5 2500k, 16Gb of RAM, and an AMD Radeon HD 6950. Here is the last arena match I was in w/ my 2's partner. I am using the default profile "TuanHa Monk 2.0 Mistweaver PvP".

View attachment 7992 2013-08-27 16.15.txt
Do not use Framelock with any tuanha routines. It will lag as shit. It will work without much better.

I think tuanha missunderstood something. He added lockselectors to his routines and thought that it works now. This is not true.

To make it work with framelock a complete rewrite is neccesary. Its possible (i have rewritten paladin for personal use) but it needs lots of rework.

(No offense Tuanha - good luck with your routines.)
Do not use Framelock with any tuanha routines. It will lag as shit. It will work without much better.

I think tuanha missunderstood something. He added lockselectors to his routines and thought that it works now. This is not true.

To make it work with framelock a complete rewrite is neccesary. Its possible (i have rewritten paladin for personal use) but it needs lots of rework.

(No offense Tuanha - good luck with your routines.)

Thank you for the reply. Do you personally use Tyrael or LazyRaider with Tuanha's routines?
Both. There is no real difference. :)

I see, lol so far I guess my computer tends to favor LazyRaider a tad more lol. But maybe I could be missing something, that's why I came on here to find out. Thank you.

Alright it seems that to me (tested a few BGs and arenas) that LazyRaider and Tyrael were pretty much the same performance w/ 30 ticks/fps. I guess the new routine update kind of "slowed" the healing down, because I noticed that it doesn't cast spells like crazy like it used to and that I would OOM really quick, now it seems that my mana is lasting quite long.

Log w/ LazyRaider in my last BG. View attachment 7828 2013-08-27 17.02.zip should be at the very beginning, towards the end my wow crashed when I hit "exit game" lol go figure so i'm assuming that is where all those error reports are from.
Dear Tuanha I have huge FPS drops and screen freezes when routine use monk spinning crane kick for example in dungeon. This is the same issue for Tyrael and for LazyRaider.
Dear Tuanha I have huge FPS drops and screen freezes when routine use monk spinning crane kick for example in dungeon. This is the same issue for Tyrael and for LazyRaider.

The FPS drops are due to you having CR Framelock enabled on tyrael, simply turn it off in bot config when you're using tyrael.

By freezing, do you mean your mouse and keyboard input are frozen for a short second or two?
The FPS drops are due to you having CR Framelock enabled on tyrael, simply turn it off in bot config when you're using tyrael.

By freezing, do you mean your mouse and keyboard input are frozen for a short second or two?

I am not sure its Tyrael or LazyRaider problem, I guess something wrong with CR, because if I uncheck framelock function in Tyrael\LR I still receive freeze after spinning crane kick(SCK). By Freeze I mean real screen freeze for 1-3 seconds after CR use SCK. If I use SCK manually there is no screefeezes.
I am not sure its Tyrael or LazyRaider problem, I guess something wrong with CR, because if I uncheck framelock function in Tyrael\LR I still receive freeze after spinning crane kick(SCK). By Freeze I mean real screen freeze for 1-3 seconds after CR use SCK. If I use SCK manually there is no screefeezes.

Also make sure framelock isn't enabled in the actual CR itself, it's in general tab, near the bottom right corner. I had issues with crane kick aswell when trying with framelock, and also when using tyreal without framelock. So atm i'm using lazyraider setup just as Tuanha shows.
Also make sure framelock isn't enabled in the actual CR itself, it's in general tab, near the bottom right corner. I had issues with crane kick aswell when trying with framelock, and also when using tyreal without framelock. So atm i'm using lazyraider setup just as Tuanha shows.

So now best desicion - LazyRaider + Tuanha CR withour Framelock?
It seems to me there is a problem with the special edition profile. When duel or arena against the same faction that we will not react!

I disabled the framelock ..
Got a 515 ilvl Monk - dps. So im curious how this performs dps wise ?

Will it do the best possible pve rotation available ?

Does this support dps monk in arena - and will it perform good?

I hope for some answers, and i hope theyre good. So i can buy it and pwn :p
I do not understand .. profile is exellent whether PvP or PvE in all its specialization (I have not tested the Mistweaver specialization)

But it does not work against the person of the same faction that we PvP (Duel or arena)

There he has a solution? Here is the log (I already posted) But a sentence intrigues me in the log: [11:58:53.699 D] Warning: 'Factions' has been moved to the 'GrindArea'. Please reflect this change in your profiles.

A solution please?


Healing Spheres priority

I've experienced increase lag with the latest version and I went back to the previous because of this. This is not why I'm writing this post though.
After doing several arena matches with this CR I've noticed that the priority of Healing Spheres when a target is low on health is a bit too low on the priority selection.
Example: Friends health is at 35% and the enemy team just popped all cooldowns. The CR casts renewing mist to renew the buff on friend but in that Global Cooldown the friends dies. If the CR would have prioritized Healing Spheres higher the friend would've probably survived.
TL;DR HealingSphereMistLowHP() should have higher prio than RenewingMist() and the latest update with the framelock seems to lag more.

But it does not work against the person of the same faction that we PvP (Duel or arena)
I'm pretty sure it doesn't work when the guy you're duelling is in the same group as you.
I am not sure its Tyrael or LazyRaider problem, I guess something wrong with CR, because if I uncheck framelock function in Tyrael\LR I still receive freeze after spinning crane kick(SCK). By Freeze I mean real screen freeze for 1-3 seconds after CR use SCK. If I use SCK manually there is no screefeezes.

I thought you were talking about the Block User Input option in the settings. But I can verify that I'm also getting this issue too and can't seem to find a fix for it either.
I thought you were talking about the Block User Input option in the settings.

Does someone know how that works?,.. i set all movementkeys to the right letters, but when hes doing FoF he runs left or right automaticly for some seconds.