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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

I'm having quite the opposite experience with the CR and i would like for someone to look at the logs and tell me what is it i'm doing wrong. because it's not working for me.
As the title stated I select brewmaster and the monk would not attack he just cast the zez sphere and stand there. is it something i'm doing wrong or is the CR broken?? I've attached the log your response to this would be greatly appreciated TuanHA
The log is too short, can you please attach full log?
Anyone would like to share his setup for a mistweaver monk? i've tweaked a bit mine but semms it's still using alot of mana :)
i am monk tank with 536 ilvl, using this cc very often, works great in heroics, currently have 8/13, the settings i use is normal raid settings and disabling Roll, Clash and Dizzlying Haze always, for some fights i disable Guard and Dampen Harm, so i can use them when i want, right before a big attack or something
Anyone would like to share his setup for a mistweaver monk? i've tweaked a bit mine but semms it's still using alot of mana :)

I'd like it if anyone could share their settings as well? I go OOM and do very little healing. I did a mana sphere adjustment that I saw mentioned but that hasn't seemed to help much?
A quick question devoted to people that raid (pref HC) with MW monk, do you prefer Tuan's profile or another one? (purerotation for example). Tuan's profiles are PERFECT for pvp and I will keep using them shamelessly :P , but can they be outperformed by simpler profiles without so many checks in PvE? Dps wise I have seen the difference in numbers, but I have no experience on healing with these.

Simpler profiles such as purerotation can at times work better for dps classes, and I often get better performance in PvE with purerotation than Tuan for WW, due to this very fact. HOWEVER, for healing, simple rotations without logic that just go based on numbers are MUCH WORSE than Tuan. Purerotation mistweaver will react VERY quickly, but without any sort of logic, and your healing will be good with raw numbers, but very inefficient and mana consuming. Tuan's logic allows for much more efficient healing, that will many times outperform the raw numbers another rotation can throw out.

Tuan's routine also has logic for things such as Beast of Nightmares, to not heal them (though I still heal that part manually).

tl;dr - All the checks sometimes slow down DPS rotations vs simpler routines, but for healing all the checks make it a much more efficient routine.
I am STILL getting anywhere from 2-6 stacks on Heroic Twin consorts - beast of nightmare debuff --- i'm not sure what else I can do ..
sad to say ... but i've not been very impressed lately :( maybe tuanha has too many CC's out now to give them all the attention they deserve - but right now i'm going back to Pure rotation for heroic twin consorts
I was doing ToES Heroic today and had to stop Honorbuddy during the Tsulong fight because my toon wouldn't heal Tsulong during sun phase. Is this supposed to be built in or not yet? :)
Ive been having trouble with this... it may be because im trying to quest with MW but idk... my character will not run up to any mobs and attack them while running this cc it just stands in one place and doesnt turn if there are multiple mobs attacking it which is definately problematic while trying to quest to say the least XD

EDIT: honorbuddy questing bot with kicks profiles and windows 8 XD
I was doing ToES Heroic today and had to stop Honorbuddy during the Tsulong fight because my toon wouldn't heal Tsulong during sun phase. Is this supposed to be built in or not yet? :)

then you dont have the special edition the public version wont support it.
First time using a CC. I am using this in conjunction with Lazy Raider. Using WW on raid settings. Tested it once on the last boss of a Heroic and now that I have this issue, have been playing with it on the dummies. Out of Combat continues to target mobs and try to attack. I tried to pause via Lazy raider and although HB says its paused, it doesn't. So then I tried to use the hotkey CTRL and numkey 7, also didn't pause. Changed it to CTRL P, still doesn't pause. This is probably a noob mistake but what am I missing? I went to general settings and unchecked "Attack Out Combat"... tried everything I could find just short of stopping the bot and restarting which sucks.

Thanks for any insight.
then you dont have the special edition the public version wont support it.

I do have the Special Edition. Ask instead of accuse, plumber.
So this is SUPPOSED to work with SE, but yesterday it didn't.
Am I supposed to be choosing a set of settings that I don't know about?
Did a few RBGs and I just wanted to show this picture of my healing with the new healing sphere location prediction :D

32 mil and no dead, this is beyond OP
First time using a CC. I am using this in conjunction with Lazy Raider. Using WW on raid settings. Tested it once on the last boss of a Heroic and now that I have this issue, have been playing with it on the dummies. Out of Combat continues to target mobs and try to attack. I tried to pause via Lazy raider and although HB says its paused, it doesn't. So then I tried to use the hotkey CTRL and numkey 7, also didn't pause. Changed it to CTRL P, still doesn't pause. This is probably a noob mistake but what am I missing? I went to general settings and unchecked "Attack Out Combat"... tried everything I could find just short of stopping the bot and restarting which sucks.

Thanks for any insight.
Sorry I can't understand your problem, please explain more detail and give me log if possible
Tuanha, I have recently started having a problem. I use this CC a lot in 2v2 Arena with various partners. The most recent SVN update seems to have broken transcendence. Regardless of if the transcendence option in the UI is checked or unchecked, it uses it on CD if I dont move to stop it. I have the option for use set to 30, but even now sitting in town at 100% between games it is spamming transcendance.View attachment 4664 2013-08-21 00.12.txt
Anyone would like to share his setup for a mistweaver monk? i've tweaked a bit mine but semms it's still using alot of mana :)

I followed the talents and glyphs from the "tutorial" on the first page and am having some mild success. only low ilvl but am topping metres, but spending a lot of time on less than 15% mana. Seems to interrupt channeling a LOT.
Sorry I can't understand your problem, please explain more detail and give me log if possible

In short I cannot get the CC to pause. Standing in front of the heroic dummies it constantly tries to target and attack (even when HB says Lazy Raider is paused). Tried Pausing via Lazy Raider and the CC hot keys. Neither worked. Just didnt know if I missed a setting somewhere.