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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

just saw someone in raid using this routine I have the payed one as well, I knew it because of all the healing spheres and the tentativeness of the heals lol, I was thinking man thats a hard working routine, he was in lower gear so he was 3rd in heals but mine stays in first always. I think the healing version of this is one of your best ones, is the paladin one this good? I noticed you dont have as many options on the pally one as the monk one. and recently I had to downgrade my pally routine because when I updated it, there was something that said in red text that there was an error, I have used the Ret version of that routine and noticed some of the options arent there anymore after the downgrade, any word on that? by the way I really like the way the monk one is formatted, thanks for these excellent routines.
I actually think the new paladin updated few days ago better than monk.
That hb issue, not CR issue.

Try to make a HB cleanse install and you should be fine.

Are you sure? i tried a clean install and still happen.. singular works fine, too bad my Log file is a mess to find that log..
I am running TuanHA's paid Monk Combat Routine. I am using Tyrael currently, but it happens with Lazyraider also. Frame Lock is ticked OFF.

View attachment 5452 2013-07-30 13.33.txt

Fresh installation and updates of both HB and TuanHA have been done. I've been dealing with this problem for a while, I just finally got annoyed enough to actually ask for support.
hello, i was trying dungeonbuddy + tuanha monk special edition.. i used the default raid settings plus auto move tick.. well it didn't seem to move once entering into combat.. like it'd move / follow tank etc, but once tank engaged my monk stopped where it was when entering into combat.. latest hb and latest cr.. movement works just fine when questing when i use default full afk settings.. so i tried the full afk settings with dungeonbuddy also, but same thing.. i'm babysitting the bot so it isn't a huge deal, but i was wondering if it was a problem or if it's made this way or what..

thank you for the great CR tuanha!
Hey guys! I'm having a problem with this profile. Whenever active in my honorbuddy screen keeps crashing. Is it just me who is that? Anyone ever faced this same problem?
Hey Tuanha, Profile seems to crash in healing intensive fights, where alot of user input is used. spamming
/castsequence reset=14 Jab, Expel Harm, Blackout Kick, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Mana Tea, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Surging Mist, Chi Wave, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Mana Tea
causes me to crash while healing in ToT or Dungeons
that recommended talents for mistwalker page, is that also the recommended talents for the paid version or is that just for the non-paid?
Hey Tuanha, Profile seems to crash in healing intensive fights, where alot of user input is used. spamming
/castsequence reset=14 Jab, Expel Harm, Blackout Kick, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Mana Tea, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Surging Mist, Chi Wave, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Mana Tea
causes me to crash while healing in ToT or Dungeons
I use the raiding healing preset with only a few tweeks, shouldnt you only be healing in a raid? not attempting to dps, try changing it back to the raiding set up.
Simoz - how does that macro work out for you in raids? Are you able to pull some decent numbers and not blow through mana too quick?
What kind of spirit do you have - what kind of heals pet second do you get
And lastly - what progression fights are you using this for - I have had issues with the CR crashing due to user input fights simply from using heal bot to dispel on horridon
Any help from Tuanha would be great
I'm having a hard time finding settings for lower geared Mistweaver monks. I go OOM in heroics pretty fast. Averge HPS between 20K and 37K. Does anyone have good settings for around ilvl 440-460 in blues?
All supplied settings are for high ilvl, easy 500+ and that does not go well for me ;)
Hi there:

I've used this CC (paid version) for awhile and it has always worked great. But since the last HB update, it crashes my wow. HB doesn't crash, it just stops because it detects wow has closed. It basically freezes my screen, then disconnects me from server and sends me back to the wow login screen after a minute or so. It seems to do this as soon as I que for something and cast my first soothing mist. TuhnaPaladin works fine for my pally, and Kingwow for my priest works fine. I can play my monk just fine until I load up hb with tuhnamonk. I use Tyrael, no frame lock. Anyone else having these issues and know how to fix it? Its made my monk unplayable for the last 3 weeks. Thanks!
Sorry I can't.

Blizzard release a lot new trinket every patch, I don't think I can code trinket support to keep up with that pace :D

I noticed that your response was dated in May. Rune of Re-Origination is BIS for Windwalker Monks. As I am geared for it, I actually dps better manually than with your paid version since it isn't working with the trinket. I just found out the Pure Rotation does work with the trinket. I would hate to switch to something free when I paid for yours. Any chance that you might have changed your stance on this.
Hi TuanHA. i got a little problem with the monk CC when it comes to movement. When i plays a toon i use "q" to turn left, "w" forward, "e" turn right and "s" to go back. When i want to strafe i hold down the right mousebutton that is assigned to Auto attack and then use "q" or "e" to strafe left and right.

Now to the problem. When i enter a fight and starts to strafe left or right it totaly fucks up wow. What happens it that after the fight is done and i try to turn left or right the toon turns but the wow world stands still.

I am using all of your paid CC's, but this only happens on the monks cc. And it get worse if i use the "facing" ticked. If i look at the logs there are no error in it.

If i starts to play the problem always comes within 10 minutes of playing. Have searched the thread and it seems that i am the only one with this problem, or can trigger it. Tryed fresh install, but still it comes back. if i do a /reload then it goes back to normal, but comes back again after a few fights.

Edit, And the toon i am playing is a windwalker monk.
Hi TuanHA. i got a little problem with the monk CC when it comes to movement. When i plays a toon i use "q" to turn left, "w" forward, "e" turn right and "s" to go back. When i want to strafe i hold down the right mousebutton that is assigned to Auto attack and then use "q" or "e" to strafe left and right.

Now to the problem. When i enter a fight and starts to strafe left or right it totaly fucks up wow. What happens it that after the fight is done and i try to turn left or right the toon turns but the wow world stands still.

Not a CC problem.
What you're describing is the turn keys being mapped to the strafe keys. Of course it will do exactly as described. turning is not strafing.

Most likely due to choosing to hotkeying the wrong kind of strafe buttons. Can be tested out of CC by using mouse look and right clicking on the screen. And, you've changed the hotkeying for your monk, only. So far.

Change the turn keys to left and right, then use the proper left / right strafe commands to walk left / right. If you can still strafe with the Q and E keys with the right mouse button down... it works as intended.
Simoz - how does that macro work out for you in raids? Are you able to pull some decent numbers and not blow through mana too quick?
What kind of spirit do you have - what kind of heals pet second do you get
And lastly - what progression fights are you using this for - I have had issues with the CR crashing due to user input fights simply from using heal bot to dispel on horridon
Any help from Tuanha would be great

i use it in Heroic Scen, but with my preset i pull 110k hps guild is currently at 5/13, I have 13.9k spirit
I am running TuanHA's paid Monk Combat Routine. I am using Tyrael currently, but it happens with Lazyraider also. Frame Lock is ticked OFF.

View attachment 100770

Fresh installation and updates of both HB and TuanHA have been done. I've been dealing with this problem for a while, I just finally got annoyed enough to actually ask for support.
The log show you are using a very old version, please update via svn.