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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Hi TuanHA. i got a little problem with the monk CC when it comes to movement. When i plays a toon i use "q" to turn left, "w" forward, "e" turn right and "s" to go back. When i want to strafe i hold down the right mousebutton that is assigned to Auto attack and then use "q" or "e" to strafe left and right.

Now to the problem. When i enter a fight and starts to strafe left or right it totaly fucks up wow. What happens it that after the fight is done and i try to turn left or right the toon turns but the wow world stands still.

I am using all of your paid CC's, but this only happens on the monks cc. And it get worse if i use the "facing" ticked. If i look at the logs there are no error in it.

If i starts to play the problem always comes within 10 minutes of playing. Have searched the thread and it seems that i am the only one with this problem, or can trigger it. Tryed fresh install, but still it comes back. if i do a /reload then it goes back to normal, but comes back again after a few fights.

Edit, And the toon i am playing is a windwalker monk.
The override hotkey purpose is make CR do not issue any movement command as long as you touch one of your predefined keys or hold the 2 mouse. I see no relation with the issue you posted.

Can you still strafe with A and D key?
I noticed that your response was dated in May. Rune of Re-Origination is BIS for Windwalker Monks. As I am geared for it, I actually dps better manually than with your paid version since it isn't working with the trinket. I just found out the Pure Rotation does work with the trinket. I would hate to switch to something free when I paid for yours. Any chance that you might have changed your stance on this.
Sorry I can't support this
I'm having a hard time finding settings for lower geared Mistweaver monks. I go OOM in heroics pretty fast. Averge HPS between 20K and 37K. Does anyone have good settings for around ilvl 440-460 in blues?
All supplied settings are for high ilvl, easy 500+ and that does not go well for me ;)
Please lower value of Healing Sphere, Surging Mist and Soothing Mist.

Monk have bad mana problem at low level, that a know class issue.
Hey Tuanha, Profile seems to crash in healing intensive fights, where alot of user input is used. spamming
/castsequence reset=14 Jab, Expel Harm, Blackout Kick, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Mana Tea, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Surging Mist, Chi Wave, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Jab, Tiger Palm, Mana Tea
causes me to crash while healing in ToT or Dungeons
The problem is CR is too fast now and with additional user command it may crash.

Try to use tyrael with lower FPS (15-30) it will crash less.
I have been using this for WW PvP. I have the touch of death option ticked for PvP but I haven't seen the CR use it but once.
Hi Tuanha, i can stafe as normal, it's only turn left and right that get strange. I have now changed so i strafe on q&e and turn insted with mouse2 , so that works. it's only strange that it's only happens on monk and not hunter,dk,rouge and pala, because the core of the code is problabe the same for all the cc's.
I have problem on WW stance: when i fight and move left right on target, my pg lose control and runs, runs runs runs... WTF???? any solution?????
I have been using this for WW PvP. I have the touch of death option ticked for PvP but I haven't seen the CR use it but once.

It does work. I use the paid version with Tyrael. I have had it work in both World PvP and BGs. I haven't checked to see if it has go off in Arena's though although I assume it does. As someone else has pointed out, you need to have the PvP 4-set bonus which will trigger it when the target is at or below 10% of their health.
I have problem on WW stance: when i fight and move left right on target, my pg lose control and runs, runs runs runs... WTF???? any solution?????
I have the same issue. I use the paid version with Tyrael. This issue only occurs in PvE, not PvP. The only thing that I can think of is that it has something to do with the fact that I change the hotkeys to A for left strafe, D for right strafe and I change Q and E to none. That is how my keybinds are setup for manual play as well. I use the mouse for turning and some moving forward. I strafe with the keyboard. Q and E are keybound for toon commands/attacks. I have a feeling that this confuses TuanHMonk even though I have it setup correctly. What baffles me is why I don't have this issue in PvP or tanking. It is just a WW issue. Resultingly, I don't use TuanH much for WW raiding. Also, it doesn't support RoR so I end up dpsing manually for better dps. I am wondering if there is a Tyrael interaction going on.
I am wondering if there is a Tyrael interaction going on.
No, i have test it with Lazyraider and tyrael the problem persist... but in lazyraider problem is increased...
I no test it in PvP, only PvE....

For verify the problem try on dummy (remember to go on left and right with Q and E :p)
CR just standing there and not doing anything

As the title state tuanha i'm using the SE version and as a brewmaster the monk just stand there and does nothing can you pleas look into this. I've posted a log so you can see what i'm talking about


There are already better logic in WindWalker healing sphere:
- Drop healing sphere while running to target
- Drop healing sphere heal yourself
- Drop healing sphere heal your partner
- Drop healign sphere in urgent situtation

I sometime top DPS and Heal as a WindWalker in random bg... Thank for suggestion though.

I have some issue with the healing sphere as a Windwalker, my toon stay where he is and I need to click manually where I want to drop the healing sphere, anybody already has the issue?
hello, i was trying dungeonbuddy + tuanha monk special edition.. i used the default raid settings plus auto move tick.. well it didn't seem to move once entering into combat.. like it'd move / follow tank etc, but once tank engaged my monk stopped where it was when entering into combat.. latest hb and latest cr.. movement works just fine when questing when i use default full afk settings.. so i tried the full afk settings with dungeonbuddy also, but same thing.. i'm babysitting the bot so it isn't a huge deal, but i was wondering if it was a problem or if it's made this way or what..

thank you for the great CR tuanha!

this is still an issue.. or isit an issue or something not supported or what?
I have tested my problem on other computer, and no change...
WW PVE on fight to dummy my pg runs....

Can you please disable auto move feature, sometime loading tiles too slow and it make CR move like an idiot (that on all CR not only mine)

my log:
View attachment 101044
What the problem exaclty? The log show nothing wrong...

[ N] 55:031 - Hp: 100 - Chi: 2 Energy: 37 - Manichino d'Allenamento dell'Incursore - 5.05y - 100hp - Rising Sun Kick (RisingSunKick)
[ D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 107428, KnownIndex: 40
[ D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 100780, KnownIndex: 48
[ N] 56:437 - Hp: 100 - Chi: 0 Energy: 54 - Manichino d'Allenamento dell'Incursore - 3.2y - 100hp - Jab (Jab)
[ D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 100780, KnownIndex: 48
[ D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 113656, KnownIndex: 62
[ N] 58:468 - Hp: 100 - Chi: 4 Energy: 2 - Manichino d'Allenamento dell'Incursore - 2.13y - 100hp - Fists of Fury (FistsofFury)
[ N] Hold
[ D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 113656, KnownIndex: 62
[ N] Hold
[ D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 100787, KnownIndex: 59
[ N] 59:593 - Hp: 100 - Chi: 4 Energy: 2 - Manichino d'Allenamento dell'Incursore - 4.64y - 100hp - Tiger Palm (TigerPowerProc)
[ N] Burst Mode is OFF
[ N] Burst Mode Activated On Cooldown
[ D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 100787, KnownIndex: 59
[ D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 100784, KnownIndex: 41
[ N] 02:015 - Hp: 100 - Chi: 4 Energy: 57 - Manichino d'Allenamento dell'Incursore - 4.62y - 100hp - Blackout Kick (BlackoutKick)
[ D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 100784, KnownIndex: 41
[ D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 107428, KnownIndex: 40
[ N] 03:828 - Hp: 100 - Chi: 4 Energy: 85 - Manichino d'Allenamento dell'Incursore - 1.32y - 100hp - Rising Sun Kick (RisingSunKick)
What the problem exaclty? The log show nothing wrong...

My problem is that my pg runs when I fight... WW PVE.
Please Try it on dummy or LFR remamber to cast faster "left, right, back and forth". Pg lose control and start runs and is not possible stop...
Please try... I have test in 2 pc and is same...

at the end on log search "Hold"... for me is this the problem...
My problem is that my pg runs when I fight... WW PVE.
Please Try it on dummy or LFR remamber to cast faster "left, right, back and forth". Pg lose control and start runs and is not possible stop...
Please try... I have test in 2 pc and is same...

at the end on log search "Hold"... for me is this the problem...
ah I know it now... please have block keyboard on Fist of Fury off.

I'll make it default off later... that mechanic good for PvP but useless on PvE.