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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

Hello tuanha, i bought all your routines... and i love them!
i formatted my computer, and now lost my SVN username and password, so i cant update my routines =(
How can i recover my SVN user and password?
Please help me !
Ops I'm sorry to miss your post.

Please send me an email.
The problem is CR is too fast and it memory reading intensive for wow.

It scan memory every 50 ms and that the reason HB crash.

I advice to turn down FPS to 15 in tyrael, i tried it and no crash so far.

Please try it and let me know.

PS: 15 FPS is still fast enough and you don't really miss a interrupt.
This works = no crash thanks :)

Edit: played for some time more, and it did crash at 15 in tyrael :S
would it be possible to add a mana usage bar to mistweave like you have on holy pally? ill be geared enough soon so it wont matter but with crafted pvp gear it was burning through mana instantly so the holy pally gui bar would be great for other people gearing in pvp i expect.
More cc aswell please, i dont see monk disarm or paralyse. Just leave the rogue tuanha they can do everything with a lazy macro lol focus on hunter, and do a a druid cr :cool:
The monk heal mechanic totally difference from Paladin.

Paladin mechanic is simple, build holy power and use it and it more suitable for the Mana/Heal slider logic.

For monk, the heal mechanic is much more complicated and control over how often cast Healing Sphere/Healing Surge is enough for mana controlling issue.

If you go OOM too fast, try adjust Healing Sphere and Healing Surge to a lower number all other spell do not make you run out of mana if you have decent spirit.
Hi Tuanha,

Having an issue with my monk not facing mobs in combat. No matter how I configure it, it refuses to face a mob if it is engaged from behind or is fighting a group and one ends up behind it.

It just sits there until it dies. I've attached a log, but it's a mix if TuanHA and PureRotation (as I was testing other Routines to see if they had the same issue).

Any idea what could be causing it?


All I can find when I log on to your site is version 392 and 400 to download. Is this intended or am I missing something on how to get the 417 release?
does anyone have windwalker settings suggested?? i'm full on tyrannical and other ww monks just rape me in dps and in duels
Because spirit is not a thing for MW monks. I'm at a bit under 5400 spirit at 524 ilvl, and that's only because I can't get rid of any more. If you have LMG then spirit is pretty useless. If you don't, well, it's still pretty useless.

I've had this setup before and yes, you don't go OOM if you don't use any healing sphere. if you check healing sphere option then you will go OOM very quickly.
I have the special Edition, and it never uses Blood Fury - Auto Racial checked - fresh installs...is this only something on my side?
My special-edition does not have an svn when downloaded from tuanha.biz.
Email with SVN login info will send you within 24h. If you didn't received it, please send me an email.

Sorry for inconvenience.
Last night we tried some heroic Twin consorts attempts, and the CR was healing the tank with Beast of Nightmares as normal, without regard to the debuff, and it basically globalled me. Turned of level 30 talents, and the tank was using a cancelaura macro to remove RM so uplift wouldn't give me stacks, yet it continued to heal the tank as normal and it killed me every time. I don't really have a log to upload because I can't tell which log is those attempts, it looks like a normal log. The problem is that it was just healing regularly instead of avoiding healing the Beast of Nightmares tank as it should. Using the latest revision of the SE.

As a quick thought, I don't believe HS gives you a stack of corrupted healing (can anyone confirm?) so possibly could you alter the CR to only use HS on the BoN tank if that's the case.
As mirabis already said, Tuanah seems to have only included one spell-ID in the blacklist whereas you need 3 or 4 for Twin Consorts
Added do not dispel and do not detox list. (Thank Mirabis)

Fix crash issue, play 2 hour no crash so far.

Pls update and let me know.
tuanha, can do everything multilingual in Thdebuff?
internal static readonly HashSet<string> BuffBurstHS = new HashSet<string>
                "Pillar of Frost",
                "Unholy Frenzy",
                "Incarnation: Chosen of Elune",
                "Nature's Vigil",
                "Berserk ",
                "Bestial Wrath",
                "Rapid Fire",
                "Icy Veins",
                //"Time Warp",
                //"Tigereye Brew",
                "Avenging Wrath",
                "Holy Avenger",
                "Guardian of Ancient Kings",
                "Shadow Dance",
                "Killing Spree",
                "Dark Soul: Instability",
                "Skull Banner",
internal static readonly HashSet<string> BuffHealHS = new HashSet<string>
                "Wild Growth",
                "Earth Shield",
                "Echo of Light",
                "Divine Aegis",
                "Living Seed",
//"Blood Shield",
                "Renewing Mist",
                "Enveloping Mist",
                "Soothing Mist",
                "Zen Sphere",
                "Power Word: Shield",
                "Pain Suppression",
                "Illuminated Healing",
                "Sacred Shield"
                //"Enraged Regeneratione")
internal static readonly HashSet<string> InvulnerableHS = new HashSet<string>
                "Hand of Protection", //Rogue Only
                "Shield Block", //Rogue Only
                //"Desecrated Ground",
                "Divine Shield", //Grapple Weapon (Monk)
                "Ice Block",
                "Spirit of Redemption",
internal static readonly HashSet<string> InvulnerableSpellHS = new HashSet<string>
                "Anti-Magic Shell",
                "Cloak of Shadows",
                "Glyph of Ice Block",
                "Grounding Totem Effect",
                "Mass Spell Reflection",
                "Spell Reflection",
                "Zen Meditation"
 internal static readonly HashSet<string> InvulnerableRootandSnareHS = new HashSet<string>
                "Master's Call",
                "Hand of Freedom"
internal static readonly HashSet<string> InvulnerableStunHS = new HashSet<string>
                "Icebound Fortitude",
By default, HB support multi language in aura checking.

That list should work on non english client.
I have the special edition. Trying to use it with Tyrael and Lazyraider. Crashes my WoW and HB when I'm trying to heal in an LFR after about 3-4 seconds.