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TuanHA Monk - The Ultimate Experience

did a fresh HB install and he is still keep spamming tiger palm. in the logs u can see a lot of:

[21:33:47.239 D] Using Tiger Palm
[21:33:47.239 D] Windwalker: Attempting to cast:Tiger Palm; on target:nder M?nch
[21:33:47.242 D] [CGSpellBook::CastSpell] Override ID: 100787, KnownIndex: 56

what is this?

edit: turning off tiger palm helps. but this is hardly a solution? :)

tuanha, plz have a look at my logs. my WW keep spamming tiger palm for no reason.
I have played with the other Mistweaver CC and I can honestly tell you that Healing Sphere is well worth it, its low cost with a moderate return. I don't consider the move bottish due to the fact the spheres are everywhere and no one thinks twice about it. Please do consider it as I am a Special Edition donor and even without it this CC is well worth it but I don't see as it could hurt anybody. Also I sent you an email regarding the special edition repository. I got a new computer and can't seem to download it or anything. It's no longer on Drop-box etc.
Healing Sphere is under consideration on the new version, I'm still trying to calculate if the spell actually worth it.
I also think that healing sphere can be worth it at times, changed guild and they have me tank healing and it helps a lot, however I would suggest a button combination to turn it on and off at will :-)
the bot say when strart the lazyraider " ----------------------------------
If you change Talent or Glyph, just click Class Config to rebuild rotation, restart Honorbuddy is not required."
no adjustment has helped to resolve the problem
the bot say when strart the lazyraider " ----------------------------------
If you change Talent or Glyph, just click Class Config to rebuild rotation, restart Honorbuddy is not required."
no adjustment has helped to resolve the problem
It always says this, what exactly is the problem you are having? Plus post a log please!
I also think that healing sphere can be worth it at times, changed guild and they have me tank healing and it helps a lot, however I would suggest a button combination to turn it on and off at will :-)

I'm curious about this healing sphere.
when are you using it? only main tank heals? or just as a quick heal when anyone is low on hp?
the only time i see it useful is if someone is at 10% hp and you don't have time to get a smoothing mist and a surging off on them.?
its definitely not better to use healing sphere as your #1 healing spell. lol.

I'm just confused on when you would use it?
sounds like a good idea anyways :)
I'm curious about this healing sphere.
when are you using it? only main tank heals? or just as a quick heal when anyone is low on hp?
the only time i see it useful is if someone is at 10% hp and you don't have time to get a smoothing mist and a surging off on them.?
its definitely not better to use healing sphere as your #1 healing spell. lol.

I'm just confused on when you would use it?
sounds like a good idea anyways :)

Well apart from enveloping mists to top them up, if someone starts dropping and I don't have the chi for another cast I would drop a sphere on them, I talk purely for healing tanks tho as dps are usually dancing around so I don't even attempt and just uplift for them if possible! Generally on dps if it's really urgent I will left click their name and immediately hit right click on vuhdo for soothing + surging. That's because I am a human and it takes time to find them and place the circle on them, but with it built into cr it will do this automatically and fast! (especially if you use tyrael, I believe it also works while running) The button combination gives you flexibility to turn this off and on when you feel appropriate instead of just relying on it completely :-)

I only use on tank healing, far too hard finding dps and placing spell cast circle on them.
Of course soothing and surging will give more, but mana costs are bad. However it generates no chi, guess in my opinion I prefer it right now, if I was just group healing I wouldnt even think of using it.
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Healing Sphere is a good spell for some situations where you need a little "Backup" heal if you wanna say so.

let me give you some examples:

Sha of Fear (tank @boss, not @pagoda): it's important to keep the tank at 90-100% life all the time, and for that it helps to place some healing spheres under the tank which will be instantly heal the tank if he gets a high amount of damage.. of course on that fight the tank should use his own def cd's and stuff to protect him as good as he can by himself, but you will have to do a lot of healing too. (don't be afraid of going OOM, every 1:30min you teleport to the pagoda and can grab the bubbles to get your mana back :).. so going down to lets say 10% mana on Sha is ok, cause you will easily be at 100% mana in the pagoda before you go back to the sha place)

Garalon - the healing spheres will here help you to heal the pheromones kiting player a bit, while healing the group/tanks. just place 1-2 in the way of the kiting player and he will be fine. and what i do: when i take the pheromones i instantly place a healing sphere in front of me, because you can make 1 step and then the crush comes. the crush knocks you down and if you are unlucky you will lay in a pheromones field. so the healing sphere helps you to get you on a good amount of hp to stay alive when laying in a pheromones field because of the crush.

and yeah.. there are many other really usefull situations, but i prefer to place them manually. and i don't really see a need for autom. placing by the cc.
but that's just my personal preference :)

e: i do both in our raid, group+tank healing. a good mix :)
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Hey guys I had to reinstall HB today and lost the SVN link to the special edition, I know my UID and pass for it if anyone could hook me up with the svn link that would be awesome.
hi having problem on mutliple fight doesnt attack protector on elegon doesnt dps leg on garalon second boss hof phase 2 doesnt attack when boss spin multiple problem like that this is for brew master sry poor english and i use special edition
Healing Sphere is a good spell for some situations where you need a little "Backup" heal if you wanna say so.

let me give you some examples:

Sha of Fear (tank @boss, not @pagoda): it's important to keep the tank at 90-100% life all the time, and for that it helps to place some healing spheres under the tank which will be instantly heal the tank if he gets a high amount of damage.. of course on that fight the tank should use his own def cd's and stuff to protect him as good as he can by himself, but you will have to do a lot of healing too. (don't be afraid of going OOM, every 1:30min you teleport to the pagoda and can grab the bubbles to get your mana back :).. so going down to lets say 10% mana on Sha is ok, cause you will easily be at 100% mana in the pagoda before you go back to the sha place)

Garalon - the healing spheres will here help you to heal the pheromones kiting player a bit, while healing the group/tanks. just place 1-2 in the way of the kiting player and he will be fine. and what i do: when i take the pheromones i instantly place a healing sphere in front of me, because you can make 1 step and then the crush comes. the crush knocks you down and if you are unlucky you will lay in a pheromones field. so the healing sphere helps you to get you on a good amount of hp to stay alive when laying in a pheromones field because of the crush.

and yeah.. there are many other really usefull situations, but i prefer to place them manually. and i don't really see a need for autom. placing by the cc.
but that's just my personal preference :)

e: i do both in our raid, group+tank healing. a good mix :)

Agree totally, though a combination button would be nice when you can't be arsed doing it manually :-)
About 2 or 3 updates ago you changes the setting so when i pick full afk mode i never have to pick the tab at the top. now everytime i cang to raid to dungeon i have to select the tab. any reason for this???
I seem to be having the same issue as above. I set the mode to Questing, choose this CC, and load Kick's 1-90 profile set.. and I see the debugging output in the log but then I just stand there doing nothing. Very strange.
I admit I'm too lazy to go through so many pages ... I know that the 10 man settings are up on the front page, but are there any major differences to 25man LFR for settings? On occasion I still OOM on a boss I think with flask and food I have 8.5k spirit ... so was just curious :)
Also I can confirm the quest-botbase not moving-error, I created a lvl1monk and started one of kick's 1-12 profiles, and it wouldnt move with full afk preset, but when I tried with Singular it did.
I admit I'm too lazy to go through so many pages ... I know that the 10 man settings are up on the front page, but are there any major differences to 25man LFR for settings? On occasion I still OOM on a boss I think with flask and food I have 8.5k spirit ... so was just curious :)

just try to set Renewing Mist to around 85-89%, Soothing Mist to around 72-75%. (or go a bit lower, if you still have mana issues)
try to not Jab too often ;)
stay in melee range for auto-attack heals

and.. i guess you already did that, but if you didn't:
put a 320spirit gem in EVERY gear socket ;)