I'm having some problem as other guys - on some bosses other hunters with worse gear then me is doing more dps then me, idk if it's becouse procs or what it is, but it is really annoying =/
But all in all, i love this CR, it's super helpful and awesome!
ilvl doesn't just make someone's gear better...are they itemized better than you despite their "worse gear"? there's just been too many "success stories" the last few days to really blame it on the routine. The last guy for example, he's got same ilvl as me but literally triple the multistrike...
Or consider, an ilvl of 670 with mythic rings and cloak but 650 chest/legs...your ilvl is getting inflated by pieces of gear Who's stats aren't as heavily weight as others
There's just so many variables other than just the routine to be considered
Besides, skilled hand players are probably going to be better than a botter
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