Hmm, let me check it but it not outdated, and it not using the simple rotation by IcyVeins, it using the more (a lot more complicated rotation) from Simcraft...
A few user say dps is good, some say dps is low, maybe there's something wrong in the setting/talent/glyph/gear... because you are using the same combat routine
Tuanha my apologies, wasn't trying to come off as a jerk as I to use your BOT. Can it be optimized to latest priority/rotation? YES! It's not using the latest sim/ or suggested priority as of 1/13/15 when I posted that post.
Latest tested priority/rotation that does more DPS than your current (now out-dated) priority on your bot:
Serpent Sting maintained on all applicable targets.
Explosive Shot
Black Arrow
Multi-Shot (3 targets or more, ToTH and Multistrike proc up, do not delay Barrage more than 2 seconds).
Barrage (multiple targets)
Arcane Shot (ToTH)
Multi-Shot (3 targets or more, ToTH)
Glaive Toss (if moving and nothing else to do)
Arcane Shot (focus dump)
Multi-Shot (3 targets or more)
Cobra Shot/Focusing Shot (generator)
Chimaera Shot
Kill Shot (if sub-35%)
Aimed Shot (RF or CA up)
Barrage (more than one target)
Glaive Toss
Aimed Shot (Thrill of the Hunt, focus dump)
Aimed Shot (focus dump)
Steady Shot/Focusing Shot (generator)
I've ran them both in comparison to your current priority/rotation, and i'm out-dpsing your BOT by manual weave, so with a little adjustment to the rotation/priority I guarantee your customers would see a difference. They're probably seeing different numbers in Normals/Heroics (as most of your customers appear to be less progressed), I only raid Mythic, and currently working on Mythic Impregnator. Once he's down, i'll provide logs to you personally for clarification on the suggested rotation/priority.
I ranked 94% percentile (SV) using your BOT on Mythic Butcher and 98% (MM) on Mythic Koragh last night btw. Wasn't bad, but definitely could of done better had the priority been tweaked.