Hey oresal,
One thing I'm sure is you are very good at druid and you can point out the smallest error in the whole complicated rotation
New rev just updated with new Rake logic
The new Rip/Rake logic worked wonders with Moonfire spec on 2+ cleave (Ogron Twins), but it's performing worse on single target w. Bloodtalons (Kargath), so I don't think there's a problem with the AOE logics or Moonfire spec. I think the issue is related to Shred usage, since there's more focus on renewing Rip/Rake, and the CR doesn't renew Rake unless there's Bloodtalons activated, but I have to test the old revisions and the new to provide logs and determine the actual cause(s).
The week before updating to new revision, my DPS was much higher on single target Kargath than when I updated to latest revision with Rake/Rip logics.
Kargath (high dps, lower rip uptime; higher rake uptime)
Twin Ogron (high dps, moonfire; rip average damage higher)
Kargath (low dps. im still trying to figure out exactly why, but i have some ideas.)
So, there's two things I'd like to ask:
1. Please make available the revision(s) from before implementing Rake/Rip logics. add me on skype or message me on forums, because I'd like to test these revisions and the new ones on single targets, so that I can provide logs for both and figure out what's going wrong.
2. Incarnation (Spell ID 102543) counts as prowl, so it enables Improved Rake for 100% more Rake damage. So I'd like to ask, for Rake logics, that you prioritize refreshing Rake during Incarnation and especially before it's expiring. It's 100% more damage on Rake, which is the most possible damage from one single buff.
So, while rake damage is more consistent, overall single-target DPS suffers as a result. This suggests the old revision was better for single target, and the latest one is best for 2+ targets, as I mentioned previously. I'd like to test these both in depth and detail, and I can provide logs for diagnostics if you'd allow me to access the old revision - or just implement it back into the single-target rotation.
The latest revision for Rake/Rip is better for multi-target, but single-target suffers as a result.