deepsdk is the highest frost pve dpsIs TuanHA DK premium highest dps routine for pve? Or is there anything better?
i get like 40k dps less in 2h frost with tuanha premium compared to deepsdknoway Tuanha premium DK ist the BEST DPS Routine for PVE & PVP!
i get like 40k dps less in 2h frost with tuanha premium compared to deepsdk
Yeah I see it, the main purpose of adding pet interrupt is to stop that Priest Psyfiend annoying fear xDI'm issued unwanted gargoyles/elemental/copies casting interrupts in arenas, this is too bottish behaviour.
Is possible to avoid summons interrupting in future versions?
Love to see a log cedric, you already know I can do nothing without it as Necrotic working perfectly for me and most user.Necrotic strike no work for me with frost spe and last version donator
Nice suggestion, I'll add it to codeIs possible to add option to skip Unholy Frenzy usage on burst and cast it automatically on polymorphed/trapped healer mate, who has already use trinket?
Build 5.4.5131Is possible to add option to skip Unholy Frenzy usage on burst and cast it automatically on polymorphed/trapped healer mate, who has already use trinket?
2094, //Blind
105421, //Blinding Light
99, //Disorienting Roar
31661, //Dragon's Breath
3355, //Freezing Trap
1776, //Gouge
2637, //Hibernate
115268, //Mesmerize (Shivarra)
115078, //Paralysis
126355, //Paralyzing Quill (Porcupine)
126423, //Petrifying Gaze (Basilisk)
118, //Polymorph
61305, //Polymorph: Black Cat
28272, //Polymorph: Pig
61721, //Polymorph: Rabbit
61780, //Polymorph: Turkey
28271, //Polymorph: Turtle
20066, //Repentance
6770, //Sap
19503, //Scatter Shot
132412, //Seduction (Grimoire of Sacrifice)
6358, //Seduction (Succubus)
104045, //Sleep (Metamorphosis)
19386, //Wyvern Sting
Build 5.4.5131
Add option to use Unholy Frenzy on Healer / DPS to remove CC
CR will try to cast Unholy Frenzy on your Healer / DPS friend to remove these debuff IF the duration is greater than defined millisecond (default is 3000 = 3 seconds)
Credit undefined - thank you for nice suggestion.
Not sure it will break or not.While it is a great suggestion, unless they went back and changed it again Unholy Frenzy no longer breaks CC's. This has been true since March 2013 in a patch 5.2 hotfix.
Link to post - Just search "unholy frenzy" or you can see it under class changes on March 12th.
Build 5.4.5132TaunHA, the CR for 2h Frost doesn't seem to want to use Plague Strike. Is this intended?