I'm asking Cision for help setting up 2nd login server.tuanha is it not possible to add you auth login from the custom class to another secret ip witch is not from the website so they cant annoy us with the auth server those ddoser?
I'm asking Cision for help setting up 2nd login server.
It cost more but I hope we have 100% up time...
Well the logic is if there are NOT enemy player in range and you are in combat, he will attack pet that attacking you. When enemy player back to his range, he will switch to the player.
Not sure anything broken but I test a lot bg and it work just like that.
Good new for DK is after the buff we can do more dmg than Warrior. I'm having very good winning streak right now at 2126 rating 3v3:
Botbase: Tyrael @30 TPS, Framelock ON (I control movement manually)
Setting: TuanHA Death Knight Unholy PvP.xml
Spec: Unholy
Talent: [Plague Leech] [Lichborne] [Asphyxiate] [Conversion] [Blood Tap] [Gorefiend's Grasp] (I may change some talent depend on comp but this is the most common used)
Hello Tua, i have a question for you,
when i read this post i saw you are running the routine with framelock on and tyrael; on first post of the page u stated to run the routine with framelock disabled and even when u play pvp it is "recommended" to use lazyraider for best performance. Did i miss something? Should i use framelock now or? Is it better framelock for pve too? I am a bit confused, sorry if i made a nub question![]()
Best regards
P.S. I am a donator![]()
Well the logic is if there are NOT enemy player in range and you are in combat, he will attack pet that attacking you. When enemy player back to his range, he will switch to the player.
Not sure anything broken but I test a lot bg and it work just like that.
Good new for DK is after the buff we can do more dmg than Warrior. I'm having very good winning streak right now at 2126 rating 3v3:
Botbase: Tyrael @30 TPS, Framelock ON (I control movement manually)
Setting: TuanHA Death Knight Unholy PvP.xml
Spec: Unholy
Talent: [Plague Leech] [Lichborne] [Asphyxiate] [Conversion] [Blood Tap] [Gorefiend's Grasp] (I may change some talent depend on comp but this is the most common used)
Hello Tua, i have a question for you,
when i read this post i saw you are running the routine with framelock on and tyrael; on first post of the page u stated to run the routine with framelock disabled and even when u play pvp it is "recommended" to use lazyraider for best performance. Did i miss something? Should i use framelock now or? Is it better framelock for pve too? I am a bit confused, sorry if i made a nub question![]()
Best regards
P.S. I am a donator![]()
Outdated info, TuanHA should probally edit those, that info is from along time ago when TuanHA's routines werent compatable with Framelock, However allot has changed since then, so now its recommended Tyrael and too have framelock on
Your question answered here l1merainhey tuanha i don't know the cause of this (it happens randomly) my char wont even use abilities. just stand there and heal when low health. im using lazy raider so ill pause and unpause and nothing happens. im a frost&blood dk and in both specs it happens.
Also side note - you never got back to me when i asked what is the difference between the paid and public release.
I have only 1 account for Botting, CR testing, AFK, Farming... and it run with HB for 2 year without a single GM warning.Also a general question for everyone.. do you guys use these CR's on your main accounts? Or is it too risky to use this on a main acccount?
TuanHa whats your opinion on this?