Owner of the special edition, my frost DK likes to spam 'Death Pact' before summoning 'Raise Dead'. Can you add a check to see if we have a minion before spamming it?
The routine works in bg?s or questing, but actually does nothing in arena for me[unholy dk]. It just buffs at the beginning and wants me to use death coil. It doesn?t matter if i Use it or not, it will not continue doing something. I have the latest version from svn.
you need to have the special edition for that its working fine for me
how do i get the special edition ?
Yeah i noticed that also...Special SVN is not going into Blood Presence automatically when below setting mark.
Special SVN is not going into Blood Presence automatically when below setting mark.
Are you sure it doesnt just do it a litle late, i noticed it wont shift into the Set blood % ASAP it has it on a low priority and will do other stuff first, as a result i just set the % higher too compensate, its just a work around i use, But maybe Tuanha could move shifting into blood auto higher on the priority system as its very important.
There are more priority thing to do than swift to Blood Presence like:Yea that would be great if the priority of presence switch is higher then everything else!
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HI! My wow client starts lagging like hell when there are many adds in a fight, garrosh LFR in particular. I have only started using it now, also started using tyrael with it. The more adds the more lags i get. Set tps to minimum, increased wow priority in task manager - no changes. HELP !!
PS: i have 8bg RAM, radeon HD 7770, 6 core cpu.
Edit: Looks like it only laggs me if im dpsing the adds. I am blood dk btw.