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TuanHA Death Knight- The Ultimate Experience

Good morning there friends,

Today 19:00 PM Hours Spanish or 19:30 PM i will add photos here of my setting with talents for DK in Arena High Rating PVP 3v3, too will add reforges and gems, and too add some guide for Arena Surveby with some binds,

See you later friends

Still waiting :cool:
I didn't copy the right part of the post.. I meant to "For 3s when I'm running a dot cleave comp - Necro Stack on 4 Death Runes / Blood Tap on 3 Stacks / "And Activate Burst" enabled." ..

He obv. made a typo since you can't lower the ammount of Blood Tap on x Stacks to less than 5.

Yes I obviously did make a typo, it was meant to say 4 death runes / 10 blood tap stacks...not sure how I put 3 in there...thanks for picking that up, have edited post.

Beware that using 4 death runes / 10 blood tap stacks will lower your dps a lot, but the burst is INSANE! That's why it's good with a dot cleave comp because you will have good sustained to follow it up.
War Stomp needs to be blacklisted aswell as Fists of Fury. Both casts can't be interupted by using Mind Freeze :)


dk/Hunter/Holy Priest or Paly
dk/Chaman-Enh/Priest or Paly
dk/Warrior/Holy Priest or Paly


Roilling Blood
Blood Tap
Desecrated ground

Major Glyphs
Dark Simulacrum
Regenerative Magic
Icy Touch

Minor Glyphs
Resilient Grip
Death?s Embrace


Gladius Actually with button right for Set focus
GladiatorLOSA English Version for me

1) Mastery
2) Critc

Blue slots for Gems Strength + JCJ
Yellow slots for gems Strength + Mastery

MACRO and KeyBinds:

Presence Unholy (Shift + Wheel Mouse Up)
/cast Unholy presence

Presence Blood (Shift + Wheel Mouse Down)
/cast Blood presence

Asphyxiate Focus (F)
/cast [target=focus, exists] Asphyxiate

Antimagic (Button 5 Mouse) = When your Healer friend will talk you for closed Arena

Icebound Fortitude (R) = When your Heal friend will talk you for closed Arena

Pulse setting PVP helper of Tuanha and later only Changue:

Start AoE rotation OFF
Burst mode enable when enemy health below 85%
Necro Stack on 3
Blood TAP 5
Auto Presence OFF
Icebound Fortitude OFF
All Asphixiate OFF
Auto Target OFF
All Strangulate OFF
LichBorne Only Deffensive with coils, never for cc if dont required for Healer friend




1.1.1 The mage will begin with invisibility,
1.1.2 You will stop warrior for portal warlock and you go with your healer, when the mage appears he will use the spell of sheep on your healer, but the bot will stop cast this spell with death grip,
1.1.3 You begin with your damage on mage and when the mage down his life 85% you will use burst with gargole on mage,
1.1.4 The enemy warrior begin with a stun and fear in your fellow healer, you will use Asphixyate on warrior to mitigate damage, and the warlock will silence to the mage use bind and mitigate damage,
1.1.5 When the druid appears, the warlock will use fears and fears on the druid, and you will use Asphixyate on druid too
1.1.6 When the druid use Encarnation you go with your healer
1.1.7 When finish Encarnation you must use Asphixyate on druid, you and the warlock will use burst damage on druid, the warlock will use fears and fears on mage and the druid must die,


1.2.1 The shaman will use hex on warrior and you'll stop the hunter for the warlock could put the portal
1.2.2 The Warlock will stand close on Shaman for first scatter-Trap of Hunter
1.2.3 Your first focus damage must be the Hunter, you will use all Death Grip on Hunter and use Asphixyate on Reckleness of warrior on Warlock or Shaman
1.2.4 The Warlock and Shaman will use the portal in Cooldown for Mitigate Damage (If you are the focus of enemies they will loss the Arena because the Warlock will be free for fears fears on Holy Paladin and big Damage)
1.2.5 If the warrior have used the burst...you will can use the Asphixyate on Holy Pala for do Presure on Hunter (Your Focus will be always the Hunter enemie)
1.2.6 If the Holy Pala use the Guardian you need to go with your Heal
1.2.7 The Holy Pala will use Bubble when the Warlock/DK use some Fear/Asphixyate on him because your Presure and the presure of Warlock on Hunter is very BIG,
1.2.8 When the holy Pala finished your Bubble, your new Focus is the Pala Holy and your Asphixiate will be for the Warrior and the Warlocks Fears for Hunter,
1.2.9 The Holy Pala must die Sure


1.3.1 You will try stop the cast of Portal of Warlock, and will stop the DK Enemie for your Warlock friend could cast the Portal
1.3.2 You need make Presure on warlock enemie always, all stop cast for Warlock Enemie (very important stop cast the fears)
1.3.3 You will use all Death Grip on DK Enemie (This DK...will be doing big Damage on your Warlock Friend or Shaman Friend)
1.3.4 You will use all Asphixyate on Shaman (Only usa the Asphixyate on Warlock when this player are using Big Damage "Burst Mode")
1.3.5 You use your first Burst on Warlock with Asphixyate on Shaman Resto Enemie
1.3.6 Your Shaman Friend must Stop Cast all Warlock Spells and will must to do Hex on Shaman Resto Enemies
1.3.7 Your Warlock Friend will must Silence Warlock on Burst Mode Warlock Enemie
1.3.8 Your Warlock Friend must use Fake some Fear for cast Fear on Shaman Resto Enemie
1.3.9 On Second Burst with Gargole and the Burst Mode of Warlock Friend Changue with Asphixyate on Shaman Resto....and he must die
Note: If you take this way you will have more chances of winning than the other team, but the game will be very Hard in high Rating
A newer version just uploaded to SVN server!

The update include:
Fix the annoying bug do nothing in Arena for a few seconds
Improve logic
SVN update reminder (if you use old svn and there's a newer version, CR will tell you to update)

To Update please open folder Honorbuddy/Routines

Right Click Folder [Combat Routine Name]
> SVN Update working copy. (If you see that option)
> SVN Update

Thank you.
so im using the tyreal bot and also done the folders correct however half the options are whited out and cannot be checked or unchecked, also the bot wont necrotic strike at all ;S
Anyone has CC trying to heal pet with Death Coil after GY resurrection in BGs? I'm always forced to click elsewhere. Not that big deal, I was wandering if it might be something not working properly.

problem with this routine is whenever i use it i always get these annoying af lag spikes (they happen almost every 5 seconds so it makes the routine unusable)
Tama, thats working as intended. After you get revived you have a buff that lets you cast everything for free for a few seconds. The CR uses this to get 1 stack of Shadow Infusion by healing the pet.

I am having some issues with keeping on up with my target when using auto movement in arena, (I have the special edition version). If they are a melee and don't move a lot it's fine but if they are a caster and constantly moving the bot struggles to keep up, it feels as tho it moves to them stops and uses a spell/ability then checks where they are and moves again.

i have a completely fresh install of honourbuddy, I have tried all bot bases (tyrael, lazy raider, raid bot, party bot and combat bot) out of all of them I find combat bot to work the best (in regards to keeping up with my target) but still not good enough.

(P.s - i have tried tyrael and lazy raider with framelock off and adjusted the tps accordingly but neither of them move well for me)

any suggestions that that I could try?

Thank you for the reply Tuanha , I have been doing arena with myself you see. Me playing my main account as a healer and my dk on my botting account with this profile, not going for rating just for cap each week but I was hoping I could get it to stick on my target better.

I am having some issues with keeping on up with my target when using auto movement in arena, (I have the special edition version). If they are a melee and don't move a lot it's fine but if they are a caster and constantly moving the bot struggles to keep up, it feels as tho it moves to them stops and uses a spell/ability then checks where they are and moves again.

i have a completely fresh install of honourbuddy, I have tried all bot bases (tyrael, lazy raider, raid bot, party bot and combat bot) out of all of them I find combat bot to work the best (in regards to keeping up with my target) but still not good enough.

(P.s - i have tried tyrael and lazy raider with framelock off and adjusted the tps accordingly but neither of them move well for me)

any suggestions that that I could try?

Please control your movement manually.

Arena is fast and competitive, please don't semi afk like that lol

To get high rating, I think we MUST at least control the movement.
Last night we hit 2200 in 2's as UH/Rsham on BG9. Attached are my settings.

We were losing to other DK teams mostly... I cant seem to get out as many necros as they can. Control gnaw and burst myself.
View attachment 107693
Good luck!

Thank you Ineepoch.

I'm on BG9 too.

It's really hard to get the 2k2 rating... Is your shaman manual play or...?