Which revision was working best for you?
edit: Whoah, just saw you use Chillblains > Asphyxiate and Runic Corruption > Blood Tap, can I ask why?
Is this a particular setup you use for 2v2 or does this setup work best with the CC?
I'm genuinely curious seeing as you are 2.2 in 2s with this CR and the highest I've been is 2040, but now struggling to get to 2k since everyone is more geared.
But yes, it seems with latest Rev I am having a very hard time killing anyone in arena as well.
Lost to a 1700mmr enhance sham / holy pally team, I did 10 million more damage than the Enhance sham, the Pally did 19 million healing, however the whole time almost he was spamming Denounce, and not once did either of them look like they were taking any damage, despite me doing almost double the enhance shaman's damage..
I have Necrotic stack on 2 death runes with Blood Tap on 5 stacks and Burst mode enabled when player health below 70%.
This is setup for 2v2 and tbh I use it in rbgs (2k) and 3s (2100 as TSG). For me, Chillblains because I play with rsham and the slow peels on warriors (which is every fight above 2100) has been more constant for us. Runic corruption because I keep more pressure on the target because of fast rune regen. I tried bloodtap but felt rune starved. So chillblains to stay on target and runes always available has worked well for us. I play from Aus so the 200ms + hitting a healer that isnt snared causes broken keyboards.
I control all burst myself with a macro and necro strike on 2 or 3. We line up a hex into strang into cap totem and it causes heaps of pressure on most teams. That being said... tonight has been epic fail because of low dmg/pressure from CR change.
Oh and I think it was 2 rev ago that worked best for me.