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TuanHA Death Knight- The Ultimate Experience

Tuanha , i tried your 3 necrotic stack options today and its droping dps seriously...

Weird it isnt dropping damage for me at all, Btw pvp is NOT about DPS its about burst damage or in Unholy's case, Burst healing absorbs, the new Deathrune/Necro option is working like a dream
Weird it isnt dropping damage for me at all, Btw pvp is NOT about DPS its about burst damage or in Unholy's case, Burst healing absorbs, the new Deathrune/Necro option is working like a dream
If you are doing 2.2k+ RBGs , DPS is more important ;) CR stops for deathrunes come up for necrotics..
By the way my dps droped very much after update...
If you are doing 2.2k+ RBGs , DPS is more important ;) CR stops for deathrunes come up for necrotics..
By the way my dps droped very much after update...

Your assuming im not playing at 2200+ or something?, Treat RBGs like 2v2, you wont be trainign a target for prolonged time, so set the deathrune counter too 2, works brilliant for me in 2s and RBGs and DPS isnt important in RBGs either, your AoE and Necro stacking are.
If you are doing 2.2k+ RBGs , DPS is more important ;) CR stops for deathrunes come up for necrotics..
By the way my dps droped very much after update...
If you don't want to keep the deathrunes for necrotics, I think you can just change the configuration of necrotic stack options to "1".
Then it will not stop using skills and save the deathrunes for necrotics and your dps will increase.
Hmmm so the CR isnt using Icy Touch on a DK (level 59 atm)

Did the whole DK starting area by hand because kicks profile didnt work and I was dying because the CR wasnt doing enough dps to survive because he wasnt using Icy Touch..
Your assuming im not playing at 2200+ or something?, Treat RBGs like 2v2, you wont be trainign a target for prolonged time, so set the deathrune counter too 2, works brilliant for me in 2s and RBGs and DPS isnt important in RBGs either, your AoE and Necro stacking are.
Its waste necrotics on RBGs (you dont be able to do it cuz change targets in 3-4 sec) Looks like you are pro with over 3k , now please stop talking , cuz i really need solution for this. Its very bad on RBGs. Still good for 2s and 3s...
If you don't want to keep the deathrunes for necrotics, I think you can just change the configuration of necrotic stack options to "1".
Then it will not stop using skills and save the deathrunes for necrotics and your dps will increase.
I tried , doesnt work :(
I tried , doesnt work :(
Or you just disable the necrotics.
I remember there are several place need to be unclick to disable it.
Or you can modified the setting files and search necrotics, and you will find a "YES" after the spell.
Change it to "NO", then the CC will not use necrotics anymore.
Since I am not at home now, I cannot test it, but it should work.
Or you just disable the necrotics.
I remember there are several place need to be unclick to disable it.
Or you can modified the setting files and search necrotics, and you will find a "YES" after the spell.
Change it to "NO", then the CC will not use necrotics anymore.
Since I am not at home now, I cannot test it, but it should work.

Didnt see the options to disable necrotics... But i ll try to find disable it in setting files...
Didnt see the options to disable necrotics... But i ll try to find disable it in setting files...

You will still want to use necrotics in RBG's. Padding the damage meters with pure AoE is ok if your winning but your meant to call a target and apply Necrotics to mitigate healing on said target.

I set blood tap to 5 and Necrotic strike stack to 3 and im topping damage as well as doing my role properly.
Do many of you use the auto movement? I find it really bad as it only seems to check where my target is every 2seconds or so. By the time iv ran to where they were they have moved so if death grip is on CD it just gets kited all day.

I tried a plugin (stick like glue or something) which works amazingly in BGs but won't seem to take over the CCs auto movement on any other bot base eg combat bot, lazy raider, party bot or tyrael, I have tried turning auto movement off in the cc but then it does not move at all.

Basically what I'm asking is there a way to allow a plugin to override the CCs movement?
Didnt see the options to disable necrotics... But i ll try to find disable it in setting files...

My dps settings for RBG's are as follows:

-Start AoE rotation on: 3+ targets
-Disable Necrotic Stack on "x" death runes
-Burst mode enable when enemy health below 70%

Use Pestilance / DnD/ Shifting presence glyphs.

At the end of the RBG I am ALWAYS top damage done by a LONG WAY

My damage sources are from:

Blood Plague > Frost Fever > Blood Boil / Death Coil > rest

I got invited to a 2400+ group that is running next week because I ran in a 1800 mmr group that consisted of Grand Marshal alts.

This CC does work VERY well for RBG's, you just need to know how to configure it right.

As for Arena's, I have multiple profiles that I use:

For 2s - Necro Stack on "2" Death Runes / Blood Tap on 5 stacks.

For 3s when I'm running a comp that requires more sustained dmg - Necro Stack on "3" Death Runes / Blood Tap on 5 stacks.

For 3s when I'm running a dot cleave comp - Necro Stack on 4 Death Runes / Blood Tap on 10 Stacks / "And Activate Burst" enabled.

This CC is still very good at the moment, and will only get better when the new HB comes out. The only issues I'm running into at the moment is the bot stopping attacking sometimes when I switch targets and when I get CC'd - but as far as I know this is a HB issue as it happens with my Hunter CC and Millz Demonic CC.

One request I have is if an "AoE" toggle/hotkey could be added - purely for RBG's of course, for example: would be really good to switch between AoE mode in big groups then when you call a target and switch to them with 3/4 death runes up to stack necrotics or if CC's are going out to avoid breaking them.
hi, is it possible to have a option to let the pet only attack healers/focus ? this would be very nice
atm its always attacking my actual target, but in situations when im not able to run after the healer i want to attack the dd, but my pet should stay on the healer to prevent drinking or casting a hymn and stuff like that
also in a rbg it would be cool to always have the pet on a healer to interrupt while im dps?ng a dd

thanks in advance!
Its waste necrotics on RBGs (you dont be able to do it cuz change targets in 3-4 sec) Looks like you are pro with over 3k , now please stop talking , cuz i really need solution for this. Its very bad on RBGs. Still good for 2s and 3s...

How rude, i offered advice and this is the response you give...
My dps settings for RBG's are as follows:

-Start AoE rotation on: 3+ targets
-Disable Necrotic Stack on "x" death runes
-Burst mode enable when enemy health below 70%

Use Pestilance / DnD/ Shifting presence glyphs.

At the end of the RBG I am ALWAYS top damage done by a LONG WAY

My damage sources are from:

Blood Plague > Frost Fever > Blood Boil / Death Coil > rest

I got invited to a 2400+ group that is running next week because I ran in a 1800 mmr group that consisted of Grand Marshal alts.

This CC does work VERY well for RBG's, you just need to know how to configure it right.

As for Arena's, I have multiple profiles that I use:

For 2s - Necro Stack on "2" Death Runes / Blood Tap on 5 stacks.

For 3s when I'm running a comp that requires more sustained dmg - Necro Stack on "3" Death Runes / Blood Tap on 5 stacks.

For 3s when I'm running a dot cleave comp - Necro Stack on 4 Death Runes / Blood Tap on 3 Stacks / "And Activate Burst" enabled.

This CC is still very good at the moment, and will only get better when the new HB comes out. The only issues I'm running into at the moment is the bot stopping attacking sometimes when I switch targets and when I get CC'd - but as far as I know this is a HB issue as it happens with my Hunter CC and Millz Demonic CC.

One request I have is if an "AoE" toggle/hotkey could be added - purely for RBG's of course, for example: would be really good to switch between AoE mode in big groups then when you call a target and switch to them with 3/4 death runes up to stack necrotics or if CC's are going out to avoid breaking them.
-Start AoE rotation on: 3+ targets -------------- i didnt realized difference with this. Cr still using DnD and Blood Boil when this options disabled.
-Disable Necrotic Stack on "x" death runes ------------ where is this options? i cant find it :) and what is X?
Good morning there friends,

Today 19:00 PM Hours Spanish or 19:30 PM i will add photos here of my setting with talents for DK in Arena High Rating PVP 3v3, too will add reforges and gems, and too add some guide for Arena Surveby with some binds,

See you later friends
im having some problems using TuanHA routines ill rune 3 bots the same time having zero probs with other CR all bots have like 120+ FPS but when im using TuanHA's routines my FPS is at like 50-60 and droppes every 10-15 secs to like 10-15 FPS...
if im running 1 Bot with TuanHA and the others 2 Bots with Singular the only FPS drop is at the TuanHA Bot....
Pls help


-Start AoE rotation on: 3+ targets -------------- i didnt realized difference with this. Cr still using DnD and Blood Boil when this options disabled.
-Disable Necrotic Stack on "x" death runes ------------ where is this options? i cant find it :) and what is X?

Do you have the latest Rev. of Special Addition? Need to download it from Tuan's site after you have logged in.

The Necrotic Stack on "x" death runes setting should be on Advanced or Advanced 2 tab, the "x" is the number of Death Runes you set it to so that it saves that amount of Death Runes and then uses them all for Necro so you get a HUGE necro absorb.

The AoE rotation setting makes a HUGE difference in damage done - but it is mostly padding/AoE dotting. It is good if you wanna look good in random RBG's or if you are running a DoT cleave RBG team, because it spreads diseases to EVERYTHING.

The CC still uses Blood Boil and DnD even without this because you most likely have DnD snare setting enabled and it uses Pestilence / Blood boil when it detects more than 3 enemies around to spread diseases / to get death runes.
Do you have the latest Rev. of Special Addition? Need to download it from Tuan's site after you have logged in.

The Necrotic Stack on "x" death runes setting should be on Advanced or Advanced 2 tab, the "x" is the number of Death Runes you set it to so that it saves that amount of Death Runes and then uses them all for Necro so you get a HUGE necro absorb.

The AoE rotation setting makes a HUGE difference in damage done - but it is mostly padding/AoE dotting. It is good if you wanna look good in random RBG's or if you are running a DoT cleave RBG team, because it spreads diseases to EVERYTHING.

The CC still uses Blood Boil and DnD even without this because you most likely have DnD snare setting enabled and it uses Pestilence / Blood boil when it detects more than 3 enemies around to spread diseases / to get death runes.

Thx for explanation. I already have latest revision. Just i meant if you put x value on necrotics it wont be disabled. You just wrote ''Disable Necrotic Stack on "x" .